D/T-Filter: Not possible to filter on e. g. D/T 5/5 only
See original GitHub issueDescribe your problem!
With D/T filter it seems to be impossible to filter on exactly one D- and/or T-rating,
in contrast to e. g. Favorites filter, which can easily be set to a range of e. g. 1000-1000
(Ok, to be honest, it is possible, admittedly, even together with other (not inverted) filters,
but only via “Nested Filter
=> OR [X]
=> Inverse [X]
=> D 1-4.5 / T 1-4.5
”, i. e. “NOT[D/T: *-4.5/*-4.5
but this is basically impossible to comprehend for Jo(sephin)e Average, thus must be considered impossible, at least for them).
How to reproduce?
- Create a filter with “Difficulty / Terrain”
- try to set it to D5 and/or T5, only …
Actual result after these steps?
Your filter will not only show D5 (resp. T5), but D4.5 (resp. T4.5) will be included, too.
Expected result after these steps?
Sliders should allow to filter for exactly one D and/or T rating, i. e. min and max should be allowed to have the same value.
c:geo Version
System information
- Device type: VOG-L29 (VOG-L29EEA, HUAWEI)
- Available processors: 8
- Android version: 10
- Android build: VOG-L29
- Screen resolution: 1080x2147px (423x841dp)
- Pixel density: 2.55
- System font scale: 1.0 / used scale: 1.0
- Sailfish OS detected: false
- Google Play services: disabled - 22.24.13 (100400-455379205)
Sensor and location:
- Low power mode: active
- Compass capabilities: yes
- Rotation vector sensor: present
- Orientation sensor: present
- Magnetometer & Accelerometer sensor: present
- Direction sensor used: rotation vector
Program settings:
- Settings: v9, Count:319
- Set language: en_DE (system default)
- System date format: dd/MM/y
- Time zone: GMT+02:00
- Debug mode active: no
- Last backup: 22 Jul, 00:20
- Routing mode: Bike
- Live map mode: true
- OSM multi-threading: true / threads: 4
- Map: Combined (Offline)
- Id: cgeo.geocaching.maps.mapsforge.MapsforgeMapProvider$OfflineMultiMapSource
- Atts: _ DE BaWü Vosges.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / _ DE Bayern.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / _ DE Hessen.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / _ DE North.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / _ DE NRW.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / _ DE Rheinland-Pfalz.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / _ DE Saarland Lux.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / AT CH FR Alps.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / BE LUX Belgium Lux.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / CH Switzerland.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / CZ Czech.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / DK Denmark.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / ES Spain Portugal.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / FR North.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / FR South.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / IT Italy.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / NL Netherlands.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / PL Poland.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / PY Pyrenees.osm.map: / Maps: (c)Christian Kernbeis & Michael Bechtold , Themes: (c)Tobias Kuehn, www.openandromaps.org 2012-2022 / / World.map: / mapsforge-map-writer-dev-SNAPSHOT
- Theme: Elements - shows all.xml
- Hide waypoints: -
- LIVE: None ([:inconclusive=false:advanced=true])
- OFFLINE: NOT[Last details update:--8h] ([:inconclusive=false:advanced=true]NOT(AND(stored_since:-10:28800)))
Stored Filters (#10):
- Live (Hide Found, Own & Archived): [- Live \(Hide Found, Own & Archived\):inconclusive=false:advanced=true]AND(status:owned_no:found_no:has_offline_found_log_no:exclude_archived))
- Live, but only Stored in any list: [- Live, but only Stored in any list:inconclusive=false:advanced=true]AND(status:owned_no:found_no:stored_yes:has_offline_found_log_no:exclude_archived))
- ...
- Geocaching sites enabled:
geocaching.com: Logged in (Login OK) / PREMIUM
extremcaching.com: Logged in (Login OK)
- Geocaching.com date format: dd MMM yy
- Last successful login on geocaching.com: 2022-07-22 10-37
- Routing: external / BRouter installed: true
- Installed c:geo plugins: contacts
Permissions & paths:
- Fine location permission: granted
- Write external storage permission: granted
- System internal c:geo dir: /data/user/0/cgeo.geocaching (52,6 GB free) v3 internal isDir(8 entries)
- Legacy User storage c:geo dir: /storage/emulated/0/cgeo (52,5 GB free) v3 external non-removable isDir(5 entries)
- Geocache data: /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/cgeo.geocaching/files/GeocacheData (52,5 GB free) v3 external non-removable isDir(5747 entries)
- Internal theme sync (is turned ON): /data/user/0/cgeo.geocaching/MapThemeData (52,6 GB free) v3 internal isDir(12 entries)
- Public Folders: #11
- BASE: /cgeo (User-Defined)[/cgeo[DOCUMENT#0:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo::]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo/document/primary%3Acgeo, Av:true, files:>=9, dirs:>=10, totalFileSize:>=1,4 GB, free space: 52,5 GB, files on device: 13278715)
- OFFLINE_MAPS: Memory card/Locus/mapsVector (User-Defined)[Memory card/Locus/mapsVector[DOCUMENT#0:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector::]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector/document/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector, Av:true, files:>=568, dirs:>=6, totalFileSize:>=31,8 GB, free space: 117,4 GB, files on device: 0)
- OFFLINE_MAP_THEMES: Memory card/Locus/mapsVector/_themes/Elevate5 (User-Defined)[Memory card/Locus/mapsVector/_themes/Elevate5[DOCUMENT#0:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector%2F_themes%2FElevate5::]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector%2F_themes%2FElevate5/document/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector%2F_themes%2FElevate5, Av:true, files:494, dirs:1, totalFileSize:3,6 MB, free space: 117,4 GB, files on device: 0)
- LOGFILES: /cgeo/logfiles (Default)[/cgeo/logfiles[PERSISTABLE_FOLDER(BASE)#1:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo::/logfiles]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo/document/primary%3Acgeo%2Flogfiles, Av:true, files:1, dirs:0, totalFileSize:119 B,
free space: 52,5 GB, files on device: 13278715)
- GPX: /Download/GPX (User-Defined)[/Download/GPX[DOCUMENT#0:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3ADownload%2FGPX::]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3ADownload%2FGPX/document/primary%3ADownload%2FGPX, Av:true, files:10, dirs:0, totalFileSize:357,2 KB, free space: 52,5 GB, files on device: 13278715)
- BACKUP: /cgeo/backup (Default)[/cgeo/backup[PERSISTABLE_FOLDER(BASE)#1:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo::/backup]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo/document/primary%3Acgeo%2Fbackup, Av:true, files:>=14, dirs:>=5, totalFileSize:>=2,4 GB, free space: 52,5 GB, files on device: 13278715)
- FIELD_NOTES: /cgeo/field-notes (Default)[/cgeo/field-notes[PERSISTABLE_FOLDER(BASE)#1:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo::/field-notes]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo/document/primary%3Acgeo%2Ffield-notes, Av:true, files:11, dirs:0, totalFileSize:51,9 KB, free space: 52,5 GB, files on device: 13278715)
- SPOILER_IMAGES: /cgeo/GeocachePhotos (Default)[/cgeo/GeocachePhotos[PERSISTABLE_FOLDER(BASE)#1:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo::/GeocachePhotos]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo/document/primary%3Acgeo%2FGeocachePhotos, Av:true, files:>=4, dirs:>=12, totalFileSize:>=269,2 KB, free space: 52,5 GB, files on device: 13278715)
- ROUTING_BASE: /cgeo/routing (Default)[/cgeo/routing[PERSISTABLE_FOLDER(BASE)#1:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo::/routing]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo/document/primary%3Acgeo%2Frouting, Av:true, files:11, dirs:0, totalFileSize:109,9 KB, free space: 52,5 GB, files on device: 13278715)
- ROUTING_TILES: Memory card/Android/media/btools.routingapp/brouter/segments4 (User-Defined)[Memory card/Android/media/btools.routingapp/brouter/segments4[DOCUMENT#0:p-content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3AAndroid%2Fmedia%2Fbtools.routingapp%2Fbrouter%2Fsegments4::]] (Uri: content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3AAndroid%2Fmedia%2Fbtools.routingapp%2Fbrouter%2Fsegments4/document/0123-4567%3AAndroid%2Fmedia%2Fbtools.routingapp%2Fbrouter%2Fsegments4, Av:true, files:39, dirs:0, totalFileSize:1,7 GB, free space: 117,4 GB, files on device: 0)
- TEST_FOLDER: [Legacy]/data/user/0/cgeo.geocaching/files/unittest (Default)[/data/user/0/cgeo.geocaching/files/unittest[FILE#1:p-file:///data/user/0/cgeo.geocaching/files::/unittest]] (Uri: file:///data/user/0/cgeo.geocaching/files/unittest, Av:true, files:0, dirs:0, totalFileSize:0 B, free space: 52,6 GB, files on device: -1)
- Map render theme path: Elements - shows all.xml
- PersistedDocumentUris: #1
- Persisted Uri Permissions: #5
- content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3AAndroid%2Fmedia%2Fbtools.routingapp%2Fbrouter%2Fsegments4 (25 Dec 2021, 21:59):RW
- content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3ADownload%2FGPX (24 May 2021, 00:17):RW
- content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector%2F_themes%2FElevate5 (1 May, 03:56):RW
- content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/primary%3Acgeo (20 May 2021, 23:37):RW
- content://com.android.externalstorage.documents/tree/0123-4567%3ALocus%2FmapsVector (20 May 2021, 23:37):RW
- Database: /data/user/0/cgeo.geocaching/databases/data (v98, Size:511,7 MB) on system internal storage
--- End of system information ---
Additional Information
No response
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created a year ago
- Comments:10 (7 by maintainers)
This has been fixed meanwhile, fix is available in current release 2022.08.21, so let’s close here.
Thanks for explaining, this should be fixed with the #13319