Stuck on an issue?

Lightrun Answers was designed to reduce the constant googling that comes with debugging 3rd party libraries. It collects links to all the places you might be looking at while hunting down a tough bug.

And, if you’re still stuck at the end, we’re happy to hop on a call to see how we can help out.

Links within TabNine hub are not opening

See original GitHub issue

please complete the following information:

  • OS version: MacOS Big Sure 11.6
  • Editor version [e.g. 1.45.0-insider]: 1.63.0-insider
  • Programming language: js, python
  • TabNine extension version: 3.5.1

If the issue is related to TabNine failure, please provide log files:

INFO [auth::token] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] token path: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/tabnine.token
WARN [auth::user] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine WARN] No user token available: No such file or directory (os error 2)
INFO [TabNine::main_utils] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] /Users/naymkazp/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders/User/globalStorage/tabnine.tabnine-vscode/binaries/4.0.9/x86_64-apple-darwin/TabNine --client=vscode --no-lsp=true --log-file-path=/Users/naymkazp/Documents/work/projects/tabnine/tabnine.log-23601 --client-metadata clientVersion=1.63.0-insider pluginVersion=3.5.1 t9-vscode-AutoImportEnabled=true t9-vscode-TSAutoImportEnabled=true t9-vscode-JSAutoImportEnabled=true vscode-telemetry-enabled=true vscode-remote=false vscode-remote-name=undefined vscode-extension-kind=1 vscode-theme-name=Horizon vscode-theme-kind=Dark vscode-machine-id=c414e2da30409bc61e94ed9d67033a6c130176e79fdc181ee9e61d1e392a21be vscode-is-new-app-install=false vscode-session-id=eb83df9e-5f45-408f-8805-0a2c00e7f21a1637834894496 vscode-language=en vscode-app-name=Visual Studio Code - Insiders vscode-beta-channel-enabled=true vscode-status-customization=unknown ide-restart-counter=0
INFO [watchdog_api::wd_client] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] Initializing watchdog client...
INFO [TabNine::bootstrap_support] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] trying to start tabnine version Some("4.0.9")
INFO [TabNine::bootstrap_support] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] spawning tabnine with args ["/Users/naymkazp/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders/User/globalStorage/tabnine.tabnine-vscode/binaries/4.0.9/x86_64-apple-darwin/TabNine", "--client=vscode", "--no-lsp=true", "--log-file-path=/Users/naymkazp/Documents/work/projects/tabnine/tabnine.log-23601", "--client-metadata", "clientVersion=1.63.0-insider", "pluginVersion=3.5.1", "t9-vscode-AutoImportEnabled=true", "t9-vscode-TSAutoImportEnabled=true", "t9-vscode-JSAutoImportEnabled=true", "vscode-telemetry-enabled=true", "vscode-remote=false", "vscode-remote-name=undefined", "vscode-extension-kind=1", "vscode-theme-name=Horizon", "vscode-theme-kind=Dark", "vscode-machine-id=c414e2da30409bc61e94ed9d67033a6c130176e79fdc181ee9e61d1e392a21be", "vscode-is-new-app-install=false", "vscode-session-id=eb83df9e-5f45-408f-8805-0a2c00e7f21a1637834894496", "vscode-language=en", "vscode-app-name=Visual Studio Code - Insiders", "vscode-beta-channel-enabled=true", "vscode-status-customization=unknown", "ide-restart-counter=0", "--no_bootstrap"]
INFO [TabNine::bootstrap_support] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] started tabnine process pid 23628 version Some("4.0.9"), desired version was Some("4.0.9") this version is Some("4.0.9")
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] User changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::token] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] token path: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/tabnine.token
WARN [auth::user] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine WARN] No user token available: No such file or directory (os error 2)
INFO [TabNine::main_utils] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] /Users/naymkazp/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders/User/globalStorage/tabnine.tabnine-vscode/binaries/4.0.9/x86_64-apple-darwin/TabNine --client=vscode --no-lsp=true --log-file-path=/Users/naymkazp/Documents/work/projects/tabnine/tabnine.log-23601 --client-metadata clientVersion=1.63.0-insider pluginVersion=3.5.1 t9-vscode-AutoImportEnabled=true t9-vscode-TSAutoImportEnabled=true t9-vscode-JSAutoImportEnabled=true vscode-telemetry-enabled=true vscode-remote=false vscode-remote-name=undefined vscode-extension-kind=1 vscode-theme-name=Horizon vscode-theme-kind=Dark vscode-machine-id=c414e2da30409bc61e94ed9d67033a6c130176e79fdc181ee9e61d1e392a21be vscode-is-new-app-install=false vscode-session-id=eb83df9e-5f45-408f-8805-0a2c00e7f21a1637834894496 vscode-language=en vscode-app-name=Visual Studio Code - Insiders vscode-beta-channel-enabled=true vscode-status-customization=unknown ide-restart-counter=0 --no_bootstrap
INFO [watchdog_api::wd_client] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] Initializing watchdog client...
INFO [frontend] [2021-11-25:12:08:22 TabNine INFO] LSP disabled
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] User changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [recommend_tabnine_extension] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] registering recommender
INFO [recommend_tabnine_extension::vscode_recommended_extensions] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] not activating recommendation engine
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] No private model found
INFO [lunar_connection::model_chooser] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] current private model is None
INFO [lunar_connection::model_chooser] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] using initial model Model {
    model_hash_override: None,
    model_size: Small,
    base_url: "",
INFO [lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] lunar settings update thread started (Local(Public) default local)
INFO [lunar_connection::local_lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] starting default model pre-loader DownloadSettings {
    api_key: None,
    meta_data_base_url: "",
    model: Model {
        model_hash_override: None,
        model_size: Small,
        base_url: "",
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] Starting private model update thread
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] active private model is None
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] Checking if private model changed
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] removing private models from cache
ERROR [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine ERROR] Failed to remove private models from cache: No such file or directory (os error 2)
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] private model is same
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] sleeping for 3600s
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] Checking if private model changed
