Ant Design Mobile 2.0 beta
See original GitHub issue- English Version.
- 中文版请往下滑。
It’s been over half a year since antd-mobile@1.0
release, through 26
version upgrade and hundreds of issue tracker. We are happy to announce that the first antd-mobile@2.0
beta is now available for public testing. V2 is lightweight, more easy to use, 100% Preact compatible. 🎉
What’s better ?
1. out of the box 😊
antd-mobile@1 rely on several webpack configuration and mandates users to use viewport scale and rem staff, which caused a lot of complaints. The good news is that v2 no more have this requirement, see below example:
// install deps
npm install antd-mobile@next
// import component and style
import { Button } from 'antd-mobile';
import 'antd-mobile/dist/antd-mobile.css';
// here you go
ReactDOM.render(<Button loading>Start</Button>, mountNode);
What did we do ?
- We write a hairline mixin to draw 1px border,which is inspired of framework7, but we optimize it to both compatible with viewport scale and not scale usage.
- We write a simple inline script to do svg sprite,so no need of
. - We modified react/react-native filename extension,no need of
. - Add a theme variable
to make switch from viewport scale and not scale easier.
Does v2 still allow users write stylesheet like the way they does in v1 ? Or does v2 support a smooth upgrade?
The answer is Yes
. antd-mobile v2 philosophy is progressive enhancement. More detail see upgrade notes
2. lightweight⚡️
version | antd-mobile.min.js size | components size / percent | node_modules size / percent |
1.6.5 | 568.4k | 142k / 24.9% | 426k / 74.9% |
2.0.0-alpha.13 | 467.4k | 136k / 29.0% | 331k / 70.8% |
v2 have 47+
components,the umd bundle size reduced by 101Kb
, which means 17.8%
decrease! 🎉
More detail can be found at antd-mobile bundle-size analysis
Wow, do you guys removed lots of feature?
No. We just refactored most of our fundamenta module. Such as removed moment.js,replaced hamemr.js with rc-gesture etc.
3. 100% compatible with Preact 🌈
Since antd-mobile is an uikit for mobile, we care about bundle size and performance a lot. From this point of view, Preact seems a good choice.
After sufficient test and necessary refactor, we now already shipped our official demo site to preact totally!
What’s New ?
- Add Calendar ,DatePickerView .
- Rewrite
with more flexible Api,such as support sticky header etc. - Refactor
,support both square mode and auto height mode。 - Make
as a sub mode ofModal
, resolve the issue that Popup content can not rerender by props change once after mounted. - No longer auto switch style according to useragent,but use ios design as default. Support
api to switch to android. - Finish all english doc,see en-US。
More detail info please see chaneglog
What’s Next?
- Continue to test with preact and reduce bundle size.
- Start to optimize animation performance and user experience.
- Improve the upgrade document, sample or codemod staff.
Relative Information
- beta site:
- upgarde note:
- changelog:
- issue:
- github:
Thanks for all contributor and bug reporter.
发布已半年多, 历经 26
个版本迭代,解决并关闭了几百个 issue, 在阿里巴巴十八周岁生日这天,我们也很高兴的宣布:
更轻量,更易用,性能更好 的 antd-mobile@2.0 正式开始 beta
What’s better ?
1. 零配置,开箱即用 😊
antd-mobile@1 的用户可能深有体会,v1 出于移动业务的需求集成了高清方案,svg sprite 等高级特性,但强依赖构建配置的方式急剧提升了上手和使用复杂度。好消息是,经过整体重构,v2 已无需任何配置,效果如下:
// install deps
npm install antd-mobile@next
// import component and style
import { Button } from 'antd-mobile';
import 'antd-mobile/dist/antd-mobile.css';
// here you go
ReactDOM.render(<Button loading>Start</Button>, mountNode);
做了什么黑魔法呢 ?
- 内置了 hairline mixin 实现 1px 线,可兼容 viewport 缩放与不缩放。
- 简化并 inline 了 svg sprite 逻辑,无需
。 - 修改了 react-native 组件引用, 无需
配置。 - 新增单位变量
那 v2 是否支持业务自行添加缩放高清方案?1.x 的项目又是否能平滑迁移?
答案是 Yes
. 得益于 antd-mobile v2 渐进增强的哲学和实现方式。1.x
项目升级成本相当小,详见 升级指南
2. 体积显著减小,更轻量 ⚡️
版本 | antd-mobile.min.js 体积 | components 体积 / 占比 | node_modules 体积 / 占比 |
1.6.5 | 568.4k | 142k / 24.9% | 426k / 74.9% |
2.0.0-alpha.13 | 467.4k | 136k / 29.0% | 331k / 70.8% |
v2 共 47+
组件,umd bundle 体积比 1.x 小了 101Kb
, 即总体积下降了 17.8%
更多详情请查看 antd-mobile bundle-size 分析
No. 所有的体积减少都来自于对底层依赖的全面重构和精简,包括但不限于重构去除了 moment.js 依赖,用自产的轻量级手势库 rc-gesture 完全替换了 hamemr.js。
3. 性能更好,C 端业务更友好 🌈
在 React 被应用到移动端之后,体积和性能一直是一个存在讨论的点,因此当社区出现 preact
这类体积更小,性能更佳的替代者,很多 C 端业务迫切想切换过来,so:
antd-mobile 作为基础 UI 组件库已经支持无缝迁移到 preact。
经过严密的测试,antd-mobile 自身已经根据 preact 进行了酌情的重构和兼容,至此我们的 官方 demo 已经全部运行在 preact 之上 !
What’s New ?
- 新增了 Calendar ,DatePickerView 组件
- 重写了
, 更灵活功能更强大的 Api,如支持 sticky header 等。 Grid
的一种子模式,解决了 v1 困扰已久的 Popup 内容无法更新的问题。- antd-mobile 不再针对设备平台自动切换样式,默认采用 ios 风格,支持用户通过
api 切换为 android 设计风格。 - 所有文档完成国际化翻译,see en-US。
完整变更请看 chaneglog
What’s Next?
- 持续在 preact 适配和体积瘦身,依赖精简上下功夫。
- 着手对所有组件的动画性能和渲染性能做优化。
- 协助业务升級,完善升级文档,示例,工具。
- beta 官网:
- 升级指南:
- 更新日志:
- issue:
- github:
感谢所有 contributor 和反馈问题的用户们,任何疑问和反馈请联系我们:

Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 6 years ago
- Reactions:43
- Comments:21 (9 by maintainers)
@shengxinjing 永远都会支持 react, 我们只是会额外同时提供对 preact 的官方支持以及兼容性测试。
Close since
is officially released 🎉