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How to debug CARS if things don't work well

See original GitHub issue

This project is awesome. I’ve encountered some issues and hope you can help.

  1. I am running CARS on a pair of Pleiades stereo imagery and the result is not very optimal. Here is CARS result:
    Screenshot from 2022-08-12 13-51-55

  2. In the mean time, I used another open source software to run the same Pleiades data and the result is as follow:
    Screenshot from 2022-08-12 13-50-25

  3. Basically, I would like to just use one software and stick to it. And I would like to understand that in this situation, what I can do to debug CARS. I am thinking checking intermediate files since CARS processes a raster by tiles. And I didn’t do bundle adjustment before running. Would it help if bundle adjustment is run beforehand?

  4. I am expecting to see some intermediate files created during the processing. For example, since a raster is first split into smaller tiles, is it possible to visualize the tiled raster and see what’s going on, or check the SIFT matching points?
    Thank you.
    Here are the trackback:

2022-08-12 10:27:18,991 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.9999990463256836 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,043 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998474121094 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,043 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.9999982833862306 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,044 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998474121094 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,044 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998474121094 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,044 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998664855957 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,044 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.9999988555908206 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,095 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.9999990463256836 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,095 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998664855957 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,096 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998664855957 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,096 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.9999988555908206 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,149 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998474121094 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:19,149 - distributed.nanny - WARNING - Worker process still alive after 3.999998474121094 seconds, killing
2022-08-12 10:27:20,542 - tornado.application - ERROR - Exception in callback functools.partial(<bound method AsyncProcess._on_exit o
f <AsyncProcess Dask Worker process (from Nanny)>>, -15)                                                                             
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                   
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/", line 741, in _run_callback                                        
    ret = callback()                                                                                                                 
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 139, in _on_exit                                        
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 695, in _on_exit                                          
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 733, in mark_stopped                                      
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 501, in _on_exit_sync                                     
    self._ongoing_background_tasks.call_soon(self._on_exit, exitcode)                                                                
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 190, in call_soon                                          
    raise AsyncTaskGroupClosedError(                                                                                                 
distributed.core.AsyncTaskGroupClosedError: Cannot schedule a new coroutine function as the group is already closed.                 
2022-08-12 10:27:20,543 - tornado.application - ERROR - Exception in callback functools.partial(<bound method AsyncProcess._on_exit o
f <AsyncProcess Dask Worker process (from Nanny)>>, -15)                                                                             
Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                                   
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/", line 741, in _run_callback                                        
    ret = callback()                                                                                                                 
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 139, in _on_exit                                        
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 695, in _on_exit                                          
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 733, in mark_stopped                                      
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 501, in _on_exit_sync                                     
    self._ongoing_background_tasks.call_soon(self._on_exit, exitcode)                                                                
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 190, in call_soon
    raise AsyncTaskGroupClosedError(
distributed.core.AsyncTaskGroupClosedError: Cannot schedule a new coroutine function as the group is already closed.

And in compute_dsm_outdir/22-08-12_10h00m_compute_dsm.log,

22-08-12 10:27:14 :: ERROR :: CARS terminated with following error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/cars/cars/", line 748, in main_cli
    run_compute_dsm(args, dry_run)
  File "/cars/cars/", line 680, in run_compute_dsm
  File "/cars/cars/pipelines/", line 1172, in run
  File "/cars/cars/pipelines/", line 324, in write_geotiff_dsm
    for future, raster_tile in tqdm(
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tqdm/", line 1195, in __iter__
    for obj in iterable:
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 4883, in __next__
    return self._get_and_raise()
  File "/cars/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/distributed/", line 4872, in _get_and_raise
    raise exc.with_traceback(tb)
distributed.scheduler.KilledWorker: ('images_pair_to_3d_points-13efe864-f5ec-4d74-a056-0964cffb9b57', <WorkerState 'tcp://', name: 40, status: closed, memory: 0, processing: 11>)

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Comments:7 (4 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

lionlai1989commented, Oct 6, 2022

Hi David: I’ve tried it again. The result looks great. Thanks a lot. Screenshot from 2022-10-06 13-39-33

dyoussefcommented, Aug 24, 2022

Hi @lionlai1989, with the new API, you have to provide all the arguments through the config.json file

    "inputs": {
        "sensors": {
            "one": {
                "image": "Duesseldorf/IMG_PHR1A_P_001/IMG_PHR1A_P_201807271102180_SEN_3385144101-1_R1C1.JP2",
                "geomodel": "Duesseldorf/IMG_PHR1A_P_001/RPC_PHR1A_P_201807271102180_SEN_3385144101-1.XML",
                "no_data": 0
            "two": {
                "image": "Duesseldorf/IMG_PHR1A_P_002/IMG_PHR1A_P_201807271101330_SEN_3385144101-1_R1C1.JP2",
                "geomodel": "Duesseldorf/IMG_PHR1A_P_002/RPC_PHR1A_P_201807271101330_SEN_3385144101-1.XML",
                "no_data": 0
        "pairing": [
        "initial_elevation": "srtm_dir"
    "output": {
        "out_dir": "outresults"
    "orchestrator": {
        "mode": "mp",
        "nb_workers": 4


Regards, David

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