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] removing private models from cache
ERROR [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine ERROR] Failed to remove private models from cache: No such file or directory (os error 2)
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] private model is same
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] sleeping for 3600s
INFO [lunar_connection::project_model_override_installer] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] project model override feature is disabled
INFO [lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] lunar settings update thread started (Remote cloud)
INFO [frontend::initialize] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] Started.
INFO [lunar_connection::local_lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] running command "/Users/naymkazp/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders/User/globalStorage/tabnine.tabnine-vscode/binaries/4.0.9/x86_64-apple-darwin/TabNine-deep-local" "--settings" "/Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/local.settingsSmall" "--settings-version" "1" "--log-file-path" "/Users/naymkazp/Documents/work/projects/tabnine/tabnine.log-23601" "--client" "vscode" "--client-metadata" "clientVersion=1.63.0-insider" "pluginVersion=3.5.1" "t9-vscode-AutoImportEnabled=true" "t9-vscode-TSAutoImportEnabled=true" "t9-vscode-JSAutoImportEnabled=true" "vscode-telemetry-enabled=true" "vscode-remote=false" "vscode-remote-name=undefined" "vscode-extension-kind=1" "vscode-theme-name=Horizon" "vscode-theme-kind=Dark" "vscode-machine-id=c414e2da30409bc61e94ed9d67033a6c130176e79fdc181ee9e61d1e392a21be" "vscode-is-new-app-install=false" "vscode-session-id=eb83df9e-5f45-408f-8805-0a2c00e7f21a1637834894496" "vscode-language=en" "vscode-app-name=Visual Studio Code - Insiders" "vscode-beta-channel-enabled=true" "vscode-status-customization=unknown" "ide-restart-counter=0"
INFO [auth::token] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine-deep-local INFO] token path: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/tabnine.token
WARN [auth::user] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine-deep-local WARN] No user token available: No such file or directory (os error 2)
INFO [TabNine_deep_local] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine-deep-local INFO] parsed settings are Some(Settings { cpu_model: CpuModelSettings { rate_limit_interval_seconds: None, rate_limit_amount: None, enable_power_saving_mode: false }, download: DownloadSettings { api_key: None, meta_data_base_url: "", model: Model { model_hash_override: None, model_size: Small, base_url: "" } }, tune: TuneSettings { enable_power_saving_mode: false, override_beams: None, override_context_length: None }, run: RunSettings { is_enabled: true, omit_prefix_suggestions: false, line_suggestions: false } })
INFO [TabNine_deep_local] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine-deep-local INFO] local_lock_path "/Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/4.0.9/TabNine-deep-local.lockSmall"
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine-deep-local INFO] User changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine-deep-local INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [TabNine_deep_local] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine-deep-local INFO] TabNine-deep-local is already running, responding with existing port
INFO [lunar_connection::local_lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] TabNine-deep-local exited with status exit status: 0
INFO [lunar_connection::local_lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] setting default model analytics
INFO [bootstrapper::bootstrapper_lib] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] current version is Some(Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }), spawned version is Some(Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }), remote version is Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }
INFO [bootstrapper::bootstrapper_lib] [2021-11-25:12:08:23 TabNine INFO] don't need to upgrade
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:08:24 TabNine INFO] Initialized team ai database successfully at: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Application Support/TabNine/team_learning/data_dir/sdb
INFO [team_ai] [2021-11-25:12:08:24 TabNine INFO] Initialized team ai learning successfully
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:08:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:08:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:18:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:18:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:28:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:28:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:38:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:38:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:48:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:48:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:58:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:12:58:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [auth::token] [2021-11-25:13:08:22 TabNine INFO] token path: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/tabnine.token
INFO [auth::token] [2021-11-25:13:08:22 TabNine INFO] token path: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/tabnine.token
ERROR [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:13:08:23 TabNine ERROR] Error waiting for capabilities change: Timeout
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:13:08:23 TabNine INFO] Checking if private model changed
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:13:08:23 TabNine INFO] removing private models from cache
ERROR [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:13:08:23 TabNine ERROR] Failed to remove private models from cache: No such file or directory (os error 2)
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:13:08:23 TabNine INFO] private model is same
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:13:08:23 TabNine INFO] sleeping for 3600s
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:08:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:08:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [bootstrapper::bootstrapper_lib] [2021-11-25:13:08:25 TabNine INFO] current version is Some(Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }), spawned version is Some(Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }), remote version is Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }
INFO [bootstrapper::bootstrapper_lib] [2021-11-25:13:08:25 TabNine INFO] don't need to upgrade
