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transforms are not applied

See original GitHub issue

Hi, I’m aware of this package still is in preview and sorry to file an issue. I am not sure you’ve worked on this or not or you have any plan to support this, if you share your plan it helps a lot for me to plan my next set of actions.

Being said, I have a case that filters and aggregates are not applied.


http://localhost:5000/odata/graphMyAssignedActivities?$apply=filter(isLate eq true)/groupby((statusInfo/DisplayName,statusInfo/Color),aggregate(id with count distinct as activitiesCount))

My Current Usage that this query works:

[EnableQuery(MaxExpansionDepth = 8)]
public async Task<ActionResult<IQueryable<GraphActivityDto>>> Get([FromQuery] GraphFilter filter) {

    var activities = await _activityService.GetQueryableActivitiesByScope();

    var projected = activities.ProjectTo<GraphActivityDto>(_mapper.ConfigurationProvider);

    if (Request.Query.ContainsKey("$apply")) { //it's because of an issue in EFCore 3.0
        projected = projected.ToLinqToDB();

    return Ok(projected);


Updated usage:

//[EnableQuery(MaxExpansionDepth = 8)]
public async Task<ActionResult<IQueryable<GraphActivityDto>>> Get(ODataQueryOptions<GraphActivityDto> OdataQueryOptions) {
    var activities = await _activityService.GetQueryableActivitiesByScope();
    var result = await activities.GetQueryAsync(_mapper, OdataQueryOptions, HandleNullPropagationOption.True);
    return Ok(result);


