Hub not firing for signIn event after calling Auth.signIn()
See original GitHub issueDescribe the bug In other projects, I am used to the Hub providing a message when a signIn occurs. I cannot get the simplest log to occur for a signIn event in a new project. Other events are working.
When I call Auth.signIn()
, it succeeds. I get no errors in my code. I can tell it succeeds because if I refresh my browser I see the “configured” event go to my Hub callback, and then I call Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser()
which shows the user is logged in now.
To Reproduce
- npx create-react-app test-auth
- cd test-auth
- npm i -S aws-amplify
- amplify add auth (accept defaults)
- modify App.js with code shown below.
Expected behavior
I should see a console.log for signIn
Code Snippet
// App.js
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState, } from 'react'
import {
BrowserRouter as Router,
} from "react-router-dom"
import Amplify, { Auth, } from 'aws-amplify'
import awsconfig from './aws-exports'
const authCheck = setUser => {
Auth.currentAuthenticatedUser().then(u => {
console.log('active session:', u)
}).catch(e => {
console.log('no user logged in:', e)
export const authCallback = ({setConfigured, setUser}) => (authData) => {
console.log(`==== amplify hub handle [${authData.payload.event}] event`, authData)
const App = () => {
const [configured, setConfigured] = useState(false)
const [user, setUser] = useState(null)
const signOutUser = useCallback(() => {
return signOut().then(res => {
}, [setUser])
useEffect(() => {
if (configured) {
const callback = authCallback({setConfigured, setUser})
Hub.listen('auth', callback)
return () => {
Hub.remove('auth', callback)
}, [configured, setConfigured])
return (
<Route exact path="/" render={({location}) => <Home {...{configured, user, location, signOutUser,}} />} />
export default App
What is Configured? If applicable, please provide what is configured for Amplify CLI:
- Which steps did you follow via Amplify CLI when configuring your resources.
- amplify add auth
- Which resources do you have configured?
- If applicable, please provide your
- If applicable, please provide your
/* eslint-disable */
// WARNING: DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated by AWS Amplify. It will be overwritten.
const awsmobile = {
"aws_project_region": "us-west-2",
"aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579",
"aws_cognito_region": "us-west-2",
"aws_user_pools_id": "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP",
"aws_user_pools_web_client_id": "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i",
"oauth": {}
export default awsmobile;
aws cognito-idp describe-user-pool --user-pool-id us-west-2_xxxxxx
"UserPool": {
"Id": "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP",
"Name": "projectwebe2dff8e5_userpool_e2dff8e5-dev",
"Policies": {
"PasswordPolicy": {
"MinimumLength": 8,
"RequireUppercase": false,
"RequireLowercase": false,
"RequireNumbers": false,
"RequireSymbols": false,
"TemporaryPasswordValidityDays": 7
"LambdaConfig": {},
"LastModifiedDate": 1600652008.812,
"CreationDate": 1600652008.812,
"SchemaAttributes": [
"Name": "sub",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": false,
"Required": true,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "1",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "name",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "given_name",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "family_name",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "middle_name",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "nickname",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "preferred_username",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "profile",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "picture",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "website",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "email",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": true,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "email_verified",
"AttributeDataType": "Boolean",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false
"Name": "gender",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "birthdate",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "10",
"MaxLength": "10"
"Name": "zoneinfo",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "locale",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "phone_number",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "phone_number_verified",
"AttributeDataType": "Boolean",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false
"Name": "address",
"AttributeDataType": "String",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"StringAttributeConstraints": {
"MinLength": "0",
"MaxLength": "2048"
"Name": "updated_at",
"AttributeDataType": "Number",
"DeveloperOnlyAttribute": false,
"Mutable": true,
"Required": false,
"NumberAttributeConstraints": {
"MinValue": "0"
"AutoVerifiedAttributes": [
"UsernameAttributes": [
"SmsVerificationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}",
"EmailVerificationMessage": "Your verification code is {####}",
"EmailVerificationSubject": "Your verification code",
"VerificationMessageTemplate": {
"SmsMessage": "Your verification code is {####}",
"EmailMessage": "Your verification code is {####}",
"EmailSubject": "Your verification code",
"DefaultEmailOption": "CONFIRM_WITH_CODE"
"MfaConfiguration": "OFF",
"EstimatedNumberOfUsers": 1,
"EmailConfiguration": {
"EmailSendingAccount": "COGNITO_DEFAULT"
"SmsConfiguration": {
"SnsCallerArn": "arn:aws:iam::842392745927:role/snse2dff8e5183011-dev",
"ExternalId": "projectwe2dff8e5_role_external_id"
"UserPoolTags": {},
"AdminCreateUserConfig": {
"AllowAdminCreateUserOnly": false,
"UnusedAccountValidityDays": 7
"Arn": "arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-west-2:842392745927:userpool/us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP"
$ npx envinfo --system --binaries --browsers --npmPackages --npmGlobalPackages
npx: installed 1 in 2.613s
OS: Linux 4.19 Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa)
CPU: (8) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4712MQ CPU @ 2.30GHz
Memory: 3.00 GB / 6.10 GB
Container: Yes
Shell: 5.0.16 - /bin/bash
Node: 12.18.0 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.0/bin/node