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:13:08:32 TabNine INFO] Timeout expired. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:13:08:32 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:13:08:33 TabNine INFO] Timeout expired. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:13:08:33 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:18:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:18:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:28:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:28:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:38:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:38:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:48:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:48:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [watchdog_api::wd_client] [2021-11-25:13:50:46 TabNine INFO] Starting watchdog...
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:58:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:13:58:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [auth::token] [2021-11-25:14:08:22 TabNine INFO] token path: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/tabnine.token
INFO [auth::token] [2021-11-25:14:08:23 TabNine INFO] token path: /Users/naymkazp/Library/Preferences/TabNine/tabnine.token
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:14:08:23 TabNine INFO] Checking if private model changed
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:14:08:23 TabNine INFO] removing private models from cache
ERROR [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:14:08:23 TabNine ERROR] Failed to remove private models from cache: No such file or directory (os error 2)
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:14:08:23 TabNine INFO] private model is same
INFO [lunar_connection::private_models] [2021-11-25:14:08:23 TabNine INFO] sleeping for 3600s
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:14:08:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:14:08:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [bootstrapper::bootstrapper_lib] [2021-11-25:14:08:26 TabNine INFO] current version is Some(Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }), spawned version is Some(Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }), remote version is Version { major: 4, minor: 0, patch: 9, pre: [], build: [] }
INFO [bootstrapper::bootstrapper_lib] [2021-11-25:14:08:26 TabNine INFO] don't need to upgrade
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:08:43 TabNine INFO] Timeout expired. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:08:43 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:08:43 TabNine INFO] Timeout expired. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:08:43 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:14:18:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old data rows from team ai local database.
INFO [team_ai::data_handling] [2021-11-25:14:18:24 TabNine INFO] Cleaned 0 old metadata rows from team ai local database.
INFO [ui::http_server] [2021-11-25:14:18:47 TabNine INFO] Started config server at
WARN [ui::http_server] [2021-11-25:14:18:48 TabNine WARN] Unknown request: GET 
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:18:48 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:18:48 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:15 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:15 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:44 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:44 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:44 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:44 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:44 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:44 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:49 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:49 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:54 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:54 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:54 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:54 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:54 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:54 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:55 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:55 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:58 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:19:58 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:14:20:00 TabNine INFO] lunar settings detected config modified (Remote cloud)
INFO [lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:14:20:00 TabNine INFO] lunar settings detected config modified (Local(Public) default local)
INFO [lunar_connection::model_chooser] [2021-11-25:14:20:00 TabNine INFO] detected change GlobalConfig
INFO [lunar_connection::model_chooser] [2021-11-25:14:20:00 TabNine INFO] local model update block called
INFO [lunar_connection::model_chooser] [2021-11-25:14:20:00 TabNine INFO] new private model is None
INFO [lunar_connection::model_chooser] [2021-11-25:14:20:00 TabNine INFO] no change is required
INFO [lunar_connection] [2021-11-25:14:20:00 TabNine INFO] Successfully updated Local(Public) default local lunar settings
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:54 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:54 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:54 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:54 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:54 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:54 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:57 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:20:57 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:21:03 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:21:03 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:50 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:50 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:50 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:50 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:50 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:50 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:55 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:22:55 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:01 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:01 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:03 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:03 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:47 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:47 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:47 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:47 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:47 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:47 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:52 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:23:52 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:08 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:08 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:08 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:08 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:08 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:08 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:16 TabNine INFO] Refresh now sender changed. Refreshing capabilities
INFO [auth::capabilities] [2021-11-25:14:25:16 TabNine INFO] Refreshing capabilities

