Failing to enable caching with `useQueries`
See original GitHub issueAs the title indicates, I’m having trouble seeing any effects of the cache with the useQueries
function. Will include the code I’m testing below. While the query itself works, properly running fetchBond
and returning correct results, both localstorage and cache in my browser remain empty, and a refresh of the page prompts the loading of new data (no stale data appears, I get a full loading state)
I’m hoping to write a web3 query with a composable like this:
export const useBondListQuery = (
bondIds: number[] | Ref<number[]>,
options?: Omit<
UseQueryOptions<unknown, unknown, unknown, (string | number)[]>,
"queryFn" | "queryKey"
) => {
const { status } = useWeb3();
const { contracts } = useContracts();
const queryKeys = computed(() =>
((bondIds as Ref<number[]>).value || bondIds).map((bondId) => ({
queryKey: ["bond", bondId],
queryFn: (ctx: QueryFunctionContext) =>
fetchBond(contracts.value.Core, ctx),
bondId !== undefined &&
status.value === ConnectionStatus.CONNECTED &&
contracts.value.Core !== undefined &&
(options?.enabled ?? true),
return useQueries(queryKeys) as readonly QueryObserverResult<
I’ve changed some cache settings in an attempt to fix this. The queryOptions
you see referenced is containing these. As you can see, I’m hoping to minimize queries and store a lot of this data on browser cache if possible (it’s mostly static data tbh).
const queryOptions = {
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 5,
staleTime: 1000 * 60 * 5,
retry: false,
Let me know if this is possible or if I’m missing something from the documentation entirely
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created a year ago
- Comments:7 (3 by maintainers)
@chetzof Hi, yes it’s possible. Please refer to the example -
Is see that the package was migrated to @Tanstack monorepo. Is is possible to use the persist plugin already?