and this is generated Expression

    dtoActivity => new GraphActivityDto
        ActivityName = dtoActivity.ActivityName,
        ActivityStandard = (dtoActivity.ActivityStandard == null)
            ? null
            : new ActivityStandardBasicDto
                ActivityType = dtoActivity.ActivityStandard.ActivityType,
                Id = dtoActivity.ActivityStandard.Id,
                Name = dtoActivity.ActivityStandard.Name
        ActivityType = dtoActivity.ActivityStandard.ActivityType,
        ActualEndDate = dtoActivity.ActualEndDate,
        ActualStartDate = dtoActivity.ActualStartDate,
        Id = dtoActivity.Id,
        IsLate = (dtoActivity.PlannedStartDate.HasValue && !dtoActivity.ActualStartDate.HasValue)
            ? ((DateTimeOffset?)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1d)) > dtoActivity.PlannedStartDate
            : (dtoActivity.PlannedEndDate.HasValue && !dtoActivity.ActualEndDate.HasValue) && (((DateTimeOffset?)DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUniversalTime().AddDays(-1d)) > dtoActivity.PlannedEndDate),
        IsPromoting = dtoActivity.IsPromoting,
        PlannedEndDate = dtoActivity.PlannedEndDate,
        PlannedStartDate = dtoActivity.PlannedStartDate,
        ProjectId = dtoActivity.Project.Id,
        ProjectName = dtoActivity.Project.Name,
        ProjectPhaseId = dtoActivity.ProjectPhaseId,
        Roles = dtoActivity.Roles.Select(
            dtoActivityRoleAssignment => new ProjectRoleGraphDto
                Id = dtoActivityRoleAssignment.Role.Id,
                Name = dtoActivityRoleAssignment.Role.UserGroup.Name,
                Users = dtoActivityRoleAssignment.Role.ProjectUsersRolesAssignments.Select(t => t.ProjectUser).Select(
                    dtoProjectUser => new ProjectUserGraphDto
                        Email = dtoProjectUser.User.Email,
                        Id = dtoProjectUser.User.Id,
                        Image = FileResolverExtension.Resolve(dtoProjectUser.User.Picture),
                        Name = dtoProjectUser.User.FullName
        StatusInfo = (dtoActivity.Status == null)
            ? null
            : new ActivityStatusDto
                Abbreviation = dtoActivity.Status.Abbreviation,
                Color = dtoActivity.Status.Color,
                DisplayName = dtoActivity.Status.DisplayName,
                Editable = dtoActivity.Status.Editable,
                Id = dtoActivity.Status.Id,
                Name = dtoActivity.Status.Name,
                Order = dtoActivity.Status.Order
        StatusSteps = dtoActivity.StatusSteps.Select(
            dtoActivityStatusStep => new ActivityApprovalGraphDto
                ActivityId = dtoActivityStatusStep.ActivityId,
                ActivityStatusId = dtoActivityStatusStep.ActivityStatusId,
                ApprovalStep = (dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep == null)
                    ? null
                    : new ApprovalStepDto
                        Color = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep.Color,
                        Done = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep.Done,
                        Id = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep.Id,
                        Name = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep.Name,
                        Order = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep.Order,
                        Role = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep.Role,
                        Todo = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStep.Todo
                ApprovalStepId = dtoActivityStatusStep.ApprovalStepId,
                Id = dtoActivityStatusStep.Id,
                IsCurrentStatus = ((!dtoActivityStatusStep.ProjectUsersAssignments.Any() && !dtoActivityStatusStep.RoleAssignments.Any()) || dtoActivityStatusStep.RoleAssignments.Any(
                    ro => !ro.ProjectRole.ProjectUsersRolesAssignments.Any(
                        usr => dtoActivityStatusStep.Votes.Any(v => (v.ProjectUserId == usr.ProjectUserId) && (((int)v.Status) == 2))))) || (dtoActivityStatusStep.ProjectUsersAssignments.Any(
                    usr => !dtoActivityStatusStep.Votes.Any(v => (v.ProjectUserId == usr.ProjectUserId) && (((int)v.Status) == 2))) && (dtoActivityStatusStep.Activity.ActivityStatusId == dtoActivityStatusStep.ActivityStatusId)),
                RequestedAt = dtoActivityStatusStep.ProjectUsersAssignments.Any()
                    ? dtoActivityStatusStep.ProjectUsersAssignments.First().RequestedAt
                    : dtoActivityStatusStep.RoleAssignments.Any()
                        ? dtoActivityStatusStep.RoleAssignments.First().RequestedAt
                        : null,
                Roles = dtoActivityStatusStep.RoleAssignments.Select(
                    dtoActivityStatusStepRoleAssignment => new ProjectRoleGraphDto
                        Id = dtoActivityStatusStepRoleAssignment.ProjectRole.Id,
                        Name = dtoActivityStatusStepRoleAssignment.ProjectRole.UserGroup.Name,
                        Users = dtoActivityStatusStepRoleAssignment.ProjectRole.ProjectUsersRolesAssignments.Select(t => t.ProjectUser).Select(
                            dtoProjectUser => new ProjectUserGraphDto
                                Email = dtoProjectUser.User.Email,
                                Id = dtoProjectUser.User.Id,
                                Image = FileResolverExtension.Resolve(dtoProjectUser.User.Picture),
                                Name = dtoProjectUser.User.FullName
                Users = dtoActivityStatusStep.ProjectUsersAssignments.Select(t => t.ProjectUser).Select(
                    dtoProjectUser => new ProjectUserGraphDto
                        Email = dtoProjectUser.User.Email,
                        Id = dtoProjectUser.User.Id,
                        Image = FileResolverExtension.Resolve(dtoProjectUser.User.Picture),
                        Name = dtoProjectUser.User.FullName
                Votes = dtoActivityStatusStep.Votes.Select(
                    dtoActivityStatusStepVote => new ActivityStatusStepVoteGraphDto
                        ActivityStatusStepId = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.ActivityStatusStepId,
                        Justification = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.Justification,
                        ProjectUserId = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.ProjectUserId,
                        RespondedAt = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.RespondedAt,
                        Status = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.Status,
                        User = (dtoActivityStatusStepVote.ProjectUser == null)
                            ? null
                            : new ProjectUserGraphDto
                                Email = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.ProjectUser.User.Email,
                                Id = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.ProjectUser.User.Id,
                                Image = FileResolverExtension.Resolve(dtoActivityStatusStepVote.ProjectUser.User.Picture),
                                Name = dtoActivityStatusStepVote.ProjectUser.User.FullName
        Users = dtoActivity.Users.Select(u => u.ProjectUser).Select(
            dtoProjectUser => new ProjectUserGraphDto
                Email = dtoProjectUser.User.Email,
                Id = dtoProjectUser.User.Id,
                Image = FileResolverExtension.Resolve(dtoProjectUser.User.Picture),
                Name = dtoProjectUser.User.FullName

as you can see, no group by or count distinct is added

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments:11 (5 by maintainers)

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BlaiseDcommented, Aug 23, 2022

PRs are welcome.

BlaiseDcommented, Aug 12, 2021

This is it. The library gets its data from OdataQueryOptions and builds expressions from that data. Take OrderBy as an example.

ok to ask questions here.

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