[BUG]: Could not resolve xyz.canardoux:tau_sound_core:6.4.8+2.
See original GitHub issueFlutter Sound Version : 6.4.4+1
- FULL or LITE flavor ? FULL
- Important: Result of the command :
flutter pub deps | grep flutter_sound
$ flutter pub deps Dart SDK 2.10.4 Flutter SDK 1.22.5 october 2.2.12+9.1.19 |-- async 2.5.0-nullsafety.1
| '-- collection… |-- audioplayers 0.17.4 | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_web_plugins 0.0.0 | | |-- characters…
| | |-- collection… | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | |-- typed_data… | | '-- vector_math… | |-- path_provider… | '-- uuid 2.2.2 | |-- convert 2.1.1 | | |-- charcode… | | '-- typed_data… | '-- crypto 2.1.5 | |-- collection… | |-- convert… | '-- typed_data… |-- auto_size_text 2.1.0 | '-- flutter… |-- avatar_glow 1.2.0 | '-- flutter… |-- awesome_dialog 1.3.2 | |-- flare_flutter 2.0.6 | | |-- flare_dart 2.3.4 | | |-- flutter… | | '-- meta… | |-- flutter… | '-- simple_animations 2.5.1 | |-- flutter… | |-- pedantic… | |-- sa_v1_migration 1.1.2 | | '-- flutter… | '-- supercharged 1.12.0 | |-- flutter… | '-- supercharged_dart 1.4.0 |-- awesome_loader 0.0.3 | '-- flutter… |-- badges 1.2.0 | '-- flutter… |-- bubble 1.1.9+1 | '-- flutter… |-- cached_network_image 2.5.1 | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_cache_manager 2.1.2 | | |-- clock… | | |-- file… | | |-- flutter… | | |-- http… | | |-- image… | | |-- path… | | |-- path_provider… | | |-- pedantic… | | |-- rxdart… | | |-- sqflite… | | '-- uuid… | '-- octo_image 0.3.0 | |-- flutter… | '-- flutter_blurhash 0.5.0 | |-- flutter… | '-- meta… |-- carousel_pro 1.0.0 | '-- flutter… |-- carousel_slider 1.4.1 | '-- flutter… |-- charts_flutter 0.9.0 | |-- charts_common 0.9.0 | | |-- collection… | | |-- intl… | | |-- logging… | | |-- meta… | | '-- vector_math… | |-- collection… | |-- flutter… | |-- intl… | |-- logging… | '-- meta… |-- circular_check_box 1.0.4 | '-- flutter… |-- circular_profile_avatar 1.0.8 | |-- cached_network_image… | '-- flutter… |-- collection 1.15.0-nullsafety.3 |-- convex_bottom_bar 2.7.1+2 | '-- flutter… |-- countdown_flutter 0.1.2 | '-- flutter… |-- cupertino_icons 0.1.3 |-- date_format 1.0.9 |-- date_range_picker 1.0.7 | '-- flutter… |-- datetime_picker_formfield 1.0.0 | |-- flutter… | '-- intl… |-- device_info 0.4.0+1 | '-- flutter… |-- dio 3.0.10 | |-- http_parser… | '-- path… |-- easy_listview 0.0.7 | '-- flutter… |-- equatable 1.2.6 | |-- collection… | '-- meta… |-- facebook_app_events 0.6.0 | '-- flutter… |-- facebook_deeplinks 0.1.0 | '-- flutter… |-- file 5.2.1 | |-- intl… | |-- meta… | '-- path… |-- firebase_analytics 5.0.16 | |-- firebase_analytics_platform_interface 1.0.3 | | |-- flutter… | | '-- meta… | |-- firebase_analytics_web 0.1.1 | | |-- firebase 7.3.3 | | | |-- http… | | | |-- http_parser… | | | '-- js… | | |-- firebase_analytics_platform_interface… | | |-- flutter… | | |-- flutter_web_plugins… | | '-- meta… | |-- flutter… | '-- meta… |-- firebase_crashlytics 0.1.4+1 | |-- flutter… | '-- stack_trace 1.10.0-nullsafety.1 | '-- path… |-- firebase_dynamic_links 0.5.3 | '-- flutter… |-- firebase_messaging 6.0.16 | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | '-- platform 2.2.1 |-- firebase_storage 3.1.6 | |-- firebase_core 0.4.5 | | |-- firebase_core_platform_interface 1.0.4 | | | |-- flutter… | | | |-- meta… | | | |-- plugin_platform_interface… | | | '-- quiver… | | |-- firebase_core_web 0.1.1+2 | | | |-- firebase… | | | |-- firebase_core_platform_interface… | | | |-- flutter… | | | |-- flutter_web_plugins… | | | |-- js… | | | '-- meta… | | |-- flutter… | | '-- meta… | '-- flutter… |-- floating_ribbon 1.0.1 | '-- flutter… |-- fluster 1.1.2 |-- flutter 0.0.0 | |-- characters 1.1.0-nullsafety.3 | |-- collection… | |-- meta 1.3.0-nullsafety.3 | |-- sky_engine 0.0.99 | |-- typed_data 1.3.0-nullsafety.3 | | '-- collection… | '-- vector_math 2.1.0-nullsafety.3 |-- flutter_autofill 0.4.2 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_automation 1.4.0 | |-- args 1.6.0 | |-- flutter… | |-- http… | |-- path… | '-- yaml 2.2.1 | |-- charcode… | |-- collection… | |-- source_span… | '-- string_scanner… |-- flutter_beep 0.0.3 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_bloc 3.2.0 | |-- bloc 3.0.0 | | |-- meta… | | '-- rxdart… | |-- flutter… | '-- provider… |-- flutter_cupertino_localizations 1.0.1 | |-- flutter… | '-- flutter_localizations 0.0.0 | |-- characters… | |-- collection… | |-- flutter… | |-- intl… | |-- meta… | |-- path… | |-- typed_data… | '-- vector_math… |-- flutter_easyloading 2.2.2 | |-- flutter… | '-- flutter_spinkit 4.1.2+1 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_google_places 0.2.4 | |-- flutter… | |-- google_maps_webservice… | |-- http… | '-- rxdart… |-- flutter_image 3.0.0 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_launcher_icons 0.7.5 | |-- args… | |-- image 2.1.19 | | |-- archive 2.0.13 | | | |-- args… | | | |-- crypto… | | | '-- path… | | |-- meta… | | '-- xml 4.5.1 | | |-- collection… | | |-- convert… | | |-- meta… | | '-- petitparser 3.1.0 | | '-- meta… | '-- yaml… |-- flutter_local_notifications 1.5.0+1 | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_local_notifications_platform_interface 1.0.1 | | |-- flutter… | | '-- plugin_platform_interface… | '-- platform… |-- flutter_pagewise 1.2.3 | |-- async… | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_placeholder_textlines 1.0.4 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_polyline_points 0.1.0 | |-- flutter… | '-- http… |-- flutter_progress_button 0.6.4 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_rating 0.0.2 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_rating_bar 1.3.0+1 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_sequence_animation 3.0.1 | |-- flutter… | '-- meta… |-- flutter_slidable 0.5.7 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_sound 6.4.8+2 | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_sound_platform_interface 6.4.8+2 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | '-- plugin_platform_interface… | |-- flutter_sound_web 6.4.8+2 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- flutter_sound_platform_interface… | | |-- flutter_web_plugins… | | |-- js… | | '-- meta… | |-- flutter_spinkit… | |-- intl… | |-- logger 0.9.4 | |-- path… | |-- path_provider… | |-- provider… | |-- recase 3.0.1 | |-- synchronized 2.2.0+2 | '-- uuid… |-- flutter_staggered_grid_view 0.3.4 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_star_rating 0.0.3 | '-- flutter… |-- flutter_test 0.0.0 | |-- async… | |-- boolean_selector 2.1.0-nullsafety.1 | | |-- source_span… | | '-- string_scanner… | |-- characters… | |-- charcode 1.2.0-nullsafety.1 | |-- clock 1.1.0-nullsafety.1 | |-- collection… | |-- fake_async 1.2.0-nullsafety.1 | | |-- clock… | | '-- collection… | |-- flutter… | |-- matcher 0.12.10-nullsafety.1 | | '-- stack_trace… | |-- meta… | |-- path… | |-- source_span 1.8.0-nullsafety.2 | | |-- charcode… | | |-- collection… | | |-- path… | | '-- term_glyph… | |-- stack_trace… | |-- stream_channel 2.1.0-nullsafety.1 | | '-- async… | |-- string_scanner… | |-- term_glyph 1.2.0-nullsafety.1 | |-- test_api 0.2.19-nullsafety.2 | | |-- async… | | |-- boolean_selector… | | |-- collection… | | |-- matcher… | | |-- meta… | | |-- path… | | |-- source_span… | | |-- stack_trace… | | |-- stream_channel… | | |-- string_scanner… | | '-- term_glyph… | |-- typed_data… | '-- vector_math… |-- flutter_tts 2.1.0 | |-- flutter… | '-- flutter_web_plugins… |-- fluttertoast 3.1.3 | '-- flutter… |-- focus_detector 1.1.0+1 | |-- flutter… | '-- visibility_detector 0.1.5 | '-- flutter… |-- font_awesome_flutter 8.12.0 | '-- flutter… |-- geocoding 1.0.5 | |-- flutter… | |-- geocoding_platform_interface 1.0.1+1 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | '-- plugin_platform_interface… | '-- url_launcher… |-- geolocator 6.2.1 | |-- flutter… | |-- geolocator_platform_interface 1.0.9 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | |-- plugin_platform_interface… | | '-- vector_math… | '-- geolocator_web 1.0.1 | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_web_plugins… | '-- geolocator_platform_interface… |-- gesture_x_detector 0.0.5 | |-- flutter… | '-- vector_math… |-- giffy_dialog 1.8.0 | |-- flare_flutter… | '-- flutter… |-- global_configuration 1.6.0 | |-- flutter… | '-- http… |-- google_map_location_picker 4.1.6 | |-- android_intent 0.3.7+7 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | '-- platform… | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_localizations… | |-- geolocator… | |-- google_maps_flutter… | |-- http… | |-- intl… | |-- package_info… | |-- provider… | '-- stack_trace… |-- google_maps_flutter 1.2.0 | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 1.0.11 | | '-- flutter… | '-- google_maps_flutter_platform_interface 1.2.0 | |-- collection… | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | |-- plugin_platform_interface 1.0.3 | | '-- meta… | '-- stream_transform 1.2.0 |-- google_maps_place_picker 1.0.1 | |-- flutter… | |-- geolocator… | |-- google_api_headers 0.1.1+2 | | |-- flutter… | | '-- package_info… | |-- google_maps_flutter… | |-- google_maps_webservice… | |-- http… | |-- permission_handler… | |-- provider… | '-- tuple 1.0.3 | '-- quiver 2.1.5 | |-- matcher… | '-- meta… |-- google_maps_webservice 0.0.19 | |-- http… | '-- meta… |-- google_speech 1.2.1 | |-- fixnum 0.10.11 | |-- flutter… | |-- grpc 2.9.0 | | |-- archive… | | |-- async… | | |-- crypto… | | |-- fixnum… | | |-- googleapis_auth 0.2.12+1 | | | |-- crypto… | | | '-- http… | | |-- http… | | |-- http2 1.0.1 | | |-- meta… | | '-- protobuf… | |-- meta… | |-- path_provider… | '-- protobuf 1.1.3 | '-- fixnum… |-- highlight_text 0.7.2 | '-- flutter… |-- http 0.12.2 | |-- http_parser 3.1.4 | | |-- charcode… | | |-- collection… | | |-- source_span… | | |-- string_scanner… | | '-- typed_data… | |-- path 1.8.0-nullsafety.1 | '-- pedantic 1.9.2 | '-- meta… |-- http_interceptor 0.1.1 | |-- flutter… | '-- http… |-- image_picker 0.6.7+22 | |-- flutter… | |-- flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle… | '-- image_picker_platform_interface 1.1.6 | |-- flutter… | |-- http… | |-- meta… | '-- plugin_platform_interface… |-- intl 0.16.1 | '-- path… |-- io 0.3.5 | |-- meta… | |-- path… | '-- string_scanner 1.1.0-nullsafety.1 | |-- charcode… | '-- source_span… |-- keyboard_visibility 0.5.6 | '-- flutter… |-- kt_dart 0.7.0+1 |-- latlong 0.6.1 | |-- console_log_handler 