Date range validation
  • 14-May-2023
Lightrun Team
Author Lightrun Team
Date range validation

Date range validation

Lightrun Team
Lightrun Team

Explanation of the problem


The problem is related to the JavaScript library yup, which is used for schema validation. The user has written two tests to validate a number range and a date range, but the second test fails with a “RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded” error message. The first test works as expected, and the user is unsure how to modify their code to properly validate a date range.

In the code provided, the user defines a yup object schema that validates a date range, with a required “start” field and an optional “end” field. The “end” field is only validated if the “start” field is present, and must be greater than or equal to the “start” field. However, when the user attempts to validate a date range in the second test, the validation fails with a RangeError.


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Problem solution for: Date range validation


One potential solution to this issue could be to modify the yup schema to include a custom validation function that checks the validity of the date range. This function could be defined using the yup.mixed().test() method and would take in the entire object schema as its input. The function could then validate the “start” and “end” fields using a custom logic that ensures the “end” date is not earlier than the “start” date. Below is an example implementation of this custom validation function:


const validateDateRange = (obj) => {
  const { start, end } = obj;
  if (!start || !end) {
    return true; // don't validate if either field is missing
  return moment(end).isSameOrAfter(start); // custom validation logic

const schema = yup.object({
  end:'date-range', 'End date must be after start date', validateDateRange),


With this custom validation function included in the schema definition, the user should be able to validate a date range without encountering the “RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded” issue.


Other popular problems with yup


Yup is a powerful JavaScript schema validation library that is widely used in web applications. Despite its popularity, there are a few common issues that developers may encounter when working with Yup. One such issue is that Yup may throw an error when attempting to validate a date range. This can occur when using Yup’s .min() method, which is used to check that a value is greater than or equal to a specified minimum value. The issue can be resolved by using the .min() method on the date object itself, rather than on the Yup schema.


const schema = yup.object({
  end:'start', (start, schema) => {
    return schema.test({
      test: end => end >= start,
      message: 'End date must be greater than or equal to start date',

  start: new Date('2022-01-01'),
  end: new Date('2021-12-31'),
.catch((e) => {


Another common issue with Yup is when attempting to validate nested object structures. Yup’s default behavior is to only validate the first level of an object, which can lead to validation errors being missed. To validate nested object structures, developers can use Yup’s .shape() method to create a sub-schema for each nested object. This ensures that all levels of the object are validated.


const schema = yup.object({
  name: yup.string().required(),
  age: yup.number().required(),
  address: yup.object().shape({
    street: yup.string().required(),
    city: yup.string().required(),
    zip: yup.string().matches(/^[0-9]{5}(?:-[0-9]{4})?$/).required(),

  name: 'John',
  age: 30,
  address: {
    street: '123 Main St',
    city: 'Anytown',
    zip: '12345',
.catch((e) => {


Finally, another common issue with Yup is when attempting to validate arrays of objects. Yup’s default behavior is to validate each object in the array individually, which can lead to errors being missed if the objects have dependencies on each other. To validate arrays of objects with dependencies, developers can use Yup’s .test() method to create custom validation rules.


const schema = yup.array().of(
    name: yup.string().required(),
    age: yup.number().required(),
    name: 'date-range',
    message: 'End date must be after start date',
    test: function (value) {
      const { startDate, endDate } = value;
      return startDate <= endDate;

    name: 'John',
    age: 30,
    startDate: new Date('2022-01-01'),
    endDate: new Date('2021-12-31'),
.catch((e) => {


By understanding these common issues and how to address them, developers can effectively use Yup to validate their data and ensure the reliability and consistency of their web applications.


A brief introduction to yup


Yup is a JavaScript object schema validator library that is designed to make form validation in web applications much simpler. It provides a way to define a schema for an object and validate it against that schema. Yup is very flexible and can be used with many different JavaScript frameworks and libraries, including React, Vue, and Angular. Yup is also very extensible and can be customized to fit the specific needs of a project.

Yup provides a variety of validation methods that can be used to ensure that data is in the correct format and meets the necessary requirements. Some of the most commonly used validation methods include string validation, number validation, and date validation. Yup also allows for conditional validation, which means that certain validation rules will only be enforced if certain conditions are met. Additionally, Yup provides a way to define custom validation methods for situations where the built-in validation methods are not sufficient. Overall, Yup is a powerful and versatile tool for data validation in JavaScript applications.


Most popular use cases for yup


  1. yup can be used for schema validation in JavaScript applications. It allows defining validation rules for objects, arrays, and nested structures. Here’s an example of a basic schema validation using yup:


import * as yup from 'yup';

const schema = yup.object().shape({
  name: yup.string().required(),
  email: yup.string().email().required(),
  age: yup.number().positive().integer().required(),

const data = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  email: '',
  age: 25,

  .then(() => console.log('Valid'))
  .catch(err => console.log(err));


This code defines a schema that expects an object with properties name, email, and age, and validates that name is a required string, email is a required email string, and age is a required positive integer.

  1. yup can be used for form validation in React applications. It integrates well with form libraries such as Formik and Redux Form. Here’s an example of form validation using Formik and yup:


import { Formik, Form, Field, ErrorMessage } from 'formik';
import * as yup from 'yup';

const schema = yup.object().shape({
  name: yup.string().required(),
  email: yup.string().email().required(),
  age: yup.number().positive().integer().required(),

const MyForm = () => {
  return (
      initialValues={{ name: '', email: '', age: '' }}
      onSubmit={(values, actions) => {
      {({ isSubmitting }) => (
            <label htmlFor="name">Name</label>
            <Field type="text" name="name" />
            <ErrorMessage name="name" />
            <label htmlFor="email">Email</label>
            <Field type="email" name="email" />
            <ErrorMessage name="email" />
            <label htmlFor="age">Age</label>
            <Field type="text" name="age" />
            <ErrorMessage name="age" />
          <button type="submit" disabled={isSubmitting}>Submit</button>


This code defines a form with three fields name, email, and age, and uses Formik to manage form state and submit handling. yup is used to define the validation schema and validate the form values.

  1. yup can be used for data transformation and coercion. It allows defining custom transforms and coercions for data types. Here’s an example of data transformation using yup:


import * as yup from 'yup';

const schema = yup.object().shape({
  price: yup.string().transform((value, originalValue) => {
    if (typeof originalValue === 'string') {
      return parseFloat(originalValue.replace(',', '.'));
    return value;

const data = {
  price: '1,23',

schema.cast(data); // { price: 1.23 }


This code defines a schema that expects an object with a price property, and defines a custom transform for price that replaces commas with dots and converts the result to a float. The cast method is then used to apply the transform to the data object.


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