npm: 6.14.8 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v12.18.0/bin/npm
@material-ui/core: ^4.11.0 => 4.11.0
@material-ui/icons: ^4.9.1 => 4.9.1
@testing-library/jest-dom: ^5.11.4 => 5.11.4
@testing-library/react: ^11.0.4 => 11.0.4
@testing-library/user-event: ^12.1.4 => 12.1.4
ajv: ^6.12.5 => 6.12.5
aws-amplify: ^3.3.1 => 3.3.1
deepdown: ^1.0.7 => 1.0.7
react: ^16.13.1 => 16.13.1
react-dom: ^16.13.1 => 16.13.1
react-router-dom: ^5.2.0 => 5.2.0
react-scripts: ^3.4.3 => 3.4.3
@aws-amplify/cli: 4.29.2
npm: 6.14.8
- OS: [Windows 10 - WSL Ubuntu]
- Browser
Google Chrome | 85.0.4183.102 (Official Build) (64-bit) (cohort: Stable) |
Revision | ffe848af6a5df4fa127e2929331116b7f9f1cb30-refs/branch-heads/4183@{#1770} |
OS | Windows 10 OS Version 2004 (Build 19041.508) |
Additional context ** I turned on the debug mode to provide more info for us by setting window.LOG_LEVEL = ‘DEBUG’; **
[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
App.js:63 theme {breakpoints: {…}, direction: "ltr", mixins: {…}, overrides: {…}, palette: {…}, …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.704 Amplify - amplify config {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.705 I18n - configure I18n
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.705 I18n - create I18n instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.706 AuthClass - configure Auth
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.706 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.707 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.708 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.709 AnalyticsClass - on hub capsule auth {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.709 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
user-utils.js:18 ==== amplify hub handle [configured] event {channel: "auth", payload: {…}, source: "Auth", patternInfo: Array(0)}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.712 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.713 AnalyticsClass - configure Analytics {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.714 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.715 AWSPinpointProvider - configure Analytics {disabled: undefined, autoSessionRecord: true, aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.715 Hub - Dispatching to analytics with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.716 AnalyticsClass - on hub capsule analytics {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.718 AnalyticsClass - current configuration {autoSessionRecord: true, aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.719 Storage - storage configure called
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.722 StorageClass - configure Storage
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.724 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.725 AWSS3Provider - configure Storage undefined
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.728 Storage - storage vault configure called
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.729 StorageClass - configure Storage
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.729 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.731 AWSS3Provider - configure Storage undefined
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.732 RestAPI - configure Rest API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.733 RestAPI - create Rest API instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.734 RestClient - API Options {endpoints: Array(0), aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.735 PubSub - configure PubSub {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.735 GraphQLAPI - configure GraphQL API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.736 GraphQLAPI - create Rest instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.737 RestClient - API Options {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.737 RestAPI - configure Rest API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.738 RestAPI - create Rest API instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.738 RestClient - API Options {endpoints: Array(0), aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.739 GraphQLAPI - configure GraphQL API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.740 GraphQLAPI - create Rest instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.741 RestClient - API Options {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.742 Interactions - configure Interactions {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.743 XR - configure XR {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.744 AbstractXRProvider - configure SumerianProvider {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.745 Predictions - configure Predictions {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.833 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.833 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 48:11.834 AuthClass - Failed to get user from user pool
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 48:11.835 AuthClass - The user is not authenticated by the error No current user
user-utils.js:12 no user logged in: not authenticated
ConsoleLogger.ts:93 [DEBUG] 50:42.850 AuthClass CognitoUserSession {idToken: CognitoIdToken, refreshToken: CognitoRefreshToken, accessToken: CognitoAccessToken, clockDrift: -6}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 50:42.856 Credentials - removing aws-amplify-federatedInfo from storage
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 50:42.857 Credentials - set credentials from session
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 50:43.223 Credentials - Load credentials successfully {accessKeyId: "ASIA4IIUFG7DQ36PVCHZ", secretAccessKey: "UFK/BPnfJ7Q5Ph9IeAk4Z0kKoGExPM3dCWkSKWdc", sessionToken: "IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjENv//////////wEaCXVzLXdlc3QtMiJGME…GKpFMO845Rwcm5lis3seT9An5yOytKQ48q/tAsaZx3PzXIHg3", expiration: Sat Sep 26 2020 12:50:48 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 50:43.224 AuthClass - succeed to get cognito credentials {accessKeyId: "ASIA4IIUFG7DQ36PVCHZ", secretAccessKey: "UFK/BPnfJ7Q5Ph9IeAk4Z0kKoGExPM3dCWkSKWdc", sessionToken: "IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjENv//////////wEaCXVzLXdlc3QtMiJGME…GKpFMO845Rwcm5lis3seT9An5yOytKQ48q/tAsaZx3PzXIHg3", expiration: Sat Sep 26 2020 12:50:48 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time), identityId: "us-west-2:d18f54dc-ef2b-40fc-b515-ff4cb38a6262", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 50:43.372 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "signIn", data: CognitoUser, message: "A user fd27463c-4ae0-40f0-83c1-99a9fbde299f has been signed in"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 50:43.372 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "signIn", data: CognitoUser, message: "A user fd27463c-4ae0-40f0-83c1-99a9fbde299f has been signed in"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 50:43.372 AnalyticsClass - on hub capsule auth {event: "signIn", data: CognitoUser, message: "A user fd27463c-4ae0-40f0-83c1-99a9fbde299f has been signed in"}
