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[QUESTION] interplay with multiprocessing

See original GitHub issue

Describe the bug

I’m trying to run parallel tasks with a timeout per task (using multiprocessing) inside an API method. On trying to terminate the child processes post the time limit, the server process shuts down and disconnects.

To Reproduce

  1. Create a file:
import os
import time
import uvicorn
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor

def simple_routine(sleep_for):
    print(f"PID {os.getpid()} has sleep time: {sleep_for}")
    return "done"

def test_endpoint():
    print(f"main process: {os.getpid()}")

    START_TIME = time.time()
    with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as pool:
        futures = [
            pool.submit(simple_routine, 1), 
            pool.submit(simple_routine, 10), 

        results = []
        for fut in futures:
                results.append("not done")

       # terminate the processes which are still running
        for pid, proc in pool._processes.items():
            print("terminating pid ", pid)
    print("exiting at: ", int(time.time() - START_TIME))
    return True

async def app(scope, receive, send):
    await send({
        'type': 'http.response.start',
        'status': 200,
        'headers': [
            [b'content-type', b'text/plain'],
    await send({
        'type': 'http.response.body',
        'body': b'Hello, world!',

if __name__=="__main__":, host="", port=5000)
  1. Run it as python
  2. Open another python interpreter and make this web request.
import requests
for _ in range(20):
  1. The server process shuts down after the first request.

Expected behavior

We start 2 processes one of which exceeds the time limit after which we try terminate it. The server shouldn’t shut down and continue serving requests. Interestingly, the server doesn’t actually exit until the long running process is complete.

INFO:     Started server process [7041]
INFO:     Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
INFO:     Waiting for application startup.
INFO:     ASGI 'lifespan' protocol appears unsupported.
INFO:     Application startup complete.
INFO: - "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 OK
main process: 7041
PID 7060 has sleep time: 1
PID 7061 has sleep time: 10
terminating pid  7060
terminating pid  7061
exiting at:  10
INFO:     Shutting down
INFO:     Finished server process [7041]

With Flask, the behavior of an identical app is as expected.

main process: 1015
PID 1035 has run time: 1
PID 1039 has run time: 1
PID 1038 has run time: 10
terminating pid  1035
terminating pid  1038
terminating pid  1039
exiting at:  2 - - [09/Jan/2020 08:51:37] "POST /test-endpoint HTTP/1.1" 200 -


  • OS: [Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS]
  • Uvicorn Version: 0.11.1
  • Python version: 3.6.8

Additional context

This came up while trying to port a WSGI application to FastAPI - link. On suggestion of @dmontagu, I tried to reproduce it with starlette and just uvicorn and saw that the error persists.

Hypercorn shows similar behavior in that the application shuts down after serving the first request. So, the issue likely has something to do with how async servers manage processes? Could you please point to where I might look to solve this?

Thank you for looking.

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 4 years ago
  • Reactions:2
  • Comments:14 (5 by maintainers)

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Mixsercommented, Jun 15, 2022

Hi, @selimb there is an explanation what is happening and why

asyncio setups signal handler in a specific way – it calls signal.set_wakeup_fd and passes an fd of the opened socket. After it, if any signals are sent to the process, they will be written to this socket/fd.

Any child process will inherit not only signal handlers’ behavior but an opened socket. And as a result, when we are sending a signal to the child process, it will be written to the socket and the parent process will receive it too, even though this signal was sent not to him; Or if you will send it to the parent process, the child process will receive this signal too;

How you can avoid this behavior – at the very beginning of the child process you can execute the following code

signal.set_wakeup_fd(-1) # don't send the signal into shared socket

signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_DFL) # reset signal handlers to default
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) # reset signal handlers to default

PS. I’ve downloaded an example from, and added signal.set_wakeup_fd(-1) to the first line of the worker_sync method. And as a result, I got an expected result (one call for main process, and three calls for child):

[4560] handling signal with asyncio
[4560] main
[4561] worker sleeping...
[4560] 3 procs still alive
[4563] worker sleeping...
[4562] worker sleeping...
[4560] 3 procs still alive
[4560] 3 procs still alive
^C[4563] handle_sig_worker (2, <frame at 0x1012d8220, file '/Users/mike/Work/fast-api-multiprocessing-problems/', line 77, code worker_sync>) {}
[4562] handle_sig_worker (2, <frame at 0x1012d8220, file '/Users/mike/Work/fast-api-multiprocessing-problems/', line 77, code worker_sync>) {}
[4561] handle_sig_worker (2, <frame at 0x1012c7d60, file '/Users/mike/Work/fast-api-multiprocessing-problems/', line 77, code worker_sync>) {}
[4560] handle_sig_main () {}
[4560] 3 procs still alive
[4560] 3 procs still alive
[4561] worker done
[4563] worker done
[4562] worker done
[4560] no procs alive
[4560] main done
johnthagencommented, Jun 3, 2021

For FastAPI usage, I solved this by setting multiprocessing to use the "spawn" method in FastAPI’s startup event handler:

import multiprocessing

app = FastAPI()

def startup_event() -> None:
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