Couldn't decode uint256 from ABI: 0x
See original GitHub issueHi,
We are trying to switch from Constellation to Tessera, using Quorum 2.1.1 and Tessera 0.7.3
When we create two vanilla instances and deploy a smart contract, as well as try to read from it, we get the following error (using web3 1.0.0 beta 35):
Couldn't decode uint256 from ABI: 0x
Log output Geth 1:
INFO [11-28|21:46:14] sending private tx data=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 privatefrom= privatefor="[05T/CfN1a7aDhMGwXS8VZfz5qHWodjBr7nreL6X3xWg=]"
INFO [11-28|21:46:14] sent private tx data=a944d655f6b2d00f9d5ffea5861a98cf1282f3e896fc991a080ace534260fd9ab733e6721c20661b46e659fe6e6cbebcba46d1a125e996a324de822bbf15bb18 privatefrom= privatefor="[05T/CfN1a7aDhMGwXS8VZfz5qHWodjBr7nreL6X3xWg=]"
INFO [11-28|21:46:14] Submitted contract creation fullhash=0x32e56f907cede3a25ffbe6e68dd44b51fa59282e5dbb97927ba4e91d8a6c75f8 to=0x591EB970d1ed240660A90B3C0768dA2A73e0B621
INFO [11-28|21:46:14] QUORUM-CHECKPOINT name=TX-CREATED tx=0x32e56f907cede3a25ffbe6e68dd44b51fa59282e5dbb97927ba4e91d8a6c75f8 to=0x591EB970d1ed240660A90B3C0768dA2A73e0B621
INFO [11-28|21:46:15] Committed address=0x86efab55E79F1BB79610A97A960f68458dabADB7 hash=2bd8d4…55a50a number=251
INFO [11-28|21:46:15] Successfully sealed new block number=251 hash=2bd8d4…55a50a
Geth 2:
INFO [11-28|21:46:16] Imported new chain segment blocks=1 txs=1 mgas=0.000 elapsed=1.233ms mgasps=0.000 number=252 hash=e1df0e…49b221
Tessera 1:
21:41:45.943 [main] INFO o.s.c.s.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext - Refreshing startup date [Wed Nov 28 21:41:45 GMT 2018]; root of context hierarchy
21:41:46.053 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-spring.xml]
21:41:46.425 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-core-spring.xml]
21:41:48.138 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-grpc-spring.xml]
21:41:48.231 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-jaxrs-spring.xml]
21:41:48.930 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.a.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor - JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring
21:41:50.139 [main] INFO o.s.o.j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean - Building JPA container EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'tessera'
21:41:50.926 [main] INFO eclipselink.logging.all - EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.7.3.v20180807-4be1041
21:41:52.027 [main] INFO eclipselink.logging.connection - tessera login successful
21:41:52.146 [main] WARN eclipselink.logging.ddl - Removing UNIQUE constraint definition from [ENCRYPTED_TRANSACTION.HASH] because it is also a primary key.
21:41:52.225 [main] INFO o.s.o.j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean - Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'tessera'
21:41:55.124 [main] INFO c.q.t.config.keys.KeyEncryptorImpl - Decrypting private key
21:41:56.827 [main] INFO c.q.t.config.keys.KeyEncryptorImpl - Decrypted private key
21:41:57.431 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Starting PartyInfoPoller
21:41:57.433 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Started PartyInfoPoller
21:41:57.530 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Starting SyncPoller
21:41:57.530 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Started SyncPoller
21:41:58.327 [main] INFO c.q.tessera.server.UnixSocketServer - Starting the Unix Domain Socket server
21:42:03.430 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext - Starting application [WebappContext] ...
21:42:05.120 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.quorum.tessera.api.UpCheckResource - GET upcheck
21:42:05.430 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext - [WebappContext] Servlet [org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer] registered for url pattern(s) [[/*]].
21:42:05.431 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext - Application [WebappContext] is ready to service requests. Root: [].
21:42:05.431 [main] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Starting
21:42:06.435 [main] INFO o.g.g.http.server.NetworkListener - Started listener bound to []
21:42:06.523 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer - [HttpServer] Started.
