Missing req.body
See original GitHub issueWith reference to the recipe to manipulate the request object posted at https://github.com/chimurai/http-proxy-middleware/blob/master/recipes/modify-post.md
var onProxyReq = function(proxyReq, req, res) {
if ( (req.method == "POST" || req.method == "PUT") ) {
console.log('######## POST Request');
This is the request object I am sending from my client:
"{"method":"POST","transformRequest":[null],"transformResponse":[null],"url":"/api/cli/labels/","data":{"color":"#ab30ac","name":"newlbl","type":"IP"},"headers":{"Accept":"application/json, text/plain, */*","Content-Type":"application/json;charset=utf-8","Authorization":"Bearer XXXXXXXX","XXXXXX":1505506463,"XXXXXXX":"1.3.0"},"cached":false}"
But, I am not seeing any body in the output. Here’s the output I am seeing.
Console Log output
0|Phi | ######## POST Request
0|Phi | IncomingMessage {
0|Phi | _readableState:
0|Phi | ReadableState {
0|Phi | objectMode: false,
0|Phi | highWaterMark: 16384,
0|Phi | buffer: BufferList { head: [Object], tail: [Object], length: 1 },
0|Phi | length: 47,
0|Phi | pipes:
0|Phi | ClientRequest {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 7,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | output: [],
0|Phi | outputEncodings: [],
0|Phi | outputCallbacks: [],
0|Phi | outputSize: 0,
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | _last: true,
0|Phi | upgrading: false,
0|Phi | chunkedEncoding: false,
0|Phi | shouldKeepAlive: false,
0|Phi | useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
0|Phi | sendDate: false,
0|Phi | _removedHeader: [Object],
0|Phi | _contentLength: null,
0|Phi | _hasBody: true,
0|Phi | _trailer: '',
0|Phi | finished: false,
0|Phi | _headerSent: false,
0|Phi | socket: [Object],
0|Phi | connection: [Object],
0|Phi | _header: null,
0|Phi | _headers: [Object],
0|Phi | _headerNames: [Object],
0|Phi | _onPendingData: null,
0|Phi | agent: [Object],
0|Phi | socketPath: undefined,
0|Phi | timeout: undefined,
0|Phi | method: 'POST',
0|Phi | path: '/cli/v1/labels/',
0|Phi | _ended: false,
0|Phi | res: null,
0|Phi | aborted: undefined,
0|Phi | timeoutCb: null,
0|Phi | upgradeOrConnect: false,
0|Phi | parser: [Object],
0|Phi | maxHeadersCount: null },
0|Phi | pipesCount: 1,
0|Phi | flowing: true,
0|Phi | ended: false,
0|Phi | endEmitted: false,
0|Phi | reading: false,
0|Phi | sync: true,
0|Phi | needReadable: false,
0|Phi | emittedReadable: false,
0|Phi | readableListening: false,
0|Phi | resumeScheduled: true,
0|Phi | defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
0|Phi | ranOut: false,
0|Phi | awaitDrain: 0,
0|Phi | readingMore: true,
0|Phi | decoder: null,
0|Phi | encoding: null },
0|Phi | readable: true,
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events:
0|Phi | { aborted: [Function],
0|Phi | error: [Function: proxyError],
0|Phi | end: { [Function: bound onceWrapper] listener: [Function: onend] },
0|Phi | data: [Function: ondata] },
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 4,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | socket:
0|Phi | Socket {
0|Phi | connecting: false,
0|Phi | _hadError: false,
0|Phi | _handle:
0|Phi | TCP {
0|Phi | bytesRead: 605,
0|Phi | _externalStream: {},
0|Phi | fd: 12,
0|Phi | reading: true,
0|Phi | owner: [Circular],
0|Phi | onread: [Function: onread],
0|Phi | onconnection: null,
0|Phi | writeQueueSize: 0 },
0|Phi | _parent: null,
0|Phi | _host: null,
0|Phi | _readableState:
0|Phi | ReadableState {
0|Phi | objectMode: false,
0|Phi | highWaterMark: 16384,
0|Phi | buffer: [Object],
0|Phi | length: 0,
0|Phi | pipes: null,
0|Phi | pipesCount: 0,
0|Phi | flowing: true,
0|Phi | ended: false,
0|Phi | endEmitted: false,
0|Phi | reading: true,
0|Phi | sync: false,
0|Phi | needReadable: true,
0|Phi | emittedReadable: false,
0|Phi | readableListening: false,
0|Phi | resumeScheduled: false,
0|Phi | defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
0|Phi | ranOut: false,
0|Phi | awaitDrain: 0,
0|Phi | readingMore: false,
0|Phi | decoder: null,
0|Phi | encoding: null },
0|Phi | readable: true,
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events:
0|Phi | { end: [Object],
0|Phi | finish: [Function: onSocketFinish],
0|Phi | _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd],
0|Phi | drain: [Object],
0|Phi | timeout: [Function: bound socketOnTimeout],
0|Phi | data: [Function: bound socketOnData],
0|Phi | error: [Function: bound socketOnError],
0|Phi | close: [Object],
0|Phi | resume: [Function: onSocketResume],
0|Phi | pause: [Function: onSocketPause] },
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 10,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _writableState:
0|Phi | WritableState {
0|Phi | objectMode: false,
0|Phi | highWaterMark: 16384,
0|Phi | needDrain: false,
0|Phi | ending: false,
0|Phi | ended: false,
0|Phi | finished: false,
0|Phi | decodeStrings: false,
0|Phi | defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
0|Phi | length: 0,
0|Phi | writing: false,
0|Phi | corked: 0,
0|Phi | sync: true,
0|Phi | bufferProcessing: false,
0|Phi | onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
0|Phi | writecb: null,
0|Phi | writelen: 0,
0|Phi | bufferedRequest: null,
0|Phi | lastBufferedRequest: null,
0|Phi | pendingcb: 0,
0|Phi | prefinished: false,
0|Phi | errorEmitted: false,
0|Phi | bufferedRequestCount: 0,
0|Phi | corkedRequestsFree: [Object] },
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | destroyed: false,
0|Phi | _bytesDispatched: 0,
0|Phi | _sockname: null,
0|Phi | _pendingData: null,
0|Phi | _pendingEncoding: '',
0|Phi | server:
0|Phi | Server {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 2,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _connections: 1,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _usingSlaves: false,
0|Phi | _slaves: [],
0|Phi | _unref: false,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | pauseOnConnect: false,
0|Phi | httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
0|Phi | timeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _pendingResponseData: 0,
0|Phi | maxHeadersCount: null,
0|Phi | _connectionKey: '4:' },
0|Phi | _server:
0|Phi | Server {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 2,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _connections: 1,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _usingSlaves: false,
0|Phi | _slaves: [],
0|Phi | _unref: false,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | pauseOnConnect: false,
0|Phi | httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
0|Phi | timeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _pendingResponseData: 0,
0|Phi | maxHeadersCount: null,
0|Phi | _connectionKey: '4:' },
0|Phi | _idleTimeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _idleNext:
0|Phi | TimersList {
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Circular],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Circular],
0|Phi | _timer: [Object],
0|Phi | _unrefed: true,
0|Phi | msecs: 120000 },
0|Phi | _idlePrev:
0|Phi | TimersList {
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Circular],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Circular],
0|Phi | _timer: [Object],
0|Phi | _unrefed: true,
0|Phi | msecs: 120000 },
0|Phi | _idleStart: 22901,
0|Phi | parser:
0|Phi | HTTPParser {
0|Phi | '0': [Function: parserOnHeaders],
0|Phi | '1': [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete],
0|Phi | '2': [Function: parserOnBody],
0|Phi | '3': [Function: parserOnMessageComplete],
0|Phi | '4': [Function: bound onParserExecute],
0|Phi | _headers: [],
0|Phi | _url: '',
0|Phi | _consumed: true,
0|Phi | socket: [Circular],
0|Phi | incoming: [Circular],
0|Phi | outgoing: null,
0|Phi | maxHeaderPairs: 2000,
0|Phi | onIncoming: [Function: bound parserOnIncoming] },
0|Phi | on: [Function: socketOnWrap],
0|Phi | _paused: false,
0|Phi | read: [Function],
0|Phi | _consuming: true,
0|Phi | _httpMessage:
0|Phi | ServerResponse {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 1,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | output: [],
0|Phi | outputEncodings: [],
0|Phi | outputCallbacks: [],
0|Phi | outputSize: 0,
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | _last: false,
0|Phi | upgrading: false,
0|Phi | chunkedEncoding: false,
0|Phi | shouldKeepAlive: true,
0|Phi | useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
0|Phi | sendDate: true,
0|Phi | _removedHeader: {},
0|Phi | _contentLength: null,
0|Phi | _hasBody: true,
0|Phi | _trailer: '',
0|Phi | finished: false,
0|Phi | _headerSent: false,
0|Phi | socket: [Circular],
0|Phi | connection: [Circular],
0|Phi | _header: null,
0|Phi | _headers: [Object],
0|Phi | _headerNames: [Object],
0|Phi | _onPendingData: [Function: bound updateOutgoingData],
0|Phi | _sent100: false,
0|Phi | _expect_continue: false,
0|Phi | req: [Circular],
0|Phi | locals: {} } },
0|Phi | connection:
0|Phi | Socket {
0|Phi | connecting: false,
0|Phi | _hadError: false,
0|Phi | _handle:
0|Phi | TCP {
0|Phi | bytesRead: 605,
0|Phi | _externalStream: {},
0|Phi | fd: 12,
0|Phi | reading: true,
0|Phi | owner: [Circular],
0|Phi | onread: [Function: onread],
0|Phi | onconnection: null,
0|Phi | writeQueueSize: 0 },
0|Phi | _parent: null,
0|Phi | _host: null,
0|Phi | _readableState:
0|Phi | ReadableState {
0|Phi | objectMode: false,
0|Phi | highWaterMark: 16384,
0|Phi | buffer: [Object],
0|Phi | length: 0,
0|Phi | pipes: null,
0|Phi | pipesCount: 0,
0|Phi | flowing: true,
0|Phi | ended: false,
0|Phi | endEmitted: false,
0|Phi | reading: true,
0|Phi | sync: false,
0|Phi | needReadable: true,
0|Phi | emittedReadable: false,
0|Phi | readableListening: false,
0|Phi | resumeScheduled: false,
0|Phi | defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
0|Phi | ranOut: false,
0|Phi | awaitDrain: 0,
0|Phi | readingMore: false,
0|Phi | decoder: null,
0|Phi | encoding: null },
0|Phi | readable: true,
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events:
0|Phi | { end: [Object],
0|Phi | finish: [Function: onSocketFinish],
0|Phi | _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd],
0|Phi | drain: [Object],
0|Phi | timeout: [Function: bound socketOnTimeout],
0|Phi | data: [Function: bound socketOnData],
0|Phi | error: [Function: bound socketOnError],
0|Phi | close: [Object],
0|Phi | resume: [Function: onSocketResume],
0|Phi | pause: [Function: onSocketPause] },
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 10,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _writableState:
0|Phi | WritableState {
0|Phi | objectMode: false,
0|Phi | highWaterMark: 16384,
0|Phi | needDrain: false,
0|Phi | ending: false,
0|Phi | ended: false,
0|Phi | finished: false,
0|Phi | decodeStrings: false,
0|Phi | defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
0|Phi | length: 0,
0|Phi | writing: false,
0|Phi | corked: 0,
0|Phi | sync: true,
0|Phi | bufferProcessing: false,
0|Phi | onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
0|Phi | writecb: null,
0|Phi | writelen: 0,
0|Phi | bufferedRequest: null,
0|Phi | lastBufferedRequest: null,
0|Phi | pendingcb: 0,
0|Phi | prefinished: false,
0|Phi | errorEmitted: false,
0|Phi | bufferedRequestCount: 0,
0|Phi | corkedRequestsFree: [Object] },
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | destroyed: false,
0|Phi | _bytesDispatched: 0,
0|Phi | _sockname: null,
0|Phi | _pendingData: null,
0|Phi | _pendingEncoding: '',
0|Phi | server:
0|Phi | Server {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 2,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _connections: 1,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _usingSlaves: false,
0|Phi | _slaves: [],
0|Phi | _unref: false,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | pauseOnConnect: false,
0|Phi | httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
0|Phi | timeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _pendingResponseData: 0,
0|Phi | maxHeadersCount: null,
0|Phi | _connectionKey: '4:' },
0|Phi | _server:
0|Phi | Server {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 2,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _connections: 1,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _usingSlaves: false,
0|Phi | _slaves: [],
0|Phi | _unref: false,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | pauseOnConnect: false,
0|Phi | httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
0|Phi | timeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _pendingResponseData: 0,
0|Phi | maxHeadersCount: null,
0|Phi | _connectionKey: '4:' },
0|Phi | _idleTimeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _idleNext:
0|Phi | TimersList {
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Circular],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Circular],
0|Phi | _timer: [Object],
0|Phi | _unrefed: true,
0|Phi | msecs: 120000 },
0|Phi | _idlePrev:
0|Phi | TimersList {
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Circular],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Circular],
0|Phi | _timer: [Object],
0|Phi | _unrefed: true,
0|Phi | msecs: 120000 },
0|Phi | _idleStart: 22901,
0|Phi | parser:
0|Phi | HTTPParser {
0|Phi | '0': [Function: parserOnHeaders],
0|Phi | '1': [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete],
0|Phi | '2': [Function: parserOnBody],
0|Phi | '3': [Function: parserOnMessageComplete],
0|Phi | '4': [Function: bound onParserExecute],
0|Phi | _headers: [],
0|Phi | _url: '',
0|Phi | _consumed: true,
0|Phi | socket: [Circular],
0|Phi | incoming: [Circular],
0|Phi | outgoing: null,
0|Phi | maxHeaderPairs: 2000,
0|Phi | onIncoming: [Function: bound parserOnIncoming] },
0|Phi | on: [Function: socketOnWrap],
0|Phi | _paused: false,
0|Phi | read: [Function],
0|Phi | _consuming: true,
0|Phi | _httpMessage:
0|Phi | ServerResponse {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 1,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | output: [],
0|Phi | outputEncodings: [],
0|Phi | outputCallbacks: [],
0|Phi | outputSize: 0,
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | _last: false,
0|Phi | upgrading: false,
0|Phi | chunkedEncoding: false,
0|Phi | shouldKeepAlive: true,
0|Phi | useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
0|Phi | sendDate: true,
0|Phi | _removedHeader: {},
0|Phi | _contentLength: null,
0|Phi | _hasBody: true,
0|Phi | _trailer: '',
0|Phi | finished: false,
0|Phi | _headerSent: false,
0|Phi | socket: [Circular],
0|Phi | connection: [Circular],
0|Phi | _header: null,
0|Phi | _headers: [Object],
0|Phi | _headerNames: [Object],
0|Phi | _onPendingData: [Function: bound updateOutgoingData],
0|Phi | _sent100: false,
0|Phi | _expect_continue: false,
0|Phi | req: [Circular],
0|Phi | locals: {} } },
0|Phi | httpVersionMajor: 1,
0|Phi | httpVersionMinor: 1,
0|Phi | httpVersion: '1.1',
0|Phi | complete: false,
0|Phi | headers:
0|Phi | { host: 'vm:3000',
0|Phi | connection: 'keep-alive',
0|Phi | 'content-length': '47',
0|Phi | origin: 'http://vm:3000',
0|Phi | 'XXXXXXXXXX': '1.3.0',
0|Phi | authorization: 'Bearer XXXXXXXXX',
0|Phi | 'content-type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
0|Phi | accept: 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
0|Phi | 'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.71 Safari/537.36',
0|Phi | 'XXXXXXX': '1505503300',
0|Phi | dnt: '1',
0|Phi | referer: 'http://vm:3000/',
0|Phi | 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
0|Phi | 'accept-language': 'en-US,en;q=0.8' },
0|Phi | rawHeaders:
0|Phi | [ 'Host',
0|Phi | 'vm:3000',
0|Phi | 'Connection',
0|Phi | 'keep-alive',
0|Phi | 'Content-Length',
0|Phi | '47',
0|Phi | 'Origin',
0|Phi | 'http://vm:3000',
0|Phi | '1.3.0',
0|Phi | 'Authorization',
0|Phi | 'Bearer XXXXXXX',
0|Phi | 'Content-Type',
0|Phi | 'application/json;charset=UTF-8',
0|Phi | 'Accept',
0|Phi | 'application/json, text/plain, */*',
0|Phi | 'User-Agent',
0|Phi | 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_12_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/61.0.3163.71 Safari/537.36',
0|Phi | 'XXXXXXXX',
0|Phi | '1505503300',
0|Phi | 'DNT',
0|Phi | '1',
0|Phi | 'Referer',
0|Phi | 'http://vm:3000/',
0|Phi | 'Accept-Encoding',
0|Phi | 'gzip, deflate',
0|Phi | 'Accept-Language',
0|Phi | 'en-US,en;q=0.8' ],
0|Phi | trailers: {},
0|Phi | rawTrailers: [],
0|Phi | upgrade: false,
0|Phi | url: '/cli/v1/labels/',
0|Phi | method: 'POST',
0|Phi | statusCode: null,
0|Phi | statusMessage: null,
0|Phi | client:
0|Phi | Socket {
0|Phi | connecting: false,
0|Phi | _hadError: false,
0|Phi | _handle:
0|Phi | TCP {
0|Phi | bytesRead: 605,
0|Phi | _externalStream: {},
0|Phi | fd: 12,
0|Phi | reading: true,
0|Phi | owner: [Circular],
0|Phi | onread: [Function: onread],
0|Phi | onconnection: null,
0|Phi | writeQueueSize: 0 },
0|Phi | _parent: null,
0|Phi | _host: null,
0|Phi | _readableState:
0|Phi | ReadableState {
0|Phi | objectMode: false,
0|Phi | highWaterMark: 16384,
0|Phi | buffer: [Object],
0|Phi | length: 0,
0|Phi | pipes: null,
0|Phi | pipesCount: 0,
0|Phi | flowing: true,
0|Phi | ended: false,
0|Phi | endEmitted: false,
0|Phi | reading: true,
0|Phi | sync: false,
0|Phi | needReadable: true,
0|Phi | emittedReadable: false,
0|Phi | readableListening: false,
0|Phi | resumeScheduled: false,
0|Phi | defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
0|Phi | ranOut: false,
0|Phi | awaitDrain: 0,
0|Phi | readingMore: false,
0|Phi | decoder: null,
0|Phi | encoding: null },
0|Phi | readable: true,
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events:
0|Phi | { end: [Object],
0|Phi | finish: [Function: onSocketFinish],
0|Phi | _socketEnd: [Function: onSocketEnd],
0|Phi | drain: [Object],
0|Phi | timeout: [Function: bound socketOnTimeout],
0|Phi | data: [Function: bound socketOnData],
0|Phi | error: [Function: bound socketOnError],
0|Phi | close: [Object],
0|Phi | resume: [Function: onSocketResume],
0|Phi | pause: [Function: onSocketPause] },
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 10,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _writableState:
0|Phi | WritableState {
0|Phi | objectMode: false,
0|Phi | highWaterMark: 16384,
0|Phi | needDrain: false,
0|Phi | ending: false,
0|Phi | ended: false,
0|Phi | finished: false,
0|Phi | decodeStrings: false,
0|Phi | defaultEncoding: 'utf8',
0|Phi | length: 0,
0|Phi | writing: false,
0|Phi | corked: 0,
0|Phi | sync: true,
0|Phi | bufferProcessing: false,
0|Phi | onwrite: [Function: bound onwrite],
0|Phi | writecb: null,
0|Phi | writelen: 0,
0|Phi | bufferedRequest: null,
0|Phi | lastBufferedRequest: null,
0|Phi | pendingcb: 0,
0|Phi | prefinished: false,
0|Phi | errorEmitted: false,
0|Phi | bufferedRequestCount: 0,
0|Phi | corkedRequestsFree: [Object] },
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | destroyed: false,
0|Phi | _bytesDispatched: 0,
0|Phi | _sockname: null,
0|Phi | _pendingData: null,
0|Phi | _pendingEncoding: '',
0|Phi | server:
0|Phi | Server {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 2,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _connections: 1,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _usingSlaves: false,
0|Phi | _slaves: [],
0|Phi | _unref: false,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | pauseOnConnect: false,
0|Phi | httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
0|Phi | timeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _pendingResponseData: 0,
0|Phi | maxHeadersCount: null,
0|Phi | _connectionKey: '4:' },
0|Phi | _server:
0|Phi | Server {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 2,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _connections: 1,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _usingSlaves: false,
0|Phi | _slaves: [],
0|Phi | _unref: false,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | pauseOnConnect: false,
0|Phi | httpAllowHalfOpen: false,
0|Phi | timeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _pendingResponseData: 0,
0|Phi | maxHeadersCount: null,
0|Phi | _connectionKey: '4:' },
0|Phi | _idleTimeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _idleNext:
0|Phi | TimersList {
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Circular],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Circular],
0|Phi | _timer: [Object],
0|Phi | _unrefed: true,
0|Phi | msecs: 120000 },
0|Phi | _idlePrev:
0|Phi | TimersList {
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Circular],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Circular],
0|Phi | _timer: [Object],
0|Phi | _unrefed: true,
0|Phi | msecs: 120000 },
0|Phi | _idleStart: 22901,
0|Phi | parser:
0|Phi | HTTPParser {
0|Phi | '0': [Function: parserOnHeaders],
0|Phi | '1': [Function: parserOnHeadersComplete],
0|Phi | '2': [Function: parserOnBody],
0|Phi | '3': [Function: parserOnMessageComplete],
0|Phi | '4': [Function: bound onParserExecute],
0|Phi | _headers: [],
0|Phi | _url: '',
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0|Phi | socket: [Circular],
0|Phi | incoming: [Circular],
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0|Phi | maxHeaderPairs: 2000,
0|Phi | onIncoming: [Function: bound parserOnIncoming] },
0|Phi | on: [Function: socketOnWrap],
0|Phi | _paused: false,
0|Phi | read: [Function],
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0|Phi | _httpMessage:
0|Phi | ServerResponse {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 1,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | output: [],
0|Phi | outputEncodings: [],
0|Phi | outputCallbacks: [],
0|Phi | outputSize: 0,
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | _last: false,
0|Phi | upgrading: false,
0|Phi | chunkedEncoding: false,
0|Phi | shouldKeepAlive: true,
0|Phi | useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
0|Phi | sendDate: true,
0|Phi | _removedHeader: {},
0|Phi | _contentLength: null,
0|Phi | _hasBody: true,
0|Phi | _trailer: '',
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0|Phi | connection: [Circular],
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0|Phi | _headers: [Object],
0|Phi | _headerNames: [Object],
0|Phi | _onPendingData: [Function: bound updateOutgoingData],
0|Phi | _sent100: false,
0|Phi | _expect_continue: false,
0|Phi | req: [Circular],
0|Phi | locals: {} } },
0|Phi | _consuming: false,
0|Phi | _dumped: false,
0|Phi | next: [Function: next],
0|Phi | baseUrl: '',
0|Phi | originalUrl: '/api/cli/labels/',
0|Phi | _parsedUrl:
0|Phi | Url {
0|Phi | protocol: null,
0|Phi | slashes: null,
0|Phi | auth: null,
0|Phi | host: null,
0|Phi | port: null,
0|Phi | hostname: null,
0|Phi | hash: null,
0|Phi | search: null,
0|Phi | query: null,
0|Phi | pathname: '/api/cli/labels/',
0|Phi | path: '/api/cli/labels/',
0|Phi | href: '/api/cli/labels/',
0|Phi | _raw: '/api/cli/labels/' },
0|Phi | params: {},
0|Phi | query: {},
0|Phi | res:
0|Phi | ServerResponse {
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: { finish: [Function: bound resOnFinish] },
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 1,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | output: [],
0|Phi | outputEncodings: [],
0|Phi | outputCallbacks: [],
0|Phi | outputSize: 0,
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | _last: false,
0|Phi | upgrading: false,
0|Phi | chunkedEncoding: false,
0|Phi | shouldKeepAlive: true,
0|Phi | useChunkedEncodingByDefault: true,
0|Phi | sendDate: true,
0|Phi | _removedHeader: {},
0|Phi | _contentLength: null,
0|Phi | _hasBody: true,
0|Phi | _trailer: '',
0|Phi | finished: false,
0|Phi | _headerSent: false,
0|Phi | socket:
0|Phi | Socket {
0|Phi | connecting: false,
0|Phi | _hadError: false,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _parent: null,
0|Phi | _host: null,
0|Phi | _readableState: [Object],
0|Phi | readable: true,
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 10,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _writableState: [Object],
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | destroyed: false,
0|Phi | _bytesDispatched: 0,
0|Phi | _sockname: null,
0|Phi | _pendingData: null,
0|Phi | _pendingEncoding: '',
0|Phi | server: [Object],
0|Phi | _server: [Object],
0|Phi | _idleTimeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Object],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Object],
0|Phi | _idleStart: 22901,
0|Phi | parser: [Object],
0|Phi | on: [Function: socketOnWrap],
0|Phi | _paused: false,
0|Phi | read: [Function],
0|Phi | _consuming: true,
0|Phi | _httpMessage: [Circular] },
0|Phi | connection:
0|Phi | Socket {
0|Phi | connecting: false,
0|Phi | _hadError: false,
0|Phi | _handle: [Object],
0|Phi | _parent: null,
0|Phi | _host: null,
0|Phi | _readableState: [Object],
0|Phi | readable: true,
0|Phi | domain: null,
0|Phi | _events: [Object],
0|Phi | _eventsCount: 10,
0|Phi | _maxListeners: undefined,
0|Phi | _writableState: [Object],
0|Phi | writable: true,
0|Phi | allowHalfOpen: true,
0|Phi | destroyed: false,
0|Phi | _bytesDispatched: 0,
0|Phi | _sockname: null,
0|Phi | _pendingData: null,
0|Phi | _pendingEncoding: '',
0|Phi | server: [Object],
0|Phi | _server: [Object],
0|Phi | _idleTimeout: 120000,
0|Phi | _idleNext: [Object],
0|Phi | _idlePrev: [Object],
0|Phi | _idleStart: 22901,
0|Phi | parser: [Object],
0|Phi | on: [Function: socketOnWrap],
0|Phi | _paused: false,
0|Phi | read: [Function],
0|Phi | _consuming: true,
0|Phi | _httpMessage: [Circular] },
0|Phi | _header: null,
0|Phi | _headers: { 'x-powered-by': 'Express' },
0|Phi | _headerNames: { 'x-powered-by': 'X-Powered-By' },
0|Phi | _onPendingData: [Function: bound updateOutgoingData],
0|Phi | _sent100: false,
0|Phi | _expect_continue: false,
0|Phi | req: [Circular],
0|Phi | locals: {} } }
What am I doing wrong here?
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- State:
- Created 6 years ago
- Comments:8 (1 by maintainers)
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Nevermind… I think I got the solution. @chimurai’s post on https://github.com/chimurai/http-proxy-middleware/issues/40 has an example that can do what I’m trying to do.
You’ll need the
middleware, as described.