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[aws-secretsmanager] Unnecessary updates of SecretRotationApplication if no resources have been modified

See original GitHub issue

The SecretRotationApplication construct is updated even if no resources of the enclosing stack have been modified.

  • Running cdk diff DbStack produces There were no differences.
  • Running cdk deploy DbStack produces:
    0/3 | 10:48:21 | UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS   | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                  | Database/RotationSingleUser (DatabaseRotationSingleUser65F55654)
    1/3 | 10:48:32 | UPDATE_COMPLETE      | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                  | Database/RotationSingleUser (DatabaseRotationSingleUser65F55654) 
    1/3 | 10:48:35 | UPDATE_COMPLETE_CLEA | AWS::CloudFormation::Stack                  | DbStack
  • Running cdk deploy DbStack --verbose, I see the following lines:
    DbStack: parameters have changed
    DbStack: deploying...
    Attempting to create ChangeSet CDK-6225bb6f-6be9-4297-a89c-c6c49a19d2f8 to update stack DbStack
    DbStack: creating CloudFormation changeset...
    But I cannot see which parameters actually changed. (How can I see those?)

Reproduction Steps

Database stack:

const parameterGroup = new rds.ClusterParameterGroup(this, 'ClusterParameterGroup', {
  family: 'aurora5.6',
  parameters: {
    general_log: '1',
    slow_query_log: '1',

const db = new AuroraServerless(this, 'Database', {
  engine: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.AURORA,
  engineVersion: '5.6.10a',
  vpcSubnets: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED },
  defaultDbName: 'demo',
  scalingConfig: {
    // ...

// Rotate secret every 30 days

Custom AuroraServerless construct:

export class AuroraServerless extends cdk.Resource implements ec2.IConnectable, secretsmanager.ISecretAttachmentTarget {
  public readonly secret: rds.DatabaseSecret;
  private readonly secretRotationApplication: secretsmanager.SecretRotationApplication;

  // endpoints, connections, subnets, security group

  constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: AuroraServerlessProps) {
    super(scope, id);

    const { engine, engineVersion } = props;

    // Setup subnets and security group

    // DB secret
    const secret = new rds.DatabaseSecret(this, 'DbSecret', {
      username: 'root',
    this.secret = secret;
    this.secretRotationApplication = engine.singleUserRotationApplication;

    // DB cluster
    const cluster = new rds.CfnDBCluster(this, 'DbCluster', {
      engineMode: 'serverless',
      masterUsername: secret.secretValueFromJson('username').toString(),
      masterUserPassword: secret.secretValueFromJson('password').toString(),
      // parameters, subnets, security group, roles, scaling config, ...
    this.clusterIdentifier = cluster.ref;


    // Setup cluster endpoint, "connections", and clusterArn

  public addRotationSingleUser(automaticallyAfter?: cdk.Duration): secretsmanager.SecretRotation {
    if (!this.secret) {
      throw new Error('Cannot add single user rotation for a cluster without secret.');

    const id = 'RotationSingleUser';
    const existing = this.node.tryFindChild(id);
    if (existing) {
      throw new Error('A single user rotation was already added to this cluster.');

    return new secretsmanager.SecretRotation(this, id, {
      secret: this.secret,
      application: this.secretRotationApplication,
      vpc: this.vpc,
      vpcSubnets: this.vpcSubnets,
      target: this,

  public asSecretAttachmentTarget(): secretsmanager.SecretAttachmentTargetProps {
    return {
      targetType: secretsmanager.AttachmentTargetType.RDS_DB_CLUSTER,
      targetId: this.clusterIdentifier,


  • CLI Version : 1.47.0 (build c2b499a)
  • Framework Version: 1.47.0
  • Node.js Version: v12.16.1
  • OS : macOS 10.15.5 (19F101)
  • Language (Version): TypeScript (3.9.5)

This is 🐛 Bug Report

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments:12 (12 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

jogoldcommented, Jul 3, 2020

The secret rotation application creates a nested stack and CloudFormation will always attempt to update nested stacks when you start a deploy (even if they did not change).

To avoid unnecessary updates the CDK compares the templates, tags and parameters and if it can it skips deploy:

But if any of the parameters are SSM parameters, deploy is not skipped (which makes sense):

Not sure what the right solution might be…

skinny85commented, Jul 2, 2020

@asterikx Can I ask you to try something for me? Can you let me know if you get the same behavior for the “standard” DatabaseCluster from RDS, when you use the addRotationSingleUser method?

Thanks, Adam

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