Login.js:18 Login/signIn/authenticateAccount CognitoUser {username: "fd27463c-4ae0-40f0-83c1-99a9fbde299f", pool: CognitoUserPool, Session: null, client: Client, signInUserSession: CognitoUserSession, …}
SignIn.js:168 SignIn/onClickSubmitSignIn CognitoUser {username: "fd27463c-4ae0-40f0-83c1-99a9fbde299f", pool: CognitoUserPool, Session: null, client: Client, signInUserSession: CognitoUserSession, …}
[HMR] Waiting for update signal from WDS...
App.js:63 theme {breakpoints: {…}, direction: "ltr", mixins: {…}, overrides: {…}, palette: {…}, …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.822 Amplify - amplify config {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.823 I18n - configure I18n
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.823 I18n - create I18n instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.824 AuthClass - configure Auth
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.825 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.827 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.828 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.829 AnalyticsClass - on hub capsule auth {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.830 Hub - Dispatching to auth with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Auth category has been configured successfully"}
user-utils.js:18 ==== amplify hub handle [configured] event {channel: "auth", payload: {…}, source: "Auth", patternInfo: Array(0)}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.832 AuthClass - getting current authenticated user
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.835 AnalyticsClass - configure Analytics {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.836 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.837 AWSPinpointProvider - configure Analytics {disabled: undefined, autoSessionRecord: true, aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.838 Hub - Dispatching to analytics with {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.839 AnalyticsClass - on hub capsule analytics {event: "configured", data: null, message: "The Analytics category has been configured successfully"}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.840 AnalyticsClass - current configuration {autoSessionRecord: true, aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.841 Storage - storage configure called
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.842 StorageClass - configure Storage
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.843 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.844 AWSS3Provider - configure Storage undefined
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.845 Storage - storage vault configure called
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.846 StorageClass - configure Storage
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.847 Parser - parse config (3) [{…}, "to amplifyconfig", {…}]
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.848 AWSS3Provider - configure Storage undefined
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.850 RestAPI - configure Rest API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.851 RestAPI - create Rest API instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.852 RestClient - API Options {endpoints: Array(0), aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.853 PubSub - configure PubSub {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.854 GraphQLAPI - configure GraphQL API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.854 GraphQLAPI - create Rest instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.855 RestClient - API Options {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.857 RestAPI - configure Rest API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.859 RestAPI - create Rest API instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.860 RestClient - API Options {endpoints: Array(0), aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.861 GraphQLAPI - configure GraphQL API {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.862 GraphQLAPI - create Rest instance
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.863 RestClient - API Options {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.864 Interactions - configure Interactions {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.866 XR - configure XR {opt: {…}}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.867 AbstractXRProvider - configure SumerianProvider {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:99 [DEBUG] 31:34.869 Predictions - configure Predictions {aws_project_region: "us-west-2", aws_cognito_identity_pool_id: "us-west-2:d87df562-4be1-4719-9c20-5df03370f579", aws_cognito_region: "us-west-2", aws_user_pools_id: "us-west-2_E7yIi6bBP", aws_user_pools_web_client_id: "23urja4s0ap5tc9hnb43djdq4i", …}
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.957 AuthClass - cannot load federated user from auth storage
ConsoleLogger.ts:91 [DEBUG] 31:34.958 AuthClass - get current authenticated userpool user
user-utils.js:9 active session: CognitoUser {username: "fd27463c-4ae0-40f0-83c1-99a9fbde299f", pool: CognitoUserPool, Session: null, client: Client, signInUserSession: CognitoUserSession, …}
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:11 (2 by maintainers)
Dear Amplify, I understand the Hub to be a core feature of the library. Can I get some feedback??
This issue has been automatically locked since there hasn’t been any recent activity after it was closed. Please open a new issue for related bugs.
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