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app crashes with version 1.0.0 during sms send

See original GitHub issue

I’ve been successful in using the cordova-sms-plugin 0.1.13 in an earlier Ionic 3 app - bleNav. In a new Ionic app, rButton, when I installed the cordova-sms-plugin, I got a version 1.0.0. For some reason, the new app crashes when i ran the same line of code this.sms.send(this.phoneNumber, 'This is a test.')

Both of these apps were created as Ionic 3 apps. I was running the apps on a Samsung Galaxy S4 running Android 5.0.1 using the CLI command ionic cordova run android

I saw another thread discussing crashing on some later versions of Android relating to android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE. I do not think my crash is related to that which is why I am starting a new issue. Since Ionic 4 is the official release, I also tried starting an Ionic 4 test app and installed the cordova-sms-plugin 1.0.0. Again when I make the this.sms.send() call, the app crashes.

I want to see if anyone else has the same experience with cordova-sms-plugin 1.0.0. Also, is there a way I can force replace the 1.0.0 version of the sms plugin with the 0.1.13 version?

Below is the list of plugins for the two apps: `C:\Users\Toe\Documents\ionic2\bleNav>ionic cordova plugin

cordova plugin ls cordova-plugin-ble-central 1.1.4 “BLE” cordova-plugin-compat 1.2.0 “Compat” cordova-plugin-device 1.1.4 “Device” cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 1.1.16 “cordova-plugin-ionic-webview” cordova-plugin-nativeaudio 3.0.9 “Cordova Native Audio” cordova-plugin-splashscreen 5.0.1 “Splashscreen” cordova-plugin-vibration 3.1.0 “Vibration” cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.1 “Whitelist” cordova-sms-plugin 0.1.13 “Cordova SMS Plugin” ionic-plugin-keyboard 2.2.1 “Keyboard”

C:\Users\Toe\Documents\ionic2\bleNav>cd …/rbutton

C:\Users\Toe\Documents\ionic2\rButton>ionic cordova plugin

cordova plugin ls cordova-plugin-ble-central 1.2.2 “BLE” cordova-plugin-compat 1.2.0 “Compat” cordova-plugin-device 2.0.2 “Device” cordova-plugin-geolocation 4.0.1 “Geolocation” cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard 2.1.3 “cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard” cordova-plugin-ionic-webview 2.3.1 “cordova-plugin-ionic-webview” cordova-plugin-nativeaudio 3.0.9 “Cordova Native Audio” cordova-plugin-splashscreen 5.0.2 “Splashscreen” cordova-plugin-statusbar 2.4.2 “StatusBar” cordova-plugin-whitelist 1.3.3 “Whitelist” cordova-sms-plugin 1.0.0 “Cordova SMS Plugin” cordova-sqlite-storage 2.6.0 “Cordova sqlite storage plugin”`

