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Invalid gzip data (fflate gzipped the file) and corruption on decompression (Deno)

See original GitHub issue

I am seeing a few issues with Gzip/Gunzip on Deno.

One is, compressing then decompressing modest size text files, give corrupt and much smaller uncompressed version. Another is compressing a modest sized binary file is generating an invalid compressed file format, and when attempting to decompress get an Invalid gzip data exception.

I wrote the following test to demonstrate the problem:

import * as fflate from '';

async function zpipe(reader: Deno.Reader, stream: any) {
  let total = 0;
  async function push(p: Uint8Array, isLast?: boolean) {
    console.log('push', p.byteLength);
    await stream.push(p, isLast);
    total += p.byteLength;
  let prevBlock;
  for await (const block of Deno.iter(reader)) {
    if (prevBlock) await push(prevBlock);
    prevBlock = block;
  if (prevBlock) await push(prevBlock, true);
  console.log(`pushed ${total} bytes`);

function zip(from: string, to: string, options = {}) {
  let total = 0;
  return new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const hFrom = await, { read: true });
    const hTo = await, { write: true, create: true, truncate: true });
    const zipper: any = new fflate.Gzip({ level: 9 }, async (chunk: Uint8Array, isLast: boolean) => {
      console.log('zip write chunk', chunk.byteLength);
      await hTo.write(chunk);
      total += chunk.byteLength;
      if (isLast) {
        console.log(`zip close dest file, ${total} bytes`);
    await zpipe(hFrom, zipper);
    console.log('zip close source file');

function unzip(from: string, to: string) {
  let total = 0;
  return new Promise<void>(async (resolve, reject) => {
    const hFrom = await, { read: true });
    const hTo = await, { write: true, create: true, truncate: true });
    const unzipper: any = new fflate.Gunzip();
    unzipper.ondata = async (chunk: Uint8Array, isLast: boolean) => {
      console.log('unzip write chunk', chunk.byteLength);
      await hTo.write(chunk);
      total += chunk.length;
      if (isLast) {
        console.log(`unzip close dest file, ${total} bytes`);
    await zpipe(hFrom, unzipper);
    console.log('unzip close source file');

const fn = Deno.args[0];
await zip(fn, `${fn}.gz`);
await unzip(`${fn}.gz`, `${fn}.unzipped`);

As a test, I downloaded fflate.js and compressed and decompressed that using the code above:

deno run --allow-all gzip.ts fflate.js

The resulting file sizes are:

-a----       20/03/2021     15:43          54748 fflate.js
-a----       21/03/2021     00:57          14322 fflate.js.gz
-a----       21/03/2021     00:57          16384 fflate.js.unzipped

For the binary file test, I generated a 32kb binary random file using dd

dd if=/dev/random of=LARGE_FILE ibs=1k count=32

Then compress it with the above code:

deno run --allow-all gzip.ts LARGE_FILE

This throws an error on the unzip:

error: Uncaught (in promise) invalid gzip data

And file reports a strange size on the compressed file:

LARGE_DATA.gz:        gzip compressed data, last modified: Sun Mar 21 01:01:11 2021, max compression, from Unix, original size modulo 2^32 100822718

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments:5 (3 by maintainers)

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101arrowzcommented, Mar 21, 2021

I tried this and you are right, it failed to work properly on Deno. However running a similar script on Node works just fine:

// cmp.js
const { Gzip } = require('fflate')
const { createWriteStream, createReadStream } = require('fs');

const gz = new Gzip((dat, final) => {outs.write(dat), final && outs.end()});

const ins = createReadStream(process.argv[2]);
const outs = createWriteStream(process.argv[2] + '.gz');

let lastChk;
ins.on('data', dat => {
  if (lastChk) gz.push(lastChk)
  lastChk = dat;
ins.on('end', () => gz.push(lastChk, true));
$ node cmp.js buf
$ cat buf.gz | gunzip > out
$ diff buf out


So I did a bit of digging and as it turns out, Deno reuses the buffer each time you read a chunk! That means that prevBlock is exactly the same reference as block, meaning that you skip the first chunk entirely and duplicate the last chunk. So to fix it, you need to either copy the buffer after each iteration (yuck!) or use the new Uint8Array(0) trick (much faster). Hope that helps.

101arrowzcommented, Mar 21, 2021

By the way, I noticed you were using fflate untyped, but you can easily add TypeScript support like this:

// @deno-types=""
import * as fflate from '';

// Types are now supported, no need to cast or use `any`
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