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You have been creating or deleting too many calendars or calendar events in a short time. Please try again later.

See original GitHub issue

Hi Dave i ve been using the script a lot thank you i have like 200 events in the sheet and each time i try to update to calendar , iget the error message, “You have been creating or deleting too many calendars or calendar events in a short time. Please try again later.” i worked fine but , i added like 120 events to the sheet and still worked fine, but now it seem to be stucked,it s been stuck for 2 days now, how can i still use the script ? should i change the values here : numAdds++; if (numAdds > 10) { Utilities.sleep(75); }

it s very useful for me, it still works in the other way, from cal to sheet thanks for your help here is the script you moddified to add guests.

thanks for your help

// Script to synchronize a calendar to a spreadsheet and vice versa.
// See for instructions on setting this up.

// Set this value to match your calendar!!!
// Calendar ID can be found in the "Calendar Address" section of the Calendar Settings.
var calendarId = '';

var titleRowMap = {
  'title': 'Title',
  'description': 'Description',
  'location': 'Location',
  'starttime': 'Start Time',
  'endtime': 'End Time',
  'guests': 'Guests',
  'id': 'Id'
var titleRowKeys = ['title', 'description', 'location', 'starttime', 'endtime', 'guests', 'id'];
var requiredFields = ['id', 'title', 'starttime', 'endtime'];

// This controls whether email invites are sent to guests when the event is created in the
// calendar. Note that any changes to the event will cause email invites to be resent.

// Adds the custom menu to the active spreadsheet.
function onOpen() {
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var menuEntries = [
      name: "Update from Calendar",
      functionName: "syncFromCalendar"
    }, {
      name: "Update to Calendar",
      functionName: "syncToCalendar"
  spreadsheet.addMenu('Calendar Sync', menuEntries);

// Creates a mapping array between spreadsheet column and event field name
function createIdxMap(row) {
  var idxMap = [];
  for (var idx = 0; idx < row.length; idx++) {
    var fieldFromHdr = row[idx];
    for (var titleKey in titleRowMap) {
      if (titleRowMap[titleKey] == fieldFromHdr) {
    if (idxMap.length <= idx) {
      // Header field not in map, so add null
  return idxMap;

// Converts a spreadsheet row into an object containing event-related fields
function reformatEvent(row, idxMap) {
  return row.reduce(function(event, value, idx) {
    if (idxMap[idx] != null) {
      event[idxMap[idx]] = value;
    return event;
  }, {});

// Converts a calendar event to a psuedo-sheet event.
function convertCalEvent(calEvent) {
  convertedEvent = {
    'id': calEvent.getId(),
    'title': calEvent.getTitle(),
    'description': calEvent.getDescription(),
    'location': calEvent.getLocation(),
    'guests': calEvent.getGuestList().map(function(x) {return x.getEmail();}).join(',')
  if (calEvent.isAllDayEvent()) {
    convertedEvent.starttime = calEvent.getAllDayStartDate();
    var endtime = calEvent.getAllDayEndDate();
    if (endtime - convertedEvent.starttime === 24 * 3600 * 1000) {
      convertedEvent.endtime = '';
    } else {
      convertedEvent.endtime = endtime;
      if (endtime.getHours() === 0 && endtime.getMinutes() == 0) {
        convertedEvent.endtime.setSeconds(endtime.getSeconds() - 1);
  } else {
    convertedEvent.starttime = calEvent.getStartTime();
    convertedEvent.endtime = calEvent.getEndTime();
  return convertedEvent;

// Converts calendar event into spreadsheet data row
function calEventToSheet(calEvent, idxMap, dataRow) {
  convertedEvent = convertCalEvent(calEvent);

  for (var idx = 0; idx < idxMap.length; idx++) {
    if (idxMap[idx] !== null) {
      dataRow[idx] = convertedEvent[idxMap[idx]];

// Returns empty string or time in milliseconds for Date object
function getEndTime(ev) {
  return ev.endtime === '' ? '' : ev.endtime.getTime();

