Cannot deploy ACS - K8s in eastus
See original GitHub issueDescription
When running
az group create --name kube-demo --location eastus
az configure --defaults group=kube-demo location=eastus
az acs create --orchestrator-type=kubernetes --name=kube-demo-cluster --dns-prefix=acs-demo-123 --generate-ssh-key
I end up with the error:
Created SSH key files: /root/.ssh/id_rsa,/root/.ssh/
creating service principaldone
waiting for AAD role to propagate......done
Deployment failed. {
"error": {
"code": "NoRegisteredProviderFound",
"message": "No registered resource provider found for location 'eastus' and API version '2017-07-01' for type 'containerServices'. The supported api-versions are '2015-11-01-preview, 2016-03-30, 2016-09-30, 2017-01-31, 2017-07-01'. The supported locations are 'japaneast, centralus, eastus2, japanwest, eastasia, southcentralus, australiaeast, australiasoutheast, brazilsouth, southeastasia, westus, northcentralus, westeurope, northeurope, eastus, ukwest, uksouth, westcentralus, westus2, southindia, centralindia, westindia, canadaeast, canadacentral'."
Both the API version and the location are listed as valid in the error message.
Environment summary
Install Method: How did you install the CLI? (e.g. pip, interactive script, apt-get, Docker, MSI, nightly)
Answer here: Docker
docker run -it -p 8001:8001 azuresdk/azure-cli-python:latest
CLI Version: What version of the CLI and modules are installed? (Use az --version
Answer here:
bash-4.3# az --version
azure-cli (2.0.13+dev)
acr (2.0.10+dev) acs (2.0.12+dev) appservice (0.1.12+dev) batch (3.1.1+dev) billing (0.1.3+dev) cdn (0.0.6+dev) cloud (2.0.7+dev) cognitiveservices (0.1.6+dev) command-modules-nspkg (2.0.1+dev) component (2.0.7+dev) configure (2.0.10+dev) consumption (0.1.3+dev) container (0.1.8+dev) core (2.0.13+dev) cosmosdb (0.1.11+dev) dla (0.0.10+dev) dls (0.0.12+dev) eventgrid (0.1.1+dev) feedback (2.0.6+dev) find (0.2.6+dev) interactive (0.3.7+dev) iot (0.1.10+dev) keyvault (2.0.8+dev) lab (0.0.9+dev) monitor (0.0.8+dev) network (2.0.12+dev) nspkg (3.0.1+dev) profile (2.0.10+dev) rdbms (0.0.5+dev) redis (0.2.7+dev) resource (2.0.12+dev) role (2.0.10+dev) sf (1.0.6+dev) sql (2.0.9+dev) storage (2.0.12+dev) taskhelp (0.1.5+dev) vm (2.0.12+dev)
Python (Linux) 3.5.2 (default, Dec 27 2016, 21:33:11) [GCC 5.3.0]
Python location ‘/usr/local/bin/python’
OS Version: What OS and version are you using?
Answer here: Win10 version 1703 build 15063.540
Shell Type: What shell are you using? (e.g. bash, cmd.exe, Bash on Windows)
Answer here: cmd.exe (with docker)
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 6 years ago
- Comments:13 (6 by maintainers)
@jsturtevant, it is a bug in az cli. I am correcting it. After the fix, you should be able to deploy to eastus. The problem scope is only limited to
.The change is to remove it from preview regions. Then it will be just a regular region. 😃
i am still facing this issue with nightly build (2017-09-01)
same error with location set to southindia and eastus. my current default location is eastus2