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[SIP-68] A better model for Datasets

See original GitHub issue

[SIP] A better model for Datasets

This document proposes the creation of new set of SQLAlchemy models to better represent datasets in Superset and build the foundation for a powerful semantic layer:

  • A Table model, representing physical tables or views in a given database.
  • A Dataset model, representing the current concept of physical and virtual datasets;
  • A Column model, for table/view columns, dataset metrics, and dataset derived columns.

These would replace the following existing 9 models:

  • BaseDatasource, DruidDatasource, and SqlaTable. These models currently are used to represent Druid datasources (to be deprecated), as well as physical and virtual datasets built on SQLAlchemy, with common functionality in a base class.
  • BaseColumn, DruidColumn, TableColumn, representing columns in Druid or SQLAlchemy.
  • BaseMetric, DruidMetric, SqlMetric, representing metrics in Druid or SQLAlchemy.

(Note that Superset currently doesn’t have a distinction between a table in a database and a dataset enriched with metadata. Because of this, it’s hard to infer relationships between objects such as a virtual dataset and the tables it references, even though Superset is already able to extract that relationship from the SQL.)

There’s an additional 10th model that is out-of-scope for this SIP: AnnotationDatasource. Eventually it would be nice to allow any dataset to be used as an annotation, removing the need for a custom model.


The current semantic model in Superset is very simple. Originally, Superset was built as a UI to explore Druid datasources (tables). At the time Druid didn’t support SQL, and queries had to be done using a native JSON-based interface. Because of the lack of SQL support, when adding a datasource to Superset the column types had to be inferred from their names, and users could manually override them. Also, because of the nature of Druid’s storage, users also had to indicate a temporal column, which columns were filterable, and which ones were groupable, in order to prevent expensive queries from running.

Users could also add new metrics and derived columns to a datasource, which was an important feature because they couldn’t simply be defined on-the-fly through SQL. The metrics, columns, and metadata describing columns were (and still are) stored in a model called DruidDatasource. This description of the the underlying table and the additional metadata became Superset’s semantic layer.

Once support for SQL was added, a new model was introduced, called SqlaTable. The new model represents a table in a database supported by SQLAlchemy, and contains additional metadata similar to the Druid counterpart: column types, labels, properties (groupable/filterable/temporal), as well as additional metrics and columns defined using SQL. In this document we’ll focus on the SQLAlchemy tables and datasets, since Druid is proposed to be deprecated in Superset 2.0 (SIP-11).

One of the main problems with the current implementation of datasets is that they are not distinct enough from tables, with datasets being just a very thin layer around tables. Datasets can’t be named, and instead inherit the name of the underlying table. Because of that, it’s not possible to have two datasets pointing to the same table. Because they are so tightly coupled users don’t understand the difference between a table and a dataset, and a common source of confusion is why a user can query a table in SQL Lab but can’t visualize it in the Explore view — unless they create a dataset first.

Some of these shortcomings were solved by the introduction of virtual datasets, datasets that instead of pointing to a table are defined by a SQL expression. Virtual datasets can be named, and multiple virtual datasets can point to the same table, allowing different teams to curate datasets that tailor their needs. While clearly a step in the right direction, virtual datasets are also not a separate entity in the code base (they still use the SqlaTable model!), and there’s still a lot of confusion between them and physical datasets, and them and database VIEWs.

Additionally, the process of creating a virtual dataset is unclear: users need to go to SQL Lab, write a query, execute it, and click “Explore” to create a dataset. During that process, they have very little control over the dataset that is being created, being allowed only to choose a name, though they can edit other attributes later. Other than this flow, clicking “+ Dataset” only allows the creation of physical datasets, but not virtual.

To improve the semantic layer of Superset we want to make datasets an entity of their own, distinct from tables. Datasets are the foundation of the semantic layer, and should be treated as a first class citizen in Superset.

Proposed Change

This diagram depicts the current SQLAlchemy dataset model (SqlaTable), as well as related entities. Models are represented by bold boxes:

Superset tables, views and datasets(3)

A few things of note:

  1. Physical datasets have an 1:1 relationship with views and tables in a given database (in blue).
  2. Virtual datasets, like queries, have implicit n:n relationships with views and tables (represented as dotted lines). Because there’s no Table model the relationship exists only in the SQL query present in these models. Superset is already able to parse the SQL and extract the tables referenced for security reasons, so it should be straightforward to represent this relationship explicitly.
  3. Columns and metrics, while not depicted here, are very similar to datasets. A column object can point directly to a column in a given table, similar to how physical datasets work; and a derived column has an implicit n:n relationship to columns via an expression.
  4. Most charts have an n:1 relationship with datasets. The “Multiple Line Charts” and “ Multiple Layers” have an n:n relationship to charts, but they are a special case so the relationship is not represented in the diagram.

