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need help to use barcode scanner

See original GitHub issue

I am new to capacitorjs and trying out your plugin BarcodeScanner.

Followed the instructions, defining build.gradle, adding BarcodeScanner.class in MainActivity. Also, run ‘ionic build; ionic cap copy; ionic cap sync’ and then re-compile and run on Android device. In the Ionic App, I have a service providing startScan() function that will be trigger by a user click:

  public startScan = async () => {
    console.log(`here in startScan()`);
    // const { BarcodeScanner } = Plugins;
    BarcodeScanner.hideBackground(); // make background of WebView transparent
    const result = await BarcodeScanner.startScan(); // start scanning and wait for a result
    // if the result has content
    if (result.hasContent) {
      console.log(result.content); // log the raw scanned content

However, it seems it has no function at all. After clicked and called the function, it has no scanning window popped. Can anyone help to give me some hints? Thanks.

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  • State:closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:13 (2 by maintainers)

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jw-redpandacommented, Apr 1, 2021

Your help is superb @tripodsgames! you saved me from the middle of the sea 😁😎

For those who are newbies trying out this plugin, on top of the Ionic/Angular tutorial. The detailed steps:

  1. clone the repo
  2. cd tutorial-photo-gallery-angular
  3. edit package.json because of an Andriod studio 4.x issue.

@capacitor/android”: “^2.1.2”, “@capacitor/core”: “2.1.2”,

  1. npm install
  2. npm install @capacitor-community/barcode-scanner
  3. copy from here and create a java file under tutorial-photo-gallery-angular/android/app/src/main/java
└── dutchconcepts
    └── capacitor
        └── barcodescanner
  1. edit tutorial-photo-gallery-angular/android/app/build.gradle (only added those indicated below)
repositories {
    // add below
dependencies {
   // add below
    implementation('com.journeyapps:zxing-android-embedded:4.1.0') { transitive = false }
    implementation ''

Edit tutorial-photo-gallery-angular/android/app/src/main/java/io/ionic/pg/ng/cap/, add lines as indicated.

import android.os.Bundle;
import com.getcapacitor.BridgeActivity;
import com.getcapacitor.Plugin;
import java.util.ArrayList;

// add this line
import com.dutchconcepts.capacitor.barcodescanner.BarcodeScanner;

public class MainActivity extends BridgeActivity {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    // Initializes the Bridge
    this.init(savedInstanceState, new ArrayList<Class<? extends Plugin>>() {{
      // Add this line

Edit android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml according, add the lines indicated by leading “+”

+   xmlns:tools=""

+        android:hardwareAccelerated="true"

+    <uses-sdk tools:overrideLibrary="" />
  1. Follow instructions suggested by @tripodsgames: Edit tutorial-photo-gallery-angular/src/global.scss, add these lines
.scanner-ui { display: none; }
.scanner-hide { visibility: visible; }

body.qrscanner { background-color: transparent; }
body.qrscanner .scanner-ui { display: block; }
body.qrscanner .scanner-hide { visibility: hidden; }

  1. Edit tutorial-photo-gallery-angular/src/app/app.component.html
<ion-app  class="scanner-hide">

<div class="scanner-ui">
  ...Scanner Interface
  1. Add a startScan() function to photo services. edit tutorial-photo-gallery-angular/src/app/services/photo.service.ts
  // add a function to trigger barcode scanning
  public async startScan() {
    // const { BarcodeScanner } = Plugins;
    BarcodeScanner.hideBackground(); // make background of WebView transparent
    document.body.classList.add("qrscanner"); // add the qrscanner class to body
    const result = await BarcodeScanner.startScan(); // startscan
    document.body.classList.remove("qrscanner"); // remove the qrscanner from the body    
    // if the result has content
    if (result.hasContent) {
     console.log(`barcode scanning result=${result.content}`); // log the raw scanned content
  1. Add a top FAB button on tab2 to invoke barcode capacitor plugin Edit tutorial-photo-gallery-angular/src/app/tab2/
  <ion-fab vertical="top" horizontal="center" slot="fixed">
    <ion-fab-button (click)="photoService.startScan()">
      <ion-icon name="camera"></ion-icon>

  1. when all edits are done. ionic cap sync
  2. compile and run on an Android device

Hope the above would provide some hints in getting started to use capacitorjs.

tripodsgamescommented, Mar 28, 2021

You need to hide every element on your document. I implemented in the follow way using css and js:

.scanner-ui { display: none; }
.scanner-hide { visibility: visible; }

body.qrscanner { background-color: transparent; }
body.qrscanner .scanner-ui { display: block; }
body.qrscanner .scanner-hide { visibility: hidden; }

I made the scanner interface inside a div with .scanner-ui class to hide it when the scanner is not enabled. Then i put the .scanner-hide class in my <ion-app> to hide the view when the scanner is enabled.

App Component HTML:

<ion-app class="scanner-hide">
...App View

<div class="scanner-ui">
...Scanner Interface

When the scanner is open i added the .qrscanner class to the <body>, this will make the interface visible and the <ion-app> invisible.

To add or remove the .qrscanner class:

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Using a Barcode Scanner with Mecmesin Test Stands.
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