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read_10x_h5 error in scanpy 1.9.1

See original GitHub issue

Hi, I’m not sure if this is related to other h5 issues (and may be a scanpy bug), but scanpy 1.9.1 throws ValueError: Illegal slicing argument for scalar dataspace when opening *.cellbender_output_filtered.h5 files (this works fine with scanpy 1.8.2).

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  • State:open
  • Created a year ago
  • Reactions:5
  • Comments:13 (7 by maintainers)

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sjflemingcommented, Jul 19, 2022

Okay thank you @esrice , now I see. Yes there are still some extra values packed into the h5 file in the cellbender output for v0.2. I will soon update to v0.3, where the ptrepack solution might work. But for now, that suggestion did not make sense.

The best thing to do is to use the above data loader code for the time being: the anndata_from_h5() function.

In v0.3.0, the data loading functions will be distributed as part of cellbender, and also the format of the h5 output files will be tweaked to be compatible with the scanpy v1.9+ data loader.

sjflemingcommented, Jul 5, 2022

Another option is to use this function anndata_from_h5() as in

adata = anndata_from_h5(file='CELLBENDER_OUTPUT.h5')

This loads an AnnData object that can be used in scanpy as normal. It’s just a drop-in replacement for scanpy’s data loader.

Function below:

import tables
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp
import anndata
from typing import Dict, Optional

def anndata_from_h5(file: str,
                    analyzed_barcodes_only: bool = True) -> 'anndata.AnnData':
    """Load an output h5 file into an AnnData object for downstream work.

        file: The h5 file
        analyzed_barcodes_only: False to load all barcodes, so that the size of
            the AnnData object will match the size of the input raw count matrix.
            True to load a limited set of barcodes: only those analyzed by the
            algorithm. This allows relevant latent variables to be loaded
            properly into adata.obs and adata.obsm, rather than adata.uns.

        adata: The anndata object, populated with inferred latent variables
            and metadata.


    d = dict_from_h5(file)
    X = sp.csc_matrix((d.pop('data'), d.pop('indices'), d.pop('indptr')),

    # check and see if we have barcode index annotations, and if the file is filtered
    barcode_key = [k for k in d.keys() if (('barcode' in k) and ('ind' in k))]
    if len(barcode_key) > 0:
        max_barcode_ind = d[barcode_key[0]].max()
        filtered_file = (max_barcode_ind >= X.shape[0])
        filtered_file = True

    if analyzed_barcodes_only:
        if filtered_file:
            # filtered file being read, so we don't need to subset
            print('Assuming we are loading a "filtered" file that contains only cells.')
        elif 'barcode_indices_for_latents' in d.keys():
            X = X[d['barcode_indices_for_latents'], :]
            d['barcodes'] = d['barcodes'][d['barcode_indices_for_latents']]
        elif 'barcodes_analyzed_inds' in d.keys():
            X = X[d['barcodes_analyzed_inds'], :]
            d['barcodes'] = d['barcodes'][d['barcodes_analyzed_inds']]
            print('Warning: analyzed_barcodes_only=True, but the key '
                  '"barcodes_analyzed_inds" or "barcode_indices_for_latents" '
                  'is missing from the h5 file. '
                  'Will output all barcodes, and proceed as if '

    # Construct the anndata object.
    adata = anndata.AnnData(X=X,
                            obs={'barcode': d.pop('barcodes').astype(str)},
                            var={'gene_name': (d.pop('gene_names') if 'gene_names' in d.keys()
                                               else d.pop('name')).astype(str)},
    adata.obs.set_index('barcode', inplace=True)
    adata.var.set_index('gene_name', inplace=True)

    # For CellRanger v2 legacy format, "gene_ids" was called "genes"... rename this
    if 'genes' in d.keys():
        d['id'] = d.pop('genes')

    # For purely aesthetic purposes, rename "id" to "gene_id"
    if 'id' in d.keys():
        d['gene_id'] = d.pop('id')

    # If genomes are empty, try to guess them based on gene_id
    if 'genome' in d.keys():
        if np.array([s.decode() == '' for s in d['genome']]).all():
            if '_' in d['gene_id'][0].decode():
                print('Genome field blank, so attempting to guess genomes based on gene_id prefixes')
                d['genome'] = np.array([s.decode().split('_')[0] for s in d['gene_id']], dtype=str)

    # Add other information to the anndata object in the appropriate slot.
    _fill_adata_slots_automatically(adata, d)

    # Add a special additional field to .var if it exists.
    if 'features_analyzed_inds' in adata.uns.keys():
        adata.var['cellbender_analyzed'] = [True if (i in adata.uns['features_analyzed_inds'])
                                            else False for i in range(adata.shape[1])]

    if analyzed_barcodes_only:
        for col in adata.obs.columns[adata.obs.columns.str.startswith('barcodes_analyzed')
                                     | adata.obs.columns.str.startswith('barcode_indices')]:
                del adata.obs[col]
            except Exception:
        # Add a special additional field to .obs if all barcodes are included.
        if 'barcodes_analyzed_inds' in adata.uns.keys():
            adata.obs['cellbender_analyzed'] = [True if (i in adata.uns['barcodes_analyzed_inds'])
                                                else False for i in range(adata.shape[0])]

    return adata

def dict_from_h5(file: str) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
    """Read in everything from an h5 file and put into a dictionary."""
    d = {}
    with tables.open_file(file) as f:
        # read in everything
        for array in f.walk_nodes("/", "Array"):
            d[] =
    return d

def _fill_adata_slots_automatically(adata, d):
    """Add other information to the adata object in the appropriate slot."""

    for key, value in d.items():
            if value is None:
            value = np.asarray(value)
            if len(value.shape) == 0:
                adata.uns[key] = value
            elif value.shape[0] == adata.shape[0]:
                if (len(value.shape) < 2) or (value.shape[1] < 2):
                    adata.obs[key] = value
                    adata.obsm[key] = value
            elif value.shape[0] == adata.shape[1]:
                    adata.var[key] = value.astype(str)
                    adata.var[key] = value
                adata.uns[key] = value
        except Exception:
            print('Unable to load data into AnnData: ', key, value, type(value))
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