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Sessionstorage is constantly growing

See original GitHub issue

The session storage seems to be constantly growing When running etherpad we see a constantly growing number of session storage values in the database.

Is there a way to clean them up? We already looked into the script, which didn’t help. . So it seems that this sessions are no group sessions.

A standard session storage entry looks like:

| sessionstorage:----KdezcUojWiGfuzBgo1L-OnF4SbbZ | {"cookie":{"path":"/","_expires":null,"originalMaxAge":null,"httpOnly":true,"sameSite":"Lax","secure":false}} |
| sessionstorage:---0sPTO0IIvtWBpbYpccywxSImVqSf_ | {"cookie":{"path":"/","_expires":null,"originalMaxAge":null,"httpOnly":true,"sameSite":"Lax","secure":false}} |
| sessionstorage:---2pUJfjIE00yXpIkrzvHvUEOCLKI2X | {"cookie":{"path":"/","_expires":null,"originalMaxAge":null,"httpOnly":true,"sameSite":"Lax","secure":false}} |

Server (please complete the following information):

  • Etherpad version: 1.8.13
  • OS: Debian Buster
  • Node.js version (node --version): v14.16.1
  • npm version (npm --version): 6.14.12

Additional context

All session storage keys values from mariadb:

MariaDB [etherpad]> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM store WHERE `key` LIKE 'sessionstorage%';
| COUNT(*) |
| 16306299 |
1 row in set (14.974 sec)

None session storage keys values from mariadb:

MariaDB [etherpad]> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM store WHERE `key` NOT LIKE 'sessionstorage%';
| COUNT(*) |
| 54156416 |
1 row in set (36.645 sec)

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:6 (4 by maintainers)

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xshadowcommented, Apr 17, 2021

Thanks for etherpad as software and the fast reply. Thanks for pointing me to this issue.

If I calculated this correct, those 16 million session won’t require more space than 300MB, so this is fine. But I think it would be great if they could expire automatically or by or a session garbage collector job 😃

rhansencommented, Dec 10, 2021

Design idea:

  • express-session config changes:
    • set maxAge, value TBD (maybe 7 days so the user doesn’t have to keep logging in?)
    • set rolling=true so that a session stays alive as long as the user stays connected
    • set saveUninitialized=false to lower the load on the db (though it might not help in our case because I think we always modify the session object)
    • set resave=false to lower the load on the db (though it might not help due to rolling=true)
  • SessionStore changes:
    • implement the touch() method
    • when creating/updating/touching a session, (re)set a timer that auto-deletes the session’s db record when it expires
  • call req.session.touch() each time the server receives a ping or message from the client

A problem with the above scheme: The constant .touch() calls might increase the load on the db considerably. We could reduce db load by skipping a db write unless it would extend the saved lifetime by more than some threshold. (In other words: Trade accuracy for reduced load.) For example, we could set maxAge to 14 days and only update the db record if it would extend the lifetime by 7 days or more. That should reduce db load to one write per week per session, which is trivial.

Another problem: We would need to clean up old session records after a dirty shutdown, or after upgrading from a version of Etherpad that doesn’t expire sessions. ueberdb doesn’t have cursor support so we can’t just iterate over all records that match sessionstorage:*. We could add cursor support to ueberdb, but that would take a lot of effort. Alternatively, with some clever key prefixing we can iterate over old sessions in small batches. Here’s one approach:

  • Add two new numeric db records:
    • instanceId: A counter that is incremented each time Etherpad starts up.
    • caughtUpToInstanceId: Used to clean up session state from previous Etherpad runs. Always less than or equal to instanceId.
  • When saving a session, use key `sessionstore:${instanceId}:${sid}` (instead of the current `sessionstorage:${sid}`) and delete records `sessionstore:${caughtUpToInstanceId}:${sid}` through `sessionstore:${instanceId - 1}:${sid}`.
  • When looking up a session ID, fetch all keys `sessionstore:${caughtUpToInstanceId}:${sid}` through `sessionstore:${instanceId}:${sid}` (inclusive) in parallel. Of the non-null results, use the one with the highest instance ID.
  • On startup, launch a worker thread to clean up or migrate session state from previous runs:
    for (; caughtUpToInstanceId < instanceId; ++caughtUpToInstanceId) {
      // The following query should return a small number of keys (the number of
      // sessions that were active when instance caughtUpToInstanceId exited).
      for (const key of getAllDbKeysWithPrefix(`sessionstore:${caughtUpToInstanceId}:`)) {
        const sess = getDbValue(key);
        // If the session is still valid, save under the current instanceId and start a cleanup timer.
        if (!isSessionExpired(sess)) saveSession(sess);

To clean up legacy `sessionstorage:${sid}` records, we could do something like this:

const alphabet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
const sidCharset = `_-0123456789${alphabet}${alphabet.toUpperCase()}`;
for (const chars of cartesianProductGenerator(Array(4).fill(sidCharset))) {
  for (const key of getAllDbKeysWithPrefix(`sessionstorage:${chars.join('')}`) {

But it would probably be better to just have the user issue a native DB query to delete all of the legacy records.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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