BUG In Azure Function Trigger with Managed Identity
See original GitHub issueI think there is a bug in the use of Azure Function Trigger Bindings on the Connection value when a Managed Identity is used.
We are using Managed Identity with Consumption based Function App to receive events from the EventHub. As per the Microsoft documentation: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-event-hubs-trigger?tabs=csharp#identity-based-connections we are using the following connection string in the EventHub trigger:
EhubSaaSSecConnection__fullyQualifiedNamespace: [[ REDACTED ]].servicebus.windows.net
Here’s the Function App signature:
public static async Task Run(
// SaaS EH Trigger - Receives events from source EH
[EventHubTrigger(Constants.SaasEHName, Connection = Constants.SaasEHConnectionName)] EventData[] events,
// QRadar EH Output binding - Sends events to dest EH
[EventHub(Constants.QRadarEHName, Connection = Constants.QRadarEHConnectionName)] IAsyncCollector<string> outputEvents, ILogger log)
Here are the constants:
public const string SaasEHConnectionName = "EhubSaaSSecConnection";
public const string QRadarEHConnectionName = "EhubQRadarConnection";
The function EventHub-To-EventHubFunction is getting triggered without any exception when the Azure portal is open, but the trigger gets hibernated afterward and does not activate even if events queued up in the Event Hub. Upon the troubleshooting, we found the following errors in Scale Controller which is preventing the function to scale up when there’s an event.
After you enable the logging of the Scale Controller Logs you can use the Kusto query:
| extend CustomDimensions = todynamic(tostring(customDimensions))
| where CustomDimensions.Category == “ScaleControllerLogs”
| order by timestamp desc
You’ll see logs as the following: Specified connection string is null or empty for connection: EhubSaaSSecConnection. Invalid connection.
More Information below from a different thread: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues/12657#issuecomment-1011820099 All credits to @Swing0601 https://github.com/Swing0601: I got the same error message, and looked into the source code, finally figured it out. Hope it will be helpful.
here is the source code, there is condition whether get the connection with Identity or Shared Access https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/eventhub/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventHubs/src/Config/EventHubClientFactory.cs
Identity-based connections require “<CONNECTION_NAME_PREFIX>__fullyQualifiedNamespace” property. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-bindings-event-hubs-trigger?tabs=csharp#identity-based-connections
My issue is caused by CONNECTION_NAME_PREFIX is not correct, the format is AzureWebJobs + connectionName, here is an example, CONNECTION_NAME_PREFIX is “AzureWebJobsmyEventHubConnectionString”, then “<CONNECTION_NAME_PREFIX>__fullyQualifiedNamespace” value is “AzureWebJobsmyEventHubConnectionString___fullyQualifiedNamespace”
BTW, my develop language is Python,
CONNECTION_NAME_PREFIX source code: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/extensions/Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.Clients/src/Shared/WebJobsConfigurationExtensions.cs
Good Luck!!!
_Originally posted by @Swing0601 in https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/issues/12657#issuecomment-1011820099_
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- Created 2 years ago
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- Comments:21 (6 by maintainers)
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Sorry for the delay, we are in the process of rolling out a fix and should have another update in about a week or so. Thanks for the patience on this one.
Just to update everyone on this. The fix of adding “AzureWebJobs” to the connection variable name in AppSettings did not fix the issue. MSFT is reaching out to the Scale Controller team as they must be an issue there when working with Managed Identity.
As a work around that removes the Scale Controller but will cost you more, is to create an App Service Plan - Standard (min) and then deploy your Function App into that and enable the “Always On” setting so you don’t have cold starts issues and the FApp is warm.
Someone else was doing the IaC and we had thing up and running in less then an hours, no changes to any resource names and we had to whitelist all the new IPs to the Event Hub Namespace for security reasons. In general, this scenario will cost you CAD $100/month if you don’t have a spare App Service Plan.
MSFT will continue to work on the issue as FApp Consumption plan tier was designed for this scenario so they will make it work.