These are the proposed new models:

Improved Superset tables, views and datasets(4)

The new implementation adds explicit models for Dataset, Table and Column:

  1. A Table has a 1:1 relationship with a physical table or view, and is a direct representation of a database construct without any extra metadata.
  2. A Dataset has an n:n relationship to Table, representing both physical datasets (n:1) and virtual datasets (n:n).
  3. A Column (not shown) is defined essentially by an expression, and can point to a table column or a SQL snippet defining a metric or derived column. Columns also have extra metadata that support data exploration.

New or Changed Public Interfaces

This solution involves implementing new models, specially Table and Dataset. The former will represent tables (or views) in databases, while the latter will represent datasets. In this proposal datasets are virtual-first, and physical datasets are a particular case of virtual datasets. The data currently stored in the SqlaTable model will be migrated and split between the two new models, in addition to a Column model for metrics and columns.

The Table model represents the physical table stored in the database, and is pretty straightforward:

class Table(Model):
    id: int
    uuid: UUID

    database_id: int
    catalog: Optional[str]  # this will allow better support for Presto et al.
    schema: Optional[str]
    name: str

    columns: List[Column]  # 1:n relationship to Column model

While the dataset stores additional metadata:

class Dataset(Model):
    id: int
    uuid: UUID

    name: str
    owners: List[User]

    expression: str
    tables: List[Table]  # n:n relationship to Table model
    columns: List[Column]  # inherited columns, metrics, and computed dimensions

Here, expression represents a SQL source. For physical datasets this corresponds to a table name, while for a virtual dataset this maps to a more complex SQL query.

As an example, a physical dataset could look like this:

expression = "dim_some_table"

While a virtual dataset would have:

expression = "SELECT * FROM dim_some_table"

Both can be used directly in a SQL query:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS metric, dim1, dim2
FROM ($expression) source

Datasets (and tables) have columns, with rich metadata that helps exploring them:

class Column(Model):
    id: int
    uuid: UUID

    name: str
    type: str  # ideally not-DB specific

    # this points to a physical column (`created at`), or is a SQL expression (`revenue - expenses`)
    expression: str

    description: str
    warning_text: str

    # for timeseries
    is_temporal: bool
    # for visualizing data on a map
    is_spatial: bool
    # for scheduling queries and more
    is_partition: bool
    # indicates if this is a metric
    is_aggregation: bool
    # indicates which aggregations can be performed
    is_additive: bool

    # this can be computed offline
    cardinality: int

    # for chart labels
    description: str
    units: str

    # for AB testing, alerts, and more
    increase_good: bool

    # for auto-joins we'll propose the creation of a Dimension model in another SIP
    dimension: Dimension
    dimension_relationship: Union[Relationship.ManyToOne, ...]

Note that the columns are defined by a single expression, which can point to:

  1. A physical column, eg, country;
  2. An aggregation, eg, COUNT(*), in which case the column represents a metric;
  3. A non-aggregating expression, in which case it represents a derived column.

This simplifies the current column model where TableColumn has both a column_name as well as an expression.

The extra metadata can be used to orient the user when exploring the dataset. For example, if a given column is non-additive (COUNT(DISTINCT user_id)) we know that it can’t be used in a metric using a SUM(). If a given column has the is_spatial attribute we know it can be used in visualizations.

The dimension and dimension relationship can potentially be leveraged in the future, allowing additional dimension attributes to be automatically included when slicing and dicing the dataset. For example, if a user annotates a column user_id as referencing the User dimension, they should now be able to filter or group by country when exploring the dataset, and Superset will automatically perform the joins needed for the query.

To accentuate the difference between tables and datasets in this option we will leverage a new dataset editor, as well as allowing tables to be explored without having to create a dataset beforehand. These are described in detail in the last section (“Future work”).