21:42:06.523 [main] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Started
21:42:06.524 [main] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - WADL
21:42:07.736 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Enter Request : POST : /resend
21:42:08.425 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.t.t.EncryptedTransactionDAOImpl - Fetching all EncryptedTransaction database rows
21:42:09.340 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Exit Request : POST : /resend
21:42:09.341 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Response for resend : 200 OK
21:45:18.259 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Enter Request : POST : /resend
21:45:18.320 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.t.t.EncryptedTransactionDAOImpl - Fetching all EncryptedTransaction database rows
21:45:18.321 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Exit Request : POST : /resend
21:45:18.321 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Response for resend : 200 OK
21:45:19.563 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Enter Request : POST : /resend
21:45:19.565 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.t.t.EncryptedTransactionDAOImpl - Fetching all EncryptedTransaction database rows
21:45:19.566 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Exit Request : POST : /resend
21:45:19.566 [grizzly-http-server-1] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Response for resend : 200 OK
21:46:14.120 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Enter Request : POST : /sendraw
21:46:14.431 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.t.t.EncryptedTransactionDAOImpl - Stored transaction qUTWVfay0A+dX/6lhhqYzxKC8+iW/JkaCArOU0Jg/Zq3M+ZyHCBmG0bmWf5ubL68ukbRoSXplqMk3oIrvxW7GA==
21:46:14.530 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Exit Request : POST : /sendraw
21:46:14.530 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Response for sendraw : 200 OK
Tessera 2:
21:44:56.718 [main] INFO o.s.c.s.ClassPathXmlApplicationContext - Refreshing startup date [Wed Nov 28 21:44:56 GMT 2018]; root of context hierarchy
21:44:56.823 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-spring.xml]
21:44:57.139 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-core-spring.xml]
21:44:59.220 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-grpc-spring.xml]
21:44:59.318 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader - Loading XML bean definitions from class path resource [tessera-jaxrs-spring.xml]
21:45:00.234 [main] INFO o.s.b.f.a.AutowiredAnnotationBeanPostProcessor - JSR-330 'javax.inject.Inject' annotation found and supported for autowiring
21:45:01.515 [main] INFO o.s.o.j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean - Building JPA container EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'tessera'
21:45:02.229 [main] INFO eclipselink.logging.all - EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.7.3.v20180807-4be1041
21:45:03.430 [main] INFO eclipselink.logging.connection - tessera login successful
21:45:03.733 [main] INFO o.s.o.j.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean - Initialized JPA EntityManagerFactory for persistence unit 'tessera'
21:45:07.017 [main] INFO c.q.t.config.keys.KeyEncryptorImpl - Decrypting private key
21:45:09.223 [main] INFO c.q.t.config.keys.KeyEncryptorImpl - Decrypted private key
21:45:10.014 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Starting PartyInfoPoller
21:45:10.016 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Started PartyInfoPoller
21:45:10.118 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Starting SyncPoller
21:45:10.118 [main] INFO c.q.t.t.TesseraScheduledExecutor - Started SyncPoller
21:45:11.123 [main] INFO c.q.tessera.server.UnixSocketServer - Starting the Unix Domain Socket server
21:45:18.221 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext - Starting application [WebappContext] ...
21:45:19.525 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.quorum.tessera.api.UpCheckResource - GET upcheck
21:45:20.125 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext - [WebappContext] Servlet [org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer] registered for url pattern(s) [[/*]].
21:45:20.126 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.servlet.WebappContext - Application [WebappContext] is ready to service requests. Root: [].
21:45:20.126 [main] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Starting
21:45:20.728 [main] INFO o.g.g.http.server.NetworkListener - Started listener bound to []
21:45:20.731 [main] INFO o.g.grizzly.http.server.HttpServer - [HttpServer] Started.