1.1.6 | | |-- ansicolor 1.1.1 | | |-- intl… | | '-- logging… | |-- intl… | |-- logging 0.11.4 | '-- validate 1.7.0 |-- launch_review 2.0.0 | '-- flutter… |-- location 3.2.4 | |-- flutter… | |-- location_platform_interface 1.1.0 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | '-- plugin_platform_interface… | |-- location_web 1.0.1 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- flutter_web_plugins… | | |-- http_parser… | | |-- js 0.6.2 | | |-- location_platform_interface… | | '-- meta… | '-- meta… |-- map_native 0.0.11 | '-- flutter… |-- marquee 1.7.0 | |-- fading_edge_scrollview 1.1.4 | | '-- flutter… | '-- flutter… |-- marquee_flutter 0.0.2 | '-- flutter… |-- material_design_icons_flutter 3.4.5045+1 | '-- flutter… |-- mime 0.9.7 |-- modal_progress_hud 0.1.3 | '-- flutter… |-- multi_navigator_bottom_bar 0.0.8 | '-- flutter… |-- network_to_file_image 2.3.8 | '-- flutter… |-- overlay_support 1.0.5 | |-- async… | '-- flutter… |-- package_info 0.4.3+4 | '-- flutter… |-- path_provider 1.6.28 | |-- flutter… | |-- path_provider_linux 0.0.1+2 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- path… | | |-- path_provider_platform_interface… | | '-- xdg_directories 0.1.2 | | |-- meta… | | |-- path… | | '-- process 3.0.13 | | |-- file… | | |-- intl… | | |-- meta… | | |-- path… | | '-- platform… | |-- path_provider_macos 0.0.4+8 | | '-- flutter… | |-- path_provider_platform_interface 1.0.4 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | |-- platform… | | '-- plugin_platform_interface… | '-- path_provider_windows 0.0.4+3 | |-- ffi 0.1.3 | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | |-- path… | |-- path_provider_platform_interface… | '-- win32 1.7.4+1 | '-- ffi… |-- pattern_formatter 1.0.2 | |-- flutter… | '-- intl… |-- percent_indicator 2.1.9+1 | '-- flutter… |-- permission_handler 5.0.1+2 | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | '-- permission_handler_platform_interface 2.0.1 | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | '-- plugin_platform_interface… |-- persistent_bottom_nav_bar 3.2.0 | '-- flutter… |-- pin_code_fields 1.1.2 | '-- flutter… |-- pin_input_text_field 3.3.1 | '-- flutter… |-- pinput 0.2.6 | '-- flutter… |-- provider 4.3.3 | |-- collection… | |-- flutter… | '-- nested 0.0.4 | '-- flutter… |-- random_color 1.0.5 | '-- flutter… |-- rating_bar 0.2.0 | '-- flutter… |-- rating_dialog 1.0.0 | '-- flutter… |-- responsive_container 0.0.1 | '-- flutter… |-- responsive_flutter 0.0.4 | '-- flutter… |-- rflutter_alert 1.1.0 | '-- flutter… |-- ribbon 0.0.1 | '-- flutter… |-- rich_alert 0.1.32 | |-- cupertino_icons… | '-- flutter… |-- rive 0.6.8 | |-- flutter… | |-- graphs 0.2.0 | '-- meta… |-- rxdart 0.23.1 |-- scroll_navigation 1.2.1+1 | |-- flutter… | '-- helpers 1.0.7 | |-- flutter… | '-- sliding_up_panel… |-- scroll_to_id 1.4.0 | '-- flutter… |-- scroll_to_index 1.0.6 | '-- flutter… |-- share 0.6.5+4 | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | '-- mime… |-- shared_preferences 0.5.12+4 | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | |-- shared_preferences_linux 0.0.2+4 | | |-- file… | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | |-- path… | | |-- path_provider_linux… | | '-- shared_preferences_platform_interface… | |-- shared_preferences_macos 0.0.1+11 | | |-- flutter… | | '-- shared_preferences_platform_interface… | |-- shared_preferences_platform_interface 1.0.4 | | |-- flutter… | | '-- meta… | |-- shared_preferences_web 0.1.2+7 