[Proposal] additional features for type-enum scope-enum
See original GitHub issueProposal
Hello! I was recently working with commitlint and noticed that “scope-enum” did not offer everything I would have liked. I made a PoC for the suggestion at https://www.npmjs.com/package/commitlint-scope .
The idea is to essentially allow each type to only allow specific scopes, and each scope to only allow specific values inside the brackets. Allowing each scope to have a blob or path to restrict which files may be commit-ed to the valu inside the brackets.
If this is something your team would be up to supporting natively, I would be more then willing to help where I can to integrate it.
“Addon” commitlint.config.js
module.exports = {
extends: [ '@commitlint/config-conventional' ],
scopes: {
'yarn': { files: [ 'package.json', 'yarn.lock', '.yarnclean' ] },
'lint': { files: [ '.eslintrc', '.huskyrc.js', '.editorconfig', 'commitlint.config.js' ] },
'repo': { files: [ '*.md', 'LICENSE', '.gitignore' ] },
'source': { files: [ 'src/*', 'src/**' ] },
'engine': { files: [ 'index.js' ] },
'staged': { files: [ '**', '**/*' ] }
“Addon” Behavior
Good Commit
git add package.json
git commit -m "chore(yarn): updating package.json"
⧗ input: chore(yarn): updating package.json
✔ found 0 problems, 0 warnings
(Need help? -> https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint#what-is-commitlint )
Bad Commit
git add eslintrc package.json
git commit -m "chore(yarn): updating package.json"
⧗ input: chore(yarn): update package.json
✖ file '.eslintrc' was not allowed in selected scope [file-forbidden]
✖ found 1 problems, 0 warnings
(Need help? -> https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint#what-is-commitlint
Unconfigured Scope
git add package.json
git commit -m "chore(bla): updating package.json"
⧗ input: chore(bla): update package.json
✖ detected commit scope not found in commitlint.config.js [no-detect]
✖ found 1 problems, 0 warnings
(Need help? -> https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint#what-is-commitlint )
Affected packages
- cli
- core
- prompt
- config-angular
I created this PoC to allow more control over the specific components that commitlint will control by allowing globs and paths to be used to restrict which files can be commit-ed in which type and scopes.
Executing git diff --name-only --cached
will allow you to fetch the current staged list of files to be commit-ed. Which is the main leverage for the PoC to be available.
#395 may be applicable to improving to the request too, allowing dynamic building of the lerna packages
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 4 years ago
- Reactions:4
- Comments:7
@escapedcat thanks! I wanted a little more fine tuned control and couldn’t find a way to restrict the exact files allowed. I figured an official feature set would be more suitable and used over one that just hooks into the config and API with another CLI program. Would also allow it not to have a duplicate prompt output, so it is all contained in one nice and neat one.
@thangbn I’ve just been getting back into using commit linting on my projects. I’ll end up taking a look at the API for plugins and work from there. When I get started I’ll pass a link regarding the plugin if does not already exist. 🙂