Below is the content of the config.xml file for bleNav that works: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <widget id="io.ionic.starter" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv=""> <name>bleNav</name> <description>An awesome Ionic/Cordova app.</description> <author email="hi@ionicframework" href="">Ionic Framework Team</author> <content src="index.html" /> <access origin="*" /> <allow-intent href="http://*/*" /> <allow-intent href="https://*/*" /> <allow-intent href="tel:*" /> <allow-intent href="sms:*" /> <allow-intent href="mailto:*" /> <allow-intent href="geo:*" /> <preference name="ScrollEnabled" value="false" /> <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="16" /> <preference name="BackupWebStorage" value="none" /> <preference name="SplashMaintainAspectRatio" value="true" /> <preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="300" /> <preference name="SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" value="false" /> <preference name="SplashScreen" value="screen" /> <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" /> <platform name="android"> <allow-intent href="market:*" /> <icon density="ldpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-ldpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="mdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-mdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="hdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-hdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="xhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xhdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="xxhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxhdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxxhdpi-icon.png" /> <splash density="land-ldpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-ldpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-mdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-mdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-hdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-hdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-xhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-xxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxxhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-ldpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-ldpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-mdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-mdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-hdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-hdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-xhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-xxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxxhdpi-screen.png" /> </platform> <platform name="ios"> <allow-intent href="itms:*" /> <allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" /> <icon height="57" src="resources/ios/icon/icon.png" width="57" /> <icon height="114" src="resources/ios/icon/icon@2x.png" width="114" /> <icon height="40" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-40.png" width="40" /> <icon height="80" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-40@2x.png" width="80" /> <icon height="120" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-40@3x.png" width="120" /> <icon height="50" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-50.png" width="50" /> <icon height="100" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-50@2x.png" width="100" /> <icon height="60" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-60.png" width="60" /> <icon height="120" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-60@2x.png" width="120" /> <icon height="180" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-60@3x.png" width="180" /> <icon height="72" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-72.png" width="72" /> <icon height="144" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-72@2x.png" width="144" /> <icon height="76" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-76.png" width="76" /> <icon height="152" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-76@2x.png" width="152" /> <icon height="167" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-83.5@2x.png" width="167" /> <icon height="29" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-small.png" width="29" /> <icon height="58" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-small@2x.png" width="58" /> <icon height="87" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-small@3x.png" width="87" /> <icon height="1024" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-1024.png" width="1024" /> <splash height="1136" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-568h@2x~iphone.png" width="640" /> <splash height="1334" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-667h.png" width="750" /> <splash height="2208" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-736h.png" width="1242" /> <splash height="1242" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape-736h.png" width="2208" /> <splash height="1536" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png" width="2048" /> <splash height="2048" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape@~ipadpro.png" width="2732" /> <splash height="768" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape~ipad.png" width="1024" /> <splash height="2048" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png" width="1536" /> <splash height="2732" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Portrait@~ipadpro.png" width="2048" /> <splash height="1024" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Portrait~ipad.png" width="768" /> <splash height="960" src="resources/ios/splash/Default@2x~iphone.png" width="640" /> <splash height="480" src="resources/ios/splash/Default~iphone.png" width="320" /> <splash height="2732" src="resources/ios/splash/Default@2x~universal~anyany.png" width="2732" /> </platform> <plugin name="ionic-plugin-keyboard" spec="~2.2.1" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="1.3.1" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" spec="1.1.4" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" spec="~4.0.1" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-ionic-webview" spec="^1.1.11" /> <allow-navigation href="" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-ble-central" spec="~1.1.4" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-vibration" spec="~3.1.0" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-nativeaudio" spec="~3.0.9" /> <plugin name="cordova-sms-plugin" spec="~0.1.13" /> <engine name="android" spec="~6.1.2" /> </widget> And the content of the config.xml file for rButton that crashes: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <widget id="io.ionic.starter" version="0.0.1" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv=""> <name>rButton</name> <description>An awesome Ionic/Cordova app.