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Improve support for `oneof` fields

See original GitHub issue

After using protobuf-es-generated code a bit more, I’m going to expand on my comment in another issue and make it an issue of its own.

Currently, accessing oneof fields in code generated by protobuf-es is a bit more cumbersome than in other protobuf code generators. In my protobuf definition I’ve got a oneof that might be a post, comment or profile. Both protoc-gen-ts in TypeScript and rust-protobuf provide ways to quickly access or set a .post. So in TypeScript I can do something like:

let post =
if (post) { 
   // ... 

or = new Post(...)

But in code generated by protobuf-es, I have to do:

let post: Post|undefined = undefined
let it = item.itemType
if ( == "post") { post = it.value }
if (post) {
   // ...

which ends up in my code so often that I made a helper function for myself.

// Helper function for getting inner Item types.
export function getInner(item: pb.Item, field: "post"): pb.Post | undefined;
export function getInner(item: pb.Item, field: "profile"): pb.Profile | undefined;
export function getInner(item: pb.Item, field: "comment"): pb.Comment | undefined;
export function getInner(item: pb.Item, field: "post"|"profile"|"comment"): pb.Post | pb.Profile | pb.Comment | undefined {
    let it = item.itemType
    if ( == field) {
        return it.value

And I just discovered that when I set a field, I have to do:

// Nope: item.comment = comment
item.itemType = {case: "comment", value: comment}

It would be nice if generated code would just expose oneof fields as top-level fields (or properties) like other protobuf generators.

All that said, really enjoying protobuf-es so far. Native ESMsupport works so much more nicely than trying to get Google’s protobuf implementation to compile to all my targets. 😄

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  • State:open
  • Created 9 months ago
  • Comments:8 (2 by maintainers)

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jcreadycommented, Dec 14, 2022

I believe that setup would make it more painful to generically handle the oneof as I don’t thinks there’s a way to use a switch at all. Object.keys(item.oneof)[0] is just string and even if cast to keyof typeof item.oneof that still won’t narrow the value. This means the only way to generically handle a oneof would be via if-statements checking that the property value wasn’t undefined.

So let’s imagine that instead of just Post or Profile we had a dozen different messages that were part of the oneof. And let’s also imagine each message had a common field, a string id, that we wished to return from a function.

// Before
function getItemId(item: Item): string | undefined {
  switch (item.itemType?.case) {
    case "post":
    case "profile":
    //...more cases
    case "whatever":

// After
function getItemId(item: Item): string | undefined {
  if (item.itemType?.post) {
  if (item.itemType?.profile) {
  //...more cases
  if (item.itemType?.whatever) {

Another thing to consider is how the number of fields inside the oneof would drastically increase the size of the type in the generated code:

// The number of lines is effectively:
// Before: N * 2
// After:  N ^ 2

// Before
type ItemType = {
  value: Post;
  case: "post";
} | {
  value: Profile;
  case: "profile";
} | {
  //...nine more cases with only two properties: value and case
} | {
  value: Whatever;
  case: "whatever";
} | { case: undefined; value?: undefined }

// After
type ItemType = {
  profile: Profile;
  post?: undefined;
  //...9 more properties which are optionally undefined
  whatever?: undefined;
} | {
  profile?: undefined;
  post: Post;
  //...9 more properties which are optionally undefined
  whatever?: undefined;
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 3
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 4
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 5
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 6
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 7
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 8
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 9
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 10
} | {
  //...12 properties where the defined property is field 11
} | {
  profile?: undefined;
  post?: undefined;
  //...9 more properties which are optionally undefined
  whatever?: Whatever;
} | {
  profile?: undefined;
  post?: undefined;
  //...9 more properties which are optionally undefined
  whatever?: undefined;
lwhiteleycommented, Dec 16, 2022

@timostamm Thanks again for the script. worked perfectly but two things i had to do

  1. had to run chmod +x protoc-gen-oneofhelper.ts
  2. had to modify the code a bit due to some conflicts with similar named oneof properties
const titleCase = (value: string) => {
  return value.replace(/^[a-z]/, (v) => v.toUpperCase());

// prettier-ignore
function generateMessage(f: GeneratedFile, message: DescMessage) {
  for (const oo of message.oneofs) {
    // Name of the enum we are about to generate
    const name = titleCase( + '_' + titleCase(localName(oo)) + "Case";
    f.print`export const ${name} = {`;
    for (const field of oo.fields) {
      f.print`  ${}: '${localName(field)}',`;
    f.print`} as const;
  for (const nestedMessage of message.nestedMessages) {
    generateMessage(f, nestedMessage);

Not the exact migration 1:1 but works fine as I can just do an import as to rename it to the desired name 👍🏾

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