// Tests whether calendar event matches spreadsheet event
function eventMatches(cev, sev) {
  var convertedCalEvent = convertCalEvent(cev);
  return convertedCalEvent.title == sev.title &&
    convertedCalEvent.description == sev.description &&
      convertedCalEvent.location == sev.location &&
        convertedCalEvent.starttime == sev.starttime &&
          getEndTime(convertedCalEvent) === getEndTime(sev) &&
            convertedCalEvent.guests == sev.guests;

// Determine whether required fields are missing
function fieldsMissing(idxMap) {
  return requiredFields.some(function(val) {
    return idxMap.indexOf(val) < 0;

// Set up formats and hide ID column for empty spreadsheet
function setUpSheet(sheet, fieldKeys) {
  sheet.getRange(1, fieldKeys.indexOf('starttime') + 1, 999).setNumberFormat('M/d/yyyy H:mm');
  sheet.getRange(1, fieldKeys.indexOf('endtime') + 1, 999).setNumberFormat('M/d/yyyy H:mm');
  sheet.hideColumns(fieldKeys.indexOf('id') + 1);

// Display error alert
function errorAlert(msg, evt, ridx) {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  if (evt) {
    ui.alert('Skipping row: ' + msg + ' in event "' + evt.title + '", row ' + (ridx + 1));
  } else {

// Synchronize from calendar to spreadsheet.
function syncFromCalendar() {
  // Get calendar and events
  var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId);
  var calEvents = calendar.getEvents(new Date('1/1/1970'), new Date('1/1/2030'));

  // Get spreadsheet and data
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
  var range = sheet.getDataRange();
  var data = range.getValues();
  var eventFound = new Array(data.length);

  // Check if spreadsheet is empty and add a title row
  var titleRow = [];
  for (var idx = 0; idx < titleRowKeys.length; idx++) {
  if (data.length < 1) {
    range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, data.length, data[0].length);
    setUpSheet(sheet, titleRowKeys);

  if (data.length == 1 && data[0].length == 1 && data[0][0] === '') {
    data[0] = titleRow;
    range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, data.length, data[0].length);
    setUpSheet(sheet, titleRowKeys);

  // Map spreadsheet headers to indices
  var idxMap = createIdxMap(data[0]);
  var idIdx = idxMap.indexOf('id');

  // Verify header has all required fields
  if (fieldsMissing(idxMap)) {
    var reqFieldNames = {return titleRowMap[x];}).join(', ');
    errorAlert('Spreadsheet must have ' + reqFieldNames + ' columns');

  // Array of IDs in the spreadsheet
  var sheetEventIds = data.slice(1).map(function(row) {return row[idIdx];});

  // Loop through calendar events
  for (var cidx = 0; cidx < calEvents.length; cidx++) {
    var calEvent = calEvents[cidx];
    var calEventId = calEvent.getId();

    var ridx = sheetEventIds.indexOf(calEventId) + 1;
    if (ridx < 1) {
      // Event not found, create it
      ridx = data.length;
      var newRow = [];
      var rowSize = idxMap.length;
      while (rowSize--) newRow.push('');
    } else {
      eventFound[ridx] = true;
    // Update event in spreadsheet data
    calEventToSheet(calEvent, idxMap, data[ridx]);

  // Remove any data rows not found in the calendar
  var rowsDeleted = 0;
  for (var idx = eventFound.length - 1; idx > 0; idx--) {
    if (!eventFound[idx]) {
      data.splice(idx, 1);

  // Save spreadsheet changes
  range = sheet.getRange(1, 1, data.length, data[0].length);
  if (rowsDeleted > 0) {
    sheet.deleteRows(data.length + 1, rowsDeleted);

// Synchronize from spreadsheet to calendar.
function syncToCalendar() {
  // Get calendar and events
  var calendar = CalendarApp.getCalendarById(calendarId);
  if (!calendar) {
    errorAlert('Cannot find calendar. Check instructions for set up.');
  var calEvents = calendar.getEvents(new Date('1/1/1970'), new Date('1/1/2030'));
  var calEventIds = {return val.getId()});

