Spell, action, and belt quick menus will not open on 2.1.0u
See original GitHub issueDescribe the bug
With ToyBox enabled on 2.1.0u
, none of the quick menus will open. When the “S”, “A”, or “B” buttons are clicked, nothing happens, and the following stack trace is produced in GameLogFull.txt
[46.2690 - Unity]: MissingMethodException: UnityEngine.RectTransform Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView.get_RectTransform()
(wrapper dynamic-method) Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView.Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView.SetStatePosition_Patch1(Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView,bool)
Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView.SetVisible () (at <3623e56ac4454960943975752737f87d>:0)
Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView+<>c.<SetVisible>b__25_0 () (at <3623e56ac4454960943975752737f87d>:0)
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T].ForEach () (at <695d1cc93cca45069c528c15c9fdd749>:0)
Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView.SetVisible () (at <3623e56ac4454960943975752737f87d>:0)
Kingmaker.UI.MVVM._PCView.ActionBar.ActionBarGroupPCView.<BindViewImplementation>b__17_1 () (at <3623e56ac4454960943975752737f87d>:0)
UniRx.Observer+Subscribe`1[T].OnNextInternal () (at <8278608da1374666822143d4d0b4e36e>:0)
UniRx.Observer+BaseObserver`1[T].OnNext () (at <8278608da1374666822143d4d0b4e36e>:0)
UniRx.Operators.FromEventObservable`1+FromEvent[TDelegate].OnNext () (at <8278608da1374666822143d4d0b4e36e>:0)
UnityEngine.Events.InvokableCall.Invoke () (at <25a85da7c6f04932b86e339dfd12957d>:0)
UnityEngine.Events.UnityEvent.Invoke () (at <25a85da7c6f04932b86e339dfd12957d>:0)
Owlcat.Runtime.UI.Controls.Button.OwlcatMultiButton.OnPointerClick () (at <864d49b69ac9449f9c2073fcf8cd1a13>:0)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute () (at <159744b43b644a6fbc060d1b0d4f50c2>:0)
UnityEngine.EventSystems.ExecuteEvents.Execute[T] () (at <159744b43b644a6fbc060d1b0d4f50c2>:0)
Disabling ToyBox and restarting the game resolves the issue.
All other mods were disabled, and the latest UnityModManager version (0.25.4c
) was used. Strangely, this did not occur on the beta version of the 2.1.0 update (2.1.0beta2
). At least one other user has experienced this (reddit).
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Run game version
- Install ToyBox
- Attempt to open the spell, action, or belt quick menu
Expected behavior The quick menus should open.
Save Files Manual_605_Shield_Maze__15_Arodus__VIII__4715__21_59_55.zip
Settings settings.zip
Version Info:
- ToyBox Version: 1.4.21
- OS: Linux (Wine GE-Proton7-43)
- Version: 2.1.0u
Additional context I am running on Linux via a GloriousEggroll proton build, but I have yet to experience any Linux-related issues in a couple hundred hours of play, and I did not update anything proton-related before the issue started occurring.
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 6 months ago
- Comments:10 (2 by maintainers)
Cheers @BuckAMayzing. It’s a major patch day, so we expect some things probably break. Thanks for making such a detailed report! I’ve attached the fixed version here in the meantime. 0ToyBox0.zip
@ArcaneTrixter has already addressed this, but is waiting to see if further issues to show up before doing a full release. In the meantime, you can head to the Owlcat Games Discord #mod-user-general channel, and get the pinned file there for a temporary fix. You’ll have to install it through UMM again (because it’s a separate build type) and copy over your settings.xml file into the 0ToyBox0 mod folder, but it can get you by until a full patch is out.