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[FEATURE REQ] Support objects in parameters.json file

See original GitHub issue

Please describe the feature or suggestion.

We are using quite a lot of objects in our parameters.json files to nicely combine several parameters, also described here, for example:

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "infra": {
      "value": {
        "environment": {
          "resourcePrefix": "dummy",
          "resourceGroupName": "dummy"

We can then access that value from our Bicep file like this infra.environment.resourcePrefix.

When running the Template Analyzer tool this does not seem to be supported as I run into these kind of errors: The template variable 'appSettings' is not valid: The language expression property 'environment' doesn't exist, available properties are 'property1'...

It seems like using objects in the parameters file are not supported, or am I doing something wrong? Searched within the documentation and issues but couldn’t really find anything. Would be great if this could be supported!

Additional context

Entire error:

Warning: An exception occurred when processing the template language expressions
Exception details:
Azure.Deployments.Templates.Exceptions.TemplateValidationException: The template variable 'appSettings' is not valid: The language expression property 'environment' doesn't exist, available properties are 'property1'.. Please see for usage details.
 ---> Azure.Deployments.Core.Exceptions.ExpressionException: The language expression property 'environment' doesn't exist, available properties are 'property1'.
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Expressions.FunctionExpression.SelectObjectProperty(JObject root, JToken token, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo)
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Expressions.FunctionExpression.SelectProperty(JToken root, JToken property, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo)
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Expressions.FunctionExpression.EvaluateExpression(ExpressionEvaluationContext context, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo)
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Expressions.FunctionExpression.<>c__DisplayClass23_0.<EvaluateParameters>b__0(LanguageExpression parameter)
   at System.Array.ConvertAll[TInput,TOutput](TInput[] array, Converter`2 converter)
   at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ResourceStack.Common.Extensions.IEnumerableExtensions.SelectArray[TSource,TElement](TSource[] source, Converter`2 elementSelector)
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Expressions.FunctionExpression.EvaluateParameters(ExpressionEvaluationContext context, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo)
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Expressions.FunctionExpression.EvaluateExpression(ExpressionEvaluationContext context, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo)
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Engines.ExpressionsEngine.EvaluateLanguageExpressionsInternal(JToken root, ExpressionEvaluationContext evaluationContext, Boolean ignoreExceptions, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo, InsensitiveHashSet skipEvaluationPaths)
   at Azure.Deployments.Expression.Engines.ExpressionsEngine.EvaluateLanguageExpressionsRecursive(JToken root, ExpressionEvaluationContext evaluationContext, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo, InsensitiveHashSet skipEvaluationPaths)
   at Azure.Deployments.Templates.Engines.TemplatePreprocessingEngine.ProcessTemplateVariableLanguageExpressionsRecursive(Template template, String variableName, InsensitiveDictionary`1 recursionState, ExpressionEvaluationContext evaluationContext, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Azure.Deployments.Templates.Engines.TemplatePreprocessingEngine.ProcessTemplateVariableLanguageExpressionsRecursive(Template template, String variableName, InsensitiveDictionary`1 recursionState, ExpressionEvaluationContext evaluationContext, TemplateErrorAdditionalInfo additionalInfo)
   at Azure.Deployments.Templates.Engines.TemplatePreprocessingEngine.ProcessTemplateVariablesLanguageExpressions(Template template, String apiVersion, InsensitiveDictionary`1 functionEvaluationOverwrites)
   at Azure.Deployments.Templates.Engines.TemplatePreprocessingEngine.ProcessTemplateLanguageExpressions(String managementGroupName, String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName, Template template, String apiVersion, InsensitiveDictionary`1 functionEvaluationOverwrites)
   at Azure.Deployments.Templates.Engines.TemplateEngine.ProcessTemplateLanguageExpressions(String managementGroupName, String subscriptionId, String resourceGroupName, Template template, String apiVersion, InsensitiveDictionary`1 functionEvaluationOverwrites)
   at Microsoft.Azure.Templates.Analyzer.TemplateProcessor.ArmTemplateProcessor.ParseAndValidateTemplate(InsensitiveDictionary`1 parameters, InsensitiveDictionary`1 metadata) in C:\temp\template-analyzer-0.3.1\src\Analyzer.TemplateProcessor\ArmTemplateProcessor.cs:line 131
Warning: An exception occurred while evaluating the properties of a resource.

Issue Analytics

  • State:open
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments:7 (6 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

pim-simonscommented, Oct 27, 2022

I am indeed using a separate parameters json file. @VeraBE here is an example of a bicep file and a separate parameters json file causing the issue:

@description('Provide the object that contains all info about the common infrastructure.')
param infra object

resource applicationInsight 'microsoft.insights/components@2020-02-02' = {
  name: 'test'
  location: infra.environment.location
  kind: 'other'
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "infra": {
      "value": {
        "environment": {
          "location": "West Europe"

When I use the TemplateAnalyzer.exe analyze-directory command this fails with the error The language expression property 'environment' doesn't exist, available properties are 'property1'... When I use the TemplateAnalyzer.exe analyze-template with the -p command then it works fine indeed 👍🏻:

Parameters File: D:\temp\template.parameters.json

        Rules passed: 0

Execution summary:
        The execution completed successfully

@JohnathonMohr thanks for the workaround!! Is the auto-discovery of parameters when analyzing a directory on the roadmap?

JohnathonMohrcommented, Oct 26, 2022

I believe the issue is when a template doesn’t define a default value for the object. The value used during analysis is a mocked object, which will not have the expected properties during template expansion, and fail to parse.

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