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Issue Details:

Several links within TabNine hub are not working (when I click them nothing visible happens):

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  • Join the Tabnine Discord server

I found your solution about WSL, but never saw the problem with mac os


Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 2 years ago
  • Comments:11 (3 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

bilucodotacommented, Dec 16, 2021

Ok, so this seems to be working. Let’s try one more thing:

  • Open OSX terminal and run: BROWSER=/path/to/your/browser code
  • VSCode should open
  • Open Tabnine Hub and try to click on one of the links

Keep us posted.

bilucodotacommented, Dec 16, 2021

Cool. Don’t hesitate to reach out should you have any further questions.

Read more comments on GitHub >

github_iconTop Results From Across the Web

Tabnine Hub does not open
1. Try reaching Tabnine Hub on another machine. 2. Make sure you don't have a block for Tabnine.
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Links within TabNine hub are not working - Bountysource
Programming language: PHP; TabNine extension version: 3.4.14 (on WSL). Issue Details: Several links within TabNine hub are not working (when I ...
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How to Install TabNine on Visual Studio Code - YouTube
Get AI-based full code completions straight to your VSCode with TabNine by CodotaGet more info here: www.
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How to enable TabNine semantic completion in VS Code?
Verify you are running TabNine 1.0.5 or above by typing TabNine::version in your text editor. If you're running an earlier version, try ...
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In the case of assemblies that UCSC does not support, genomic sequence is stored ... The Genome Browser provides links to a collection...
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