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Calling raw SQL with return type IQueryable<T>

See original GitHub issue

Good afternoon, and I am using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.11 and linq2db.EntityFrameworkCore 5.0.8, I am trying your library for the first time and I have a few questions. I have:

public enum EdgeType

public class Edge
    public Guid FromId { get; set; }
    public Node From { get; set; }
    public Guid ToId { get; set; }
    public Node To { get; set; }
    public EdgeType Type { get; set; }

public abstract class Node
    public string OwnerType { get; set; }
    public Guid OwnerId { get; set; }
    public ICollection<Edge> Edges { get; set; }

public class GraphPath
    public Guid[] Path { get; set; }
    public Guid FromId { get; set; }
    public Guid ToId { get; set; }
    public EdgeType Type { get; set; }
    public int Depth { get; set; }

public class DataContext : DbContext
    public DbSet<Node> Nodes { get; set; }
    public DbSet<Edge> Edges { get; set; }
    public DbSet<GraphPath> GraphPath { get; set; }
    public IQueryable<GraphPath> SearchGraph(Node root, EdgeType[] types, int depth, int limit)

SQL function with signature

create or replace function search_graph(IN "root_id" uuid,
                                        IN "types" edge_type[] default array[]::edge_type[],
                                        IN "depth" int default 99999,
                                        IN "limit" int8 default 2000000000,
                                        out "Path" uuid[],
                                        out "FromId" uuid,
                                        out "ToId" uuid,
                                        out "Type" edge_type,
                                        out "Depth" int)
    returns setof record as
    sql text;
    sql := format($_$ WITH RECURSIVE search( "FromId", "ToId", "Type", "Depth", "Path" ) AS
    (select ...)
$_$, "root_id", "types", "limit", "depth");
    return query execute sql;
$$ language plpgsql strict;

which returns a table with multiple rows of data.

I want to get: I need to implement requests like

    var q = from node in db.Nodes
            let grath = db.SearchGraph(node, types, 10, 10)
            where grath.Any()//or other conditions with ".Where"
            select new { node, grath = grath.ToList() };

    var result = q.ToLinqToDB().ToList();

How I tried to implement this:

i had several attempts to implement this

version 1, use FromSqlRaw EF Core

public IQueryable<GraphPath> SearchGraph1(Node node, EdgeType[] types, int depth, int limit)
    var nameTranslator = NpgsqlConnection.GlobalTypeMapper.DefaultNameTranslator;
    var typesStr = string.Join("','", types.Select(t => nameTranslator.TranslateMemberName(t.ToString())));

    var sql = $"select * from search_graph({node.OwnerId}, array['{typesStr}']::edge_type[], {depth}, {limit})";
    return GraphPath.FromSqlRaw(sql).ToLinqToDB();

version 2, use FromSql linq2db

public IQueryable<GraphPath> SearchGraph2(Node root, EdgeType[] types, int depth = 99999, int limit = 2000000000)
    var nameTranslator = NpgsqlConnection.GlobalTypeMapper.DefaultNameTranslator;
    var typesStr = string.Join("','", types.Select(t => nameTranslator.TranslateMemberName(t.ToString())));

    var sql = $"select * from search_graph('{root.OwnerId}', array['{typesStr}']::edge_type[], {depth}, {limit})";
    return this.CreateLinqToDbContext().FromSql<GraphPath>(sql);

version 3, use Sql.Extension

[Sql.Extension("select * from search_graph('{root}', array['{types}']::edge_type[], {depth}, {limit})", ServerSideOnly = true)]
public static IQueryable<GraphPath> SearchGraph3(Guid root, string types, int depth, int limit)
    throw new LinqException($"'{nameof(SearchGraph)}' is server-side method.");

version 4, use recursive CTE

public IQueryable<GraphPath> SearchGraph4(Node node, EdgeType[] types, int depth = 99999, int limit = 2000000000)
    var graphSte = this.CreateLinqToDbContext().GetCte<GraphPath>(search =>
                from edge in Edges
                where edge.FromId == node.OwnerId
                        && types.Contains(edge.Type)
                select new GraphPath
                    FromId = edge.FromId,
                    Path = Sql.Ext.PostgreSQL().NewArray(edge.FromId),
                    ToId = edge.ToId,
                    Type = edge.Type,
                    Depth = 1
            .OrderByDescending(e => e.Type)
                from edge in Edges
                from sg in search
                where edge.FromId == sg.ToId
                    && !Sql.Ext.PostgreSQL().ArrayContains(sg.Path, edge.FromId)
                    && types.Contains(edge.Type)
                    && sg.Depth <= depth
                select new GraphPath
                    FromId = edge.FromId,
                    Path = Sql.Ext.PostgreSQL().ArrayAppend(sg.Path, edge.FromId),
                    ToId = edge.ToId,
                    Type = edge.Type,
                    Depth = sg.Depth + 1
            .OrderByDescending(e => e.Type)
    .Select(x => new GraphPath
        Depth = x.Depth,
        FromId = x.FromId,
        Path = Sql.Ext.PostgreSQL().ArrayAppend(x.Path, x.ToId),
        Type = x.Type,
        ToId = x.ToId

    return graphSte;

Version 3 did not work even once, I found out that this is related to the return type IQueryable<GraphPath>, if you use a primitive return type, then SQL is generated, but, of course, it does not work correctly. Is there any way to use Sql.Extension with an IQueryable<T> return type?

Versions 1,2,4 work as separate queries of the form

var graph = db.SearchGraph(node, types, 10, 10).ToList();

But they do not work inside other requests, as in the example above.

Tell me which way should I go to implement this? And one more thing, is it possible to combine EF Core DbContext and LinqToDbContext in one request as it is done in versions 2 and 4?

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:9 (4 by maintainers)

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sdanylivcommented, Nov 10, 2021

Well, finally I see what happened. Will figure out how to solve that elegantly. But actually problem in your code.

sdanylivcommented, Nov 8, 2021

Will prepare sample tomorrow, sorry for delay. It is strange that CTE won’t work.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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