State of this instance has been externally set to removed. Taking the poison pill.
See original GitHub issueApache Airflow version: 1.10.2
Environment: Linux EC2 Machine
Cloud provider or hardware configuration: AWS What happened: AIiflow Tasks are killed by passing SIGTERM signal
What you expected to happen: ECSOperator triggered from Airflow has to work smoothly when the AWS policies are attached correctly to the role.
How to reproduce it: Using Airflow Dags when I run ECS tasks using ECSOperator, the tasks are first triggered and a response of 200 is received which I see in the logs. But the very next log message is
State of this instance has been externally set to removed. Taking the poison pill
This goes and kills the ECS task and a response of ‘desiredStatus’: ‘STOPPED’ is returned back. The log messages does not clearly say as why the task was killed.
Under airflow.cfg the configurations are as follow parallelism = 32 dag_concurrency = 16 dags_are_paused_at_creation = True max_active_runs_per_dag = 16 non_pooled_task_slot_count = 128
Kindly change the log messages so that we understand what is the root cause of the issue
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- Created 3 years ago
- Reactions:10
- Comments:15 (4 by maintainers)
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hey @K-7 - Airflow is a community managed product that you get for free. I think if you are aware of such issue, absolutely the best what you can do is to raise pull request fixing it ! This is best way to thank community for all the work they to so that you can use the software for free.
Many of our users do that and we even yesterday run a workshop for first time contributors to help them to learn how to do it.
It seems that fixing error message seems to be an easy task to do. Would you be willing to fix it @K-7 ? this way you could help others to get better diagnostics.
Hi All, Am having the same issue. Please any update on this. Thanks.