Dynamic Logs

Dynamic Logs allow developers to add new log lines anywhere in the codebase without writing new code or redeploying the application.

  • Add new logs without stopping the running application or losing state
  • Troubleshoot across AWS, Azure, GCP, Kubernetes, serverless, on-prem, and more
  • Insert and consume logs without ever leaving the IDE
  • All logs are performant, read-only, and safe

Log in Real Time, On Demand

Lightrun enables developers to add Dynamic Logs to live applications without needing to restart, redeploy or even stop the live application.

Instead, all Lightrun Logs:

  • Can be added to multiple applications, simultaneously
  • Can be added based on a variety of code-level conditions
  • Can be added at runtime and triggered when a specific code path is invoked
  • Are safe, read-only, and performant


Reduce Logging Costs

Developers tend to over-log their application during development. They worry that if they don’t have this or that log in production, they won’t be able to troubleshoot the issue at hand.

Lightrun eliminates this worry, enabling developers to add logs at runtime and focus only on what they need, when they need it.

This way, the majority of logs are never emitted since they are never written in the first place, resulting in reduced logging costs by up to 40% for our customers.


Remote Applications, Local Visibility

Lightrun works completely within the IDE, allowing you to ‘pop the hood’ of your application right next to its source code.

Every single Lightrun Log is added from the IDE and instrumented in real-time in your live applications. Once instrumented, it can be viewed in your IDE or streamed to your logging solution.


See It For Yourself

If you want to get your hands dirty quickly, we offer a fully-featured version
of Lightrun on Kubernetes in our Playground.

Lets Talk!

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