Here’s a couple examples in pseudo-code. First, a physical dataset with a simple metric:

fact_sales = Table(
        Column(name="id", type="int", expression="id"),
        Column(name="ts", type="datetime", expression="ts"),
        Column(name="item_id", type="int", expression="item_id"),

physical_dataset = Dataset(
        # inherited
        Column(name="id", type="int", expression="id"),
        Column(name="ts", type="datetime", expression="ts"),
        Column(name="item_id", type="int", expression="item_id"),
        # metrics
        Column(name="items_sold", type="decimal", expression="COUNT(*)", is_aggregation=True),

And a virtual dataset:

dim_items = Table(
        Column(name="id", type="int", expression="id"),
        Column(name="price", type="decimal", expression="price"),
        Column(name="description", type="str", expression="description"),

virtual_dataset = Dataset(
    expression="SELECT ts, price FROM fact_sales JOIN dim_items ON fact_sales.item_id =",
    tables=[fact_sales, dim_items],
        # inherited
        Column(name="ts", type="datetime", expression="ts"),
        Column(name="price", type="decimal", expression="price"),
        # metrics
        Column(name="revenue", type="decimal", expression="SUM(price)", is_aggregation=True),

New dependencies

No new dependencies are anticipated.

Migration Plan and Compatibility

The implementation is planned to be done in 4 steps:

  1. Implement the new models but leave them empty.
  2. Create migration, splitting SqlaTable into Dataset and Table, and moving SqlMetric and TableColumn to Column. Implement double-write, so that the new models are kept in sync.
  3. Update code to read from the new models.
  4. Remove Druid models.

Rejected Alternatives

Single model

We discussed implementing the proposal in a single model called Dataset containing all the metadata. Columns and metrics would be stored as JSON. This would allow for faster iteration on the semantic layer, as well as simplify the eventual implementation of versioning in Superset. Schemas would be enforced by marshmallow, and it would minimize the need for DB migrations.

After a lot of consideration we decided that implementing separate models would be better. While this proposal potentially requires more DB migrations the migrations would be simpler, while the single model approach would require migrations that read/deserialize/modify/serialize/write the metadata. Also, enforcing the schema at the DB level helps simplify the application logic.

Query reference in Dataset

We discussed having source_type and source_id in the Dataset model, to identify the source of a dataset, pointing either to a Table or a Query. This would greatly simplify the work for tools that index data, like Amundsen or Datahub, but make the database relationships more complicated, as pointed out by @john-bodley.

Instead, we opted for defining datasets by their expression, and store explicit relationships to Table objects to help with indexing.

Future work


After the work on datasets is complete we’d like to propose a new semantic construct, the dimension. This would allow users to define table relationships in Superset itself, outside of the database, recommending joins when exploring data.

As an example, a user could point the user_id column in their dataset to the User dimension. Then, when exploring data, they would be able to filter or group by columns in the user dimensions (eg, Superset would join the two tables automatically for the user.

Automatically performing joins can be very expensive, so this still requires considerable planning and discussion.

Editing datasets

To encourage users to create well curated datasets we want to offer a dataset editor that is easy to use, while still targeting power users. This should be available in the main call-to-action in the Superset UI for content creation — the “+” button that currently allow users to create queries, charts and dashboards. In addition to those items, we should also allow users to create datasets.

The new dataset creation flow should allow users to create a new dataset from an existing table, like the current existing flow. But the new flow should also encourage users to select only the columns that they’re interested in, annotating columns with additional metadata and creating metrics, reinforcing the fact that the dataset is more than just a table.

For power users we want to leverage the fact that the new export capabilities of Superset produce readable YAML, and provide a YAML editor so that users can create and update datasets quickly, with the possibility of using source control for versioning and storage. Instead of implementing the editor from scratch it’s possible to embed the Monaco editor in Superset, which provides support for editing YAML.

For both cases, ideally the editor would allow us to integrate tightly with SQL Lab, providing:

  • syntax validation;
  • rich autocomplete when writing SQL definitions for metrics, columns and sources;
  • the ability to preview sample rows from the dataset.

Exploring tables

One common source of confusion in Superset is that many users (including developers!) don’t understand the need to add a table as a dataset before being able to explore it. One way to solve this problem is creating a dataset on-the-fly if none exists, so that the user can visualize a table they know to exist. The dataset can then be discarded if the chart is not saved, or created when the chart is saved.

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Reactions:25
  • Comments:10 (9 by maintainers)

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rumbincommented, Jan 22, 2022

I wonder to what extent it makes sense to lend some of the modeling abstraction of related tools like dbt or of competitors like Looker (LookML). I suppose that many users would love to see some convergence with dbt: The model names, the newly introduced metrics layer, the ref() syntax. Much of that could be taken advantage of. (BTW, do we have any statistics of the number of Superset users who als use dbt?). In this context #18098 could be used as a starting point for synchronization of the models.

betodealmeidacommented, Oct 27, 2021

@john-bodley can you take another look? I updated the SIP, and addressed the relationship issue you brought up.

@eschutho do you want to take another look as well? I removed the relationship between Dataset and Query to simplify the implementation.

@mistercrunch can you take a look as well? Thanks!

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