  // Get spreadsheet and data
  var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var sheet = spreadsheet.getActiveSheet();
  var range = sheet.getDataRange();
  var data = range.getValues();
  if (data.length < 2) {
    errorAlert('Spreadsheet must have a title row and at least one data row');

  // Map headers to indices
  var idxMap = createIdxMap(data[0]);
  var idIdx = idxMap.indexOf('id');
  var idRange = range.offset(0, idIdx, data.length, 1);
  var idData = idRange.getValues()

  // Verify header has all required fields
  if (fieldsMissing(idxMap)) {
    var reqFieldNames = {return titleRowMap[x];}).join(', ');
    errorAlert('Spreadsheet must have ' + reqFieldNames + ' columns');

  // Loop through spreadsheet rows
  var numAdds = 0;
  var numUpdated = 0;
  var changesMade = false;
  for (var ridx = 1; ridx < data.length; ridx++) {
    var sheetEvent = reformatEvent(data[ridx], idxMap);

    // Do some error checking first
    if (!sheetEvent.title) {
      errorAlert('must have title', sheetEvent, ridx);
    if (!(sheetEvent.starttime instanceof Date)) {
      errorAlert('start time must be a date/time', sheetEvent, ridx);
    if (sheetEvent.endtime !== '') {
      if (!(sheetEvent.endtime instanceof Date)) {
        errorAlert('end time must be empty or a date/time', sheetEvent, ridx);
      if (sheetEvent.endtime < sheetEvent.starttime) {
        errorAlert('end time must be after start time for event', sheetEvent, ridx);

    // Determine if spreadsheet event is already in calendar and matches
    var addEvent = true;
    if ( {
      var eventIdx = calEventIds.indexOf(;
      if (eventIdx >= 0) {
        calEventIds[eventIdx] = null;  // Prevents removing event below
        var calEvent = calEvents[eventIdx];
        if (eventMatches(calEvent, sheetEvent)) {
          addEvent = false;
        } else {
          // Delete and re-create event. It's easier than updating in place.
    if (addEvent) {
      var newEvent;
      sheetEvent.sendInvites = SEND_EMAIL_INVITES;
      if (sheetEvent.endtime === '') {
        newEvent = calendar.createAllDayEvent(sheetEvent.title, sheetEvent.starttime, sheetEvent);
      } else {
        newEvent = calendar.createEvent(sheetEvent.title, sheetEvent.starttime, sheetEvent.endtime, sheetEvent);
      // Put event ID back into spreadsheet
      idData[ridx][0] = newEvent.getId();
      changesMade = true;

      // Updating too many calendar events in a short time interval triggers an error. Still experimenting with
      // the exact values to use here, but this works for updating about 40 events.
      //      Utilities.sleep(75);
         //  if (numAdds > 10) {
      if (numAdds > 10) {

  // Save spreadsheet changes
  if (changesMade) {

  // Remove any calendar events not found in the spreadsheet
  var numToRemove = calEventIds.reduce(function(prevVal, curVal) {
    if (curVal !== null) {
    return prevVal;
  }, 0);
  if (numToRemove > 0) {
    var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
    var response = ui.Button.YES;
    if (numToRemove > numUpdated) {
      response = ui.alert('Delete ' + numToRemove + ' calendar event(s) not found in spreadsheet?',
    if (response == ui.Button.YES) {
      calEventIds.forEach(function(id, idx) {
        if (id != null) {

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 6 years ago
  • Comments:8 (5 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

Daveparcommented, Jul 17, 2017

Should be fixed now for the optional fields, description, location, and guests.

I’m going to close this issue for the time being. Re-open or start a new issue if this error continues to be a problem.

Daveparcommented, Jul 17, 2017

Nice find. I can take a look at it. I think the same thing would happen with the description field. Most people would probably include it in the spreadsheet, but it’s not required.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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Now the "exportEvents" do not run into the "You have been creating or deleting too many calendars or calendar events in a short...
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You have been creating or deleting too many ... - GitHub
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