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Header is off the height

See original GitHub issue

Issue type:

  • Bug report


  • AdminLTE Version: 2.4.8
  • Operating System: Windows
  • Browser (Version): Chrome (Latest)


Header section is off in size.

Here is my the current output of my upgrade.


Full source code is here

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Thanks, Marvin

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments:6

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

somyoshicommented, Dec 7, 2018

how are u man?, look, delete ur bootstrap 4^ and install 3.

npm install bootstrap@3

resolved for me.

mvperezcommented, Oct 6, 2018

@bimal-srivastava , thanks for trying to help. I decided to move to CoreUI and try it for now. I like AdminLTE but already spent so much time on figuring out what’s wrong. Almost the same setup, I just like the dark theme.

screen shot 2018-10-06 at 11 20 51 pm
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