21:45:20.731 [main] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - Started
21:45:20.731 [main] INFO c.quorum.tessera.server.JerseyServer - WADL
21:45:21.422 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Enter Request : POST : /resend
21:45:21.825 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.t.t.EncryptedTransactionDAOImpl - Fetching all EncryptedTransaction database rows
21:45:22.730 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Exit Request : POST : /resend
21:45:22.731 [grizzly-http-server-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Response for resend : 200 OK
21:46:15.495 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Enter Request : GET : /receiveraw
21:46:15.514 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.t.t.TransactionManagerImpl - Lookup transaction qUTWVfay0A+dX/6lhhqYzxKC8+iW/JkaCArOU0Jg/Zq3M+ZyHCBmG0bmWf5ubL68ukbRoSXplqMk3oIrvxW7GA==
21:46:15.515 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.t.t.EncryptedTransactionDAOImpl - Retrieving payload with hash qUTWVfay0A+dX/6lhhqYzxKC8+iW/JkaCArOU0Jg/Zq3M+ZyHCBmG0bmWf5ubL68ukbRoSXplqMk3oIrvxW7GA==
21:46:15.626 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.t.a.e.TransactionNotFoundExceptionMapper - Message with hash qUTWVfay0A+dX/6lhhqYzxKC8+iW/JkaCArOU0Jg/Zq3M+ZyHCBmG0bmWf5ubL68ukbRoSXplqMk3oIrvxW7GA== was not found
21:46:15.626 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Exit Request : GET : /receiveraw
21:46:15.626 [jersey-server-managed-async-executor-0] INFO c.q.tessera.api.filter.LoggingFilter - Response for receiveraw : 404 Not Found
Tessera config for both instances (peers contains public URL back to itself, config has TLS disabled but runs behind Nginx):
"useWhiteList": false,
"jdbc": {
"username": "sa",
"password": "",
"url": "jdbc:h2:/qdata/db;MODE=Oracle;TRACE_LEVEL_SYSTEM_OUT=0"
"server": {
"port": 9000,
"hostName": "",
"sslConfig": {
"tls": "OFF"
"peer": [{"url":"https://<removed>/"},{"url":"https://<removed>/"},{"url":"https://<removed>/"}],
"keys": {
"passwordFile": "<removed>",
"keyData": [
"privateKeyPath": "<removed>",
"publicKeyPath": "<removed>"
"alwaysSendTo": [],
"unixSocketFile": "/qdata/tm.ipc"
I can reproduce the issue using the following script:
const solc = require('solc') // use solc 0.4.24
const Web3 = require('web3') // use web3 1.0.0-beta.35
const accountPassword = "<paste>"
// define inputs
const rpc_1 = "<paste>"
const web3_1 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpc_1))
const pubkey_2 = "<paste>"
const rpc_2 = "<paste>"
const web3_2 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(rpc_2))
// compile contract
const sourceCode = `
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract SimpleStorage {
uint public storedData;
function SimpleStorage(uint initVal) public {
storedData = initVal;
function set(uint x) public {
storedData = x;
function get() public constant returns (uint retVal) {
return storedData;
const compiled = solc.compile(sourceCode, 1)
const root = compiled.contracts[Object.keys(compiled.contracts)[0]]
const abi = JSON.parse(root.interface)
.then((accounts) => {
if (!accounts) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('No account found'))
return Promise.resolve(accounts[0])
.then((account) => {
return web3_1.eth.personal.unlockAccount(account, accountPassword).then(() => {
return Promise.resolve(account)
.then((unlockedAccount) => {
const contract = new web3_1.eth.Contract(abi)
// Deploy contract and send transaction
return contract.deploy({
data: '0x' + root.bytecode,
arguments: [1]
from: unlockedAccount,
gas: 300000,
privateFor: [ pubkey_2 ]
// Make sure deployed contract has an address
.then((newContractInstance) => {
const address = newContractInstance.options.address
const contract = new web3_2.eth.Contract(abi, address)
return contract.methods.get().call().then((value) => {
console.log("Successfully read value", value)
.catch((err) => {
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 5 years ago
- Comments:7 (4 by maintainers)
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It looks like its an issue with hostname configuration.
If you want to use then there is an extra config option for that found here
The current config above will:
Since I guess all nodes have that same config (achieved by having the nodes on separate machines) then they all associate the public keys with the same url as themselves, and so don’t send out the transaction.
Here is a sample piece of config to fix the issue:
where <public-ip-address> is the IP address to call of the reverse proxy (like the peers list). Since we have had this question a few times before, I’m going to update the Wiki to be more explicit, since it is a bit vague right now.
Let me know how you get on with the above.
I’m also interested in how you get on with TLS termination. The code sets both server and client SSL options together, so having the server run on HTTP, but making outbound requests on HTTPS shouldn’t be possible right now - do you intercept the outbound requests? I would love to know!
Thanks for the detailed issue! I’ll take a look at reproducing the issue and let you know how I get on.