</description> <author email="hi@ionicframework" href="">Ionic Framework Team</author> <content src="index.html" /> <access origin="*" /> <allow-intent href="http://*/*" /> <allow-intent href="https://*/*" /> <allow-intent href="tel:*" /> <allow-intent href="sms:*" /> <allow-intent href="mailto:*" /> <allow-intent href="geo:*" /> <preference name="ScrollEnabled" value="false" /> <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="19" /> <preference name="BackupWebStorage" value="none" /> <preference name="SplashMaintainAspectRatio" value="true" /> <preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="300" /> <preference name="SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" value="false" /> <preference name="SplashScreen" value="screen" /> <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="3000" /> <platform name="android"> <allow-intent href="market:*" /> <icon density="ldpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-ldpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="mdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-mdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="hdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-hdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="xhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xhdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="xxhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxhdpi-icon.png" /> <icon density="xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxxhdpi-icon.png" /> <splash density="land-ldpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-ldpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-mdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-mdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-hdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-hdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-xhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-xxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="land-xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxxhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-ldpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-ldpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-mdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-mdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-hdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-hdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-xhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-xxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxhdpi-screen.png" /> <splash density="port-xxxhdpi" src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxxhdpi-screen.png" /> </platform> <platform name="ios"> <allow-intent href="itms:*" /> <allow-intent href="itms-apps:*" /> <icon height="57" src="resources/ios/icon/icon.png" width="57" /> <icon height="114" src="resources/ios/icon/icon@2x.png" width="114" /> <icon height="40" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-40.png" width="40" /> <icon height="80" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-40@2x.png" width="80" /> <icon height="120" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-40@3x.png" width="120" /> <icon height="50" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-50.png" width="50" /> <icon height="100" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-50@2x.png" width="100" /> <icon height="60" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-60.png" width="60" /> <icon height="120" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-60@2x.png" width="120" /> <icon height="180" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-60@3x.png" width="180" /> <icon height="72" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-72.png" width="72" /> <icon height="144" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-72@2x.png" width="144" /> <icon height="76" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-76.png" width="76" /> <icon height="152" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-76@2x.png" width="152" /> <icon height="167" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-83.5@2x.png" width="167" /> <icon height="29" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-small.png" width="29" /> <icon height="58" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-small@2x.png" width="58" /> <icon height="87" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-small@3x.png" width="87" /> <icon height="1024" src="resources/ios/icon/icon-1024.png" width="1024" /> <splash height="1136" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-568h@2x~iphone.png" width="640" /> <splash height="1334" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-667h.png" width="750" /> <splash height="2208" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-736h.png" width="1242" /> <splash height="1242" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape-736h.png" width="2208" /> <splash height="1536" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png" width="2048" /> <splash height="2048" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape@~ipadpro.png" width="2732" /> <splash height="768" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Landscape~ipad.png" width="1024" /> <splash height="2048" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png" width="1536" /> <splash height="2732" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Portrait@~ipadpro.png" width="2048" /> <splash height="1024" src="resources/ios/splash/Default-Portrait~ipad.png" width="768" /> <splash height="960" src="resources/ios/splash/Default@2x~iphone.png" width="640" /> <splash height="480" src="resources/ios/splash/Default~iphone.png" width="320" /> <splash height="2732" src="resources/ios/splash/Default@2x~universal~anyany.png" width="2732" /> </platform> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="1.3.3" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-statusbar" spec="2.4.2" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-device" spec="2.0.2" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" spec="5.0.2" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-ionic-webview" spec="^2.0.0" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-ionic-keyboard" spec="^2.0.5" /> <plugin name="cordova-sqlite-storage" spec="2.6.0" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-ble-central" spec="1.2.2" /> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-geolocation" spec="4.0.1"> <variable name="GEOLOCATION_USAGE_DESCRIPTION" value="To locate you" /> </plugin> <plugin name="cordova-plugin-nativeaudio" spec="3.0.9" /> <plugin name="cordova-sms-plugin" spec="1.0.0" /> <engine name="android" spec="7.1.4" /> </widget> Should I check the logcat logs for the stacktrace? Do I have to load the code and run on Android Studio to do that? I have to apologize that I am still learning about things. Any help you can provide is much appreciated.

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  • State:closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments:26 (9 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

FrancisTse8commented, Oct 27, 2022

@GianLucaFinelli Thanks for the reply! I’ve been off the original project for a while and could not remember where I left it. However, in the new project, I will have to get back into doing SMS sending. I will keep your solution in mind when I got back to working on SMS sending. Best regards!

GianLucaFinellicommented, Oct 27, 2022


I am using ionic v3 and in my case the application crashed with several devices with android version between 8.1.0 and 10

The intent setting was for the sms to be sent in the background let smsOptions = { replaceLineBreaks: true, // true to replace \n by a new line, false by default android: { intent: '' // send SMS with the native android SMS messaging } }

worked for cordova-sms-plugin version from 1.0.0 to 1.0.2, no need to downgrade the plugin.

  • What gave me problems and caused the application to close on some devices when sending the sms is the following reason in those versions we discovered that in my case changing the intent to ‘INTENT’ allowed to send the manual sms and gave a sign of “simple characters” which recommended converting to send, by removing the “\n” that made the line breaks and using a simple message was able to send the sms.

in conclusion, try to remove the special characters from the send as the line break “\n” take into account the number of characters allowed for sending sms with special characters

In my case it worked, it would be interesting to try it, late but surely

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