Combobox opening under modal
See original GitHub issueIt’s getting quite messy , spent whole day and still not working
I have tried to implement the combobox with 2 alternatives …
- using the itemValueKey… but here i hit the problem as you also have on your demo webpage
now clear that item or select any other value in case you clear that item, whatever you select is not shown on screen
or if you don’t clear, the value always stays the same
see the “selected”
Please help me out urgently , i’m promoting this library but with every update , i think new problems are created
- without itemValueKey
i’m not even sure where to start, maybe related with your upgrade to angular 10 (which i was using when you were not yet on ng10 ) and your previous version WAS working , so it might be your upgrade to angular 10
So i had to change to using “temValueKey” that at least didn’t give me any error ( just the bug above)
this is the bug i got
"TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'selected' of object '[object Object]'",
" at DropdownList.push.8a99f462d6cebb67ffa6.DropdownList.doClick )",
" at Object.eval [as handleEvent] (ng:///DropdownModule/DropdownList.ngfactory.js:66:23)",
" at handleEvent ",
" at callWithDebugContext"
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- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:8 (3 by maintainers)
For me you can close it, i don’t have that problem with my apps, i just thought it might be an issue in the library
Should be fixed with