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$columns + ORDER BY ... WITH FILL ... not works

See original GitHub issue

Hello everyone,

I have an issue while trying to create alert rule on Grafana using this plugin. Issue is that different graphs are plotted using same query on “Create alert rule” and “Explore” sections. Because of this i am unable to create multi dimensional rule as described here.

In Explore section graph is plotted correctly and requests are grouped by status code as thay should.

Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 10 58 31

But, using same query in Create alert rule section i got strange grouping which i don’t understand.

Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 11 00 17

I have tried the same thing with InfluxDB as a source and graphs were indentical.

I am not sure why it is behaving like this so any insight is welcome.


    $timeSeries as t,
    sum(request) as request,
FROM $table
    AND status_code != 201 AND status_code != 0
GROUP BY t, status_code

ClickHouse: (official build) Grafana version: v8.4.1 (53f5c6a44c) Plugin version: v2.4.2 Plugin was installed using grafana-cli command. ClickHouse and Grafana are installed on Debian 11

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  • State:open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:23

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kuri-mancommented, Mar 7, 2022

@Slach I’ve written an example below.

Create a timeseries with some category that we want to group on:


    timestamp DateTime,
    category LowCardinality(String),
    value UInt64
) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY timestamp

    (now(), 'A', 1),
    (now(), 'B', 2),
    (now() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE, 'A', 2),
    (now() - INTERVAL 15 MINUTE, 'B', 5),
    (now() - INTERVAL 60 MINUTE, 'A', 4)

Produce a query:

$columns(category, sum(value) AS c)
FROM test_data
WHERE $timeFilter(timestamp)

Generated SQL:

SELECT t, groupArray((category, c)) AS groupArr FROM ( SELECT (intDiv(toUInt32(timestamp), 15) * 15) * 1000 AS t, category, sum(value) AS c FROM test_data
WHERE timestamp >= toDateTime(1646641819) AND timestamp <= toDateTime(1646663419) AND timestamp >= toDateTime(1646641819) AND timestamp <= toDateTime(1646663419)(timestamp) GROUP BY t, category ORDER BY t, category) GROUP BY t ORDER BY t

I’d like to create an alert for if the total of value over the last 30 minutes is >5 for any one of the series. I did this with a reduce + math expression. image

The sum by series appears to work correctly, but I notice that they’re each displayed by the query name rather than by the category. When I try to evaluate this, I get an error that @Enton-72 hit: image

When using a classic condition the alerting does work as expected. However, there are some limitations to that approach (any single label triggering the alert will prevent new alert updates when a second label would trigger it). I’m running plugin version 2.4.3, grafana 8.4.3.

Slachcommented, Mar 4, 2022

@kuri-man could you provide your query and Generated SQL?

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