Windows 10 (64bit) installation error, "no solver was given"
See original GitHub issuePerhaps there is an already resolved issue for this, but couldn’t find anything either here or in the readthedocs documentation. Did a fresh install of Anaconda (64 bit), created a virtual environment(should not have any effects), and installed all dependencies (see below for pip freeze). Mosek is properly installed as running mosek -f works fine, and the licence is properly working as running msktestlic proves. Gcc is also available in the command line through installation of mingw (64bit). Most gpkit tests pass, except a couple that seem to complain:
ValueError: No solver was given; perhaps gpkit was not properly installed, or found no solvers during the installation process
Going into gpkit\env\settings confirms the lack of solver as installed_solvers is blank. Any idea of what could be wrong?
pip freeze backports-abc==0.5 backports.shutil-get-terminal-size==1.0.0 certifi==2016.9.26 colorama==0.3.7 configparser==3.5.0 ctypesgen==0.post125 decorator==4.0.10 entrypoints==0.2.2 enum34==1.1.6 functools32==3.2.3.post2 gpkit== ipykernel==4.5.1 ipython==5.1.0 ipython-genutils==0.1.0 ipywidgets==5.2.2 Jinja2==2.8 jsonschema==2.5.1 jupyter-client==4.4.0 jupyter-core==4.2.0 MarkupSafe==0.23 mistune==0.7.3 nbconvert==4.2.0 nbformat==4.1.0 notebook==4.2.3 numpy==1.11.2 pathlib2==2.1.0 pickleshare==0.7.4 Pint==0.7.2 prompt-toolkit==1.0.9 Pygments==2.1.3 pyzmq==16.0.2 scipy==0.18.1 simplegeneric==0.8.1 singledispatch== six==1.10.0 tornado==4.4.2 traitlets==4.3.1 wcwidth==0.1.7 widgetsnbextension==1.2.6 win-unicode-console==0.5
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- Created 7 years ago
- Comments:16 (7 by maintainers)
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@bqpd I know this is closed, but just wanted to share that with the github version and with gpkit 0.5 all tests pass. Yay!
@norheim, glad to hear it!