Cannot ignore some files.
See original GitHub issueDescription
I had added several files to ignore list but files suggested to commit. Files: .vs\GameOneSpecialTools\v15.suo .vs\GameOneSpecialTools\v15\sqlite3\storage.ide GameOneSpecialTools.5.1.ReSharper.user GameOneSpecialTools.suo
- Operating system: Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.15063]
Expected Behavior
I want to not seeing that files in changed list.
Additional Information
Most of that files was generated by Resharper.
2018-03-09T21:19:42.030Z - info: [ui] [AppStore.withAuthenticatingUser] account found for repository: GameOneSpecialTools - scumware (has token)
2018-03-09T21:19:48.112Z - info: [ui] Executing pull: git -c credential.helper= pull --no-rebase --progress origin (took 5.713s)
2018-03-09T21:19:48.116Z - error: [ui] git -c credential.helper= pull --no-rebase --progress origin
exited with an unexpected code: 1.
Removing LoadTester/Counter.cs
Removing GameOneSpecialTools.sln.DotSettings
Auto-merging .gitignore
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in .gitignore
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
(The error was parsed as 7: We found some conflicts while trying to merge. Please resolve the conflicts and commit the changes.) 2018-03-09T21:19:50.656Z - info: [ui] Executing getWorkingDirectoryDiff: git diff HEAD --no-ext-diff --patch-with-raw -z --no-color – GameOneSpecialTools.5.1.ReSharper.user (took 1.200s) 2018-03-09T21:20:22.280Z - info: [ui] Executing getWorkingDirectoryDiff: git diff HEAD --no-ext-diff --patch-with-raw -z --no-color – GameOneSpecialTools.sln.DotSettings (took 7.252s) 2018-03-09T21:20:22.588Z - info: [ui] Executing getWorkingDirectoryDiff: git diff HEