Getting empty worksheets in workbook created from datatables.
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Version of ClosedXML 0.95.3
What is the current behavior? workbook is created with worksheets using fully populated datatables. Worksheets are created with the correct number of columns and rows, but no data from the datatables is being populated into the worksheet cells. Columns are only labled as Column1, Column2, Column3 etc… Worksheets do have the correct names from the datatable names. While debugging I an view the datatable data from the Visual Studio visualizer. The table data looks well-formed. (
What is the expected behavior or new feature? data from data tables to be populated in the worksheets of workbook.
Is this a regression from the previous version?
Regressions get higher priority. Test against the latest build of the previous minor version. For example, if you experience a problem on v0.95.3, check whether it the problem occurred in v0.94.2 too.
Problem also occurs in v0.95.2.
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Unfortunately I am not able to include actual data from the datatable…
public void Main()
public XLWorkbook ExportExcelFiles(string checkedReportsString)
using (var wb = new XLWorkbook())
//find each report id in the url parameter sting and create and excel workbook with a worksheet for each one
string reportId = null;
foreach (char c in checkedReportsString)
//find the next report id in url parameter string and create an excel worksheet from it
if (c != char.Parse("~"))
reportId = reportId + c;
else if (c == char.Parse("~"))
//create datatable of the current report
string reportName = GetReportTableName(reportId);
DataTable reportDataTable = GetTableData(reportId, reportName);
//add datatable to workbook
if (reportDataTable != null && reportDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
reportDataTable.TableName = $"{GetReportTableName(reportId).Substring(7)}_{GetReportDateStringWithTime(reportId)}";
var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add(reportDataTable);
reportId = null;
if (wb != null) return wb;
else throw new Exception("No Data to Report");
- [x ] I attached a sample spreadsheet. (You can drag files on to this issue)
[Daily_Reports_12-08-2020_09-32.xlsx] testWorkbook.xlsx
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- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:16 (10 by maintainers)
Sure thing.
On Tue, Aug 18, 2020, 6:38 PM Francois Botha wrote:
Fixed in #1499