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- flutter_web_plugins… | | |-- meta… | | '-- shared_preferences_platform_interface… | '-- shared_preferences_windows 0.0.2+3 | |-- file… | |-- flutter… | |-- meta… | |-- path… | |-- path_provider_platform_interface… | |-- path_provider_windows… | '-- shared_preferences_platform_interface… |-- shimmer 1.1.2 | '-- flutter… |-- skeleton_text 2.0.2 | '-- flutter… |-- sliding_up_panel 1.0.2 | '-- flutter… |-- smooth_star_rating 1.0.3 | '-- flutter… |-- sms_autofill 1.3.1 | |-- flutter… | '-- pin_input_text_field… |-- solid_bottom_sheet 0.1.9 | '-- flutter… |-- sound_stream 0.2.0 | '-- flutter… |-- speech_recognition 0.3.0+1 | '-- flutter… |-- splashscreen 1.3.5 | '-- flutter… |-- sqflite 1.3.2+4 | |-- flutter… | |-- path… | '-- sqflite_common 1.0.3+3 | |-- meta… | |-- path… | '-- synchronized… |-- statusbar 1.1.0 | '-- flutter… |-- stomp_dart_client 0.2.3 | |-- meta… | '-- web_socket_channel 1.2.0 | |-- async… | |-- crypto… | '-- stream_channel… |-- string_similarity 1.1.0 |-- sweetalert 0.0.1 | |-- flutter… | '-- flutter_sequence_animation… |-- swipedetector 1.2.0 | '-- flutter… |-- timeline_list 0.0.5 | '-- flutter… |-- transparent_image 1.0.0 |-- trotter 1.2.0 |-- url_launcher 5.7.10 | |-- flutter… | |-- url_launcher_linux 0.0.1+4 | | '-- flutter… | |-- url_launcher_macos 0.0.1+9 | | '-- flutter… | |-- url_launcher_platform_interface 1.0.9 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- meta… | | '-- plugin_platform_interface… | |-- url_launcher_web 0.1.5+3 | | |-- flutter… | | |-- flutter_web_plugins… | | |-- meta… | | '-- url_launcher_platform_interface… | '-- url_launcher_windows 0.0.1+3 | '-- flutter… |-- webview_flutter 1.0.7 | '-- flutter… '-- wit_ai 0.0.2 |-- flutter… '-- http…
- Cannot build my App
Platforms you faced the error
- Android
- Real device
Describe the bug I can’t debug. It was running fine yesterday until I decided to change flutter_sound to flutter_sound_lite and then this is what happen.
(This is very important. Most of the time we cannot do anything if we do not have information on your bug)
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
- What went wrong: Execution failed for task ‘:app:checkDevDebugAarMetadata’.
Could not resolve all files for configuration ‘:app:devDebugRuntimeClasspath’. Could not resolve xyz.canardoux:tau_sound_core:6.4.8+2. Required by: project :app > project :flutter_sound Could not resolve xyz.canardoux:tau_sound_core:6.4.8+2. Could not get resource ‘https://dl.bintray.com/larpoux/TauRepo/xyz/canardoux/tau_sound_core/6.4.8+2/tau_sound_core-6.4.8+2.pom’. Could not GET ‘https://dl.bintray.com/larpoux/TauRepo/xyz/canardoux/tau_sound_core/6.4.8+2/tau_sound_core-6.4.8+2.pom’. Received status code 403 from server: Forbidden
Try: Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.
Get more help at https://help.gradle.org
BUILD FAILED in 58s Exception: Gradle task assembleDevDebug failed with exit code 1
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments:21
Top GitHub Comments
OK, @haga-
Thank you for your investigations. This is a problem. We probably need to publish 7.x on JitPack. This is necessary for Flutter Sound users who are not ready to use the Null Safety compliance.
This is not very difficult, but the only developer who can efficiently do that is me. 😦 And actually I do not work on Flutter Sound. I am afraid that I have to go back on Flutter Sound to solve that. I will tell you if I can get some free time for this task.