Unable to Access Group(Private) Pad.
See original GitHub issueDescribe the bug After following the steps in the HTTP API. I am unable to access the newly created private Pad.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Create a New Author.
- Create a New Group.
- Create a New Pad for group.
- Create Session for Group and Author
- Create Cookie via console =
Expected behavior The user should be able to access the Pad.
LOG The below log should explain the Author/Group/Pad/Session ID’s that are used and visible.
[2020-09-24 15:35:42.305] [INFO] console - Using skin "colibris" in dir: E:\etherpard\src\static\skins\colibris
[2020-09-24 15:35:42.306] [INFO] console - Session key loaded from: E:\etherpard\SESSIONKEY.txt
[2020-09-24 15:35:42.306] [WARN] console - DirtyDB is used. This is fine for testing but not recommended for production. File location: E:\etherpard\var\dirty.db
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.131] [INFO] APIHandler - Api key file read from: "E:\etherpard\APIKEY.txt"
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.273] [INFO] console - Installed plugins:
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.278] [INFO] console - Report bugs at https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite/issues
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.279] [WARN] console - Can't get git version for server header
ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'E:\etherpard/.git'
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.280] [WARN] console - Can't get git version for server header
ENOENT: no such file or directory, lstat 'E:\etherpard/.git'
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.280] [INFO] console - Your Etherpad version is 1.8.6 ()
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.373] [INFO] console - You can access your Etherpad instance at
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.374] [INFO] console - The plugin admin page is at
[2020-09-24 15:35:43.375] [WARN] console - Etherpad is running in Development mode. This mode is slower for users and less secure than production mode. You should set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production by using: export NODE_ENV=production
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.271] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.276] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file skins/colibris/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.401] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/iframe_editor.css.
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.410] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/iframe_editor.css.
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.669] [INFO] access - [CREATE] Pad "g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV": Client VSycLhMGokcqDrtFAAAA with IP "" created the pad
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.715] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.715] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file skins/colibris/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.867] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:35:47.868] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file skins/colibris/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:36:01.928] [INFO] API - REQUEST, v1:createAuthorIfNotExistsFor, {"apikey":"62280500f4dd0f8a79652ca818db41f7a402d4e9801088a25d0046fe99630fe6","name":"Chetan Madaan","authorMapper":"55"}
[2020-09-24 15:36:01.929] [INFO] API - RESPONSE, createAuthorIfNotExistsFor, {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"authorID":"a.MZVqoaZsSpbDQtIp"}}
[2020-09-24 15:36:06.219] [INFO] API - REQUEST, v1:createGroupIfNotExistsFor, {"apikey":"62280500f4dd0f8a79652ca818db41f7a402d4e9801088a25d0046fe99630fe6","groupMapper":"1"}
[2020-09-24 15:36:06.220] [INFO] API - RESPONSE, createGroupIfNotExistsFor, {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"groupID":"g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV"}}
[2020-09-24 15:36:12.568] [INFO] API - REQUEST, v1:createGroupPad, {"apikey":"62280500f4dd0f8a79652ca818db41f7a402d4e9801088a25d0046fe99630fe6","padName":"New Pad","text":"This is the first sentence in the pad","groupID":"g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV"}
[2020-09-24 15:36:15.824] [INFO] API - REQUEST, v1:createGroupPad, {"apikey":"62280500f4dd0f8a79652ca818db41f7a402d4e9801088a25d0046fe99630fe6","padName":"New Pad 2","text":"This is the first sentence in the pad","groupID":"g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV"}
[2020-09-24 15:36:15.825] [INFO] API - RESPONSE, createGroupPad, {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"padID":"g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV$New_Pad_2"}}
[2020-09-24 15:36:19.538] [INFO] API - REQUEST, v1:createSession, {"apikey":"62280500f4dd0f8a79652ca818db41f7a402d4e9801088a25d0046fe99630fe6","groupID":"g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV","authorID":"a.MZVqoaZsSpbDQtIp","validUntil":"1670974012"}
[2020-09-24 15:36:19.540] [INFO] API - RESPONSE, createSession, {"code":0,"message":"ok","data":{"sessionID":"s.8db6fe22639b52296c96662b80d12860"}}
[2020-09-24 15:36:25.818] [INFO] access - [LEAVE] Pad "g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV": Author "a.uMseXjpZznKYTaCW" on client VSycLhMGokcqDrtFAAAA with IP "" left the pad
[2020-09-24 15:36:25.847] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:36:25.847] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file skins/colibris/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:36:26.180] [WARN] message - Authentication try failed:{"component":"pad","type":"CLIENT_READY","padId":"g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV$New_Pad_2","sessionID":"s.6b367440d8b91110497f2d8362870926","password":null,"token":"t.NlKmI5EcyHhfvY5Cqgmp","protocolVersion":2}
[2020-09-24 15:36:45.207] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:36:45.214] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file skins/colibris/pad.css.
[2020-09-24 15:36:45.553] [WARN] message - Authentication try failed:{"component":"pad","type":"CLIENT_READY","padId":"g.65AaH4xwY7FIqPxV$New_Pad_2","sessionID":"s.8db6fe22639b52296c96662b80d12860","password":null,"token":"t.NlKmI5EcyHhfvY5Cqgmp","protocolVersion":2}
You can see the last WARN has the correct session ID set but for some reason the Pad is still not visible.
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- Windows
- Eitherpad 1.8.6
- Chrome
Any directions/help would be appreciated.
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:45 (19 by maintainers)
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Thanks for the quick reply! The cherry pick 3886e95 didn’t fix it, but your proposed change in #4357 did. Can be closed for me.
I just spotted a typo in the session check code. @alyberty: Would you please try #4357 and let me know if it fixes it for you?