FAQ: Advice to check test submission form practicable?
See original GitHub issueWhere to find the issue
Second paragraph of English / German FAQs:
https://www.coronawarn.app/en/faq/#qr_test I have scanned a QR code, but the test result could not be retrieved for days.
“Please check whether the laboratory with which the doctor or the test center works is connected to the Corona-Warn-App and whether field 9 is checked on the form. Only then is it ensured that the procedure used works with the Corona-Warn-App.”
https://www.coronawarn.app/de/faq/#qr_test Ich habe einen QR Code eingescannt, aber das Testergebnis konnte über Tage nicht abgerufen werden.
“Erkundigen Sie sich daher bitte, ob das Labor, mit dem der Arzt oder das Testcenter zusammenarbeiten an die Corona-Warn-App angebunden ist und Feld 9 auf dem Formular angekreuzt ist. Nur dann ist sichergestellt, dass das genutzte Verfahren mit der Corona-Warn-App funktioniert.”
Describe the issue
The FAQ advises to check the test submission form. The situation described by the FAQ is that the user has been waiting for days for a test result to be shown in the app.
According to the documentation on the KBV server ftp://ftp.kbv.de/ita-update/Blankoformulare/10C_OEGD
, the forms are split into a laboratory part and a patient part. Presumably the patient would never receive the laboratory part and therefore will not be able to check the consent field. There is no consent field on the patient part of the form.
The second paragraph of the quoted FAQ also refers to the field 9 of the forms which has now changed to field 8 (see https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-website/issues/748).
Edit: ftp://ftp.kbv.de is being migrated to https://update.kbv.de (Feb 15, 2021)
Suggested change
- Remove the reference to checking the form in the second paragraph.
Kassenärztliche Bundesvereinigung - Formular Muster
Muster_10Ca_E (1_2021).pdf Muster_10Cb_E (1_2021).pdf Muster_OEGDa_E (12_2020).pdf Muster_OEGDb_E (12_2020).pdf
Edit: ftp://ftp.kbv.de is being migrated to https://update.kbv.de (Feb 15, 2021)
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 3 years ago
- Reactions:1
- Comments:9 (9 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
If the Open Source Team wants to get feedback about a successful QR Code scan which doesn’t result in a test result being delivered to the CWA, then there should be a paragraph added to “I have scanned a QR code, but the test result could not be retrieved for days.” https://www.coronawarn.app/en/faq/#qr_test to describe how to give feedback.
The other FAQ article “I get an error while scanning the QR code. What can I do?” https://www.coronawarn.app/en/faq/#qr_scan, which describes how to give feedback, is only for a scan failure, not for scan success followed by no test result delivery.
@MikeMcC399 I made https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-website/pull/832 that adds this to the FAQ. Please check if I addressed that correctly 😃
Corona-Warn-App Open Source Team