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What does `nb_conda_kernels` do?

See original GitHub issue

nb_conda_kernels got added to my Anaconda installation on an update a few months back. Since then I’ve been confused as to what it does - it seems to make sharing Notebooks harder. What am I missing?

Here’s my workflow:

  • Create a new environment for a project using conda
  • Make some Notebooks, commit to git, share to collaborator
  • Collaborator makes a similar environment, clones my repo
  • Using an activated environment the collaborator, having the same named project environment, is asked to select an environment (and presumably this changes the metadata for the Notebook)

I don’t understand why this just doesn’t use the default environment that jupyter notebook was run from. What’s the advantage to me of activating an environment, starting a Notebook, then having to choose the same environment (and/or having a collaborator mess with the metadata when we’re sharing Notebooks)?

What’s the thinking behind fixing a Notebook to a (edit - removed “machine”) specific environment name?

Update - I’ve now upgraded to 2.0 (which still required me to choose a kernel when I started a Notebook), I see on the installation page that I could also run python -m nb_conda_kernels.install --enable --prefix="%CONDA_PREFIX" which I’ve done because it looks magic, but not because I know what it’ll fix.

For reference the Notebook metadata in this case contains:

  "kernelspec": {
    "name": "conda-env-fds-py",
    "display_name": "Python [conda env:fds]",
    "language": "python"

Hoping someone can set me straight...

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 7 years ago
  • Comments:11 (4 by maintainers)

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jankatinscommented, Sep 13, 2016

[note: most of this information is based on my usage of the environment_kernel_manager which more or less has the same idea as nb_conda_kernels]

The kernel isn’t specific to the machine, it uses a name defined by the conda environment name: in this case the nb_conda_kernels creates a (virtual) kernel spec for each conda environment (which has a kernel installed?). So if you both have nb_conda_kernels installed and the same name for the projects conda environment, it should work.

Just to comment on the idea for a newish workflow:

  • install jupyter notebook in a new/root environment which only contains the notebook (i.e. no “project related” stuff) -> you only need to install the notebook once.
  • create a new environment for your project via conda (e.g. via a environment.yml file in your project dir) and install IPykernel in there
  • start the notebook server from the root/first environment in the project directory (e.g. via full path to jupyter.exe or whatever it is called on mac/linux)
  • create a new notebook by choosing the kernel from the project environment -> you don’t need to activate the env! [… hack and share …]
  • get your collaborator to create the same environment(s), especially an environment with the same name as your project environment
  • open notebook and it should work

The “default name” is actually depended on having a jupyter kernel in the same environment as the jupyter notebook, which does not need to be the case (at least I tried to remove it, but conda didn’t let me, bu AFAIK there shouldn’t be a technical reason other than not confusing the user).

damianavilacommented, Apr 10, 2017

Closing this one since the original discussion stopped a long time ago. Please reopen (or open a new issues) if you have further questions.

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github_iconTop Results From Across the Web

GitHub - Anaconda-Platform/nb_conda_kernels
This extension enables a Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab application in one conda environment to access kernels for Python, R, and other languages found...
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Nb Conda Kernels - ::
Launch Jupyter kernels for any installed conda environment. Conda · Files · Labels · Badges. License: BSD 3-Clause; 917683 total downloads ...
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nb-conda-store-kernels - PyPI
This extension enables a Jupyter Notebook or JupyterLab application to access environments stored in Conda-Store and run kernels for Python, R, ...
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Get Your Conda Environment to Show in Jupyter Notebooks
1. First, install nb_conda_kernels in your base environment. · 2. Next, create a new environment. · 3. Activate the environment you want to...
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Using Jupyter Notebook extensions - Anaconda Documentation
With Anaconda you can download and install 4 extensions for the Jupyter Notebook ... Notebook Conda (nb_conda); Notebook Conda Kernels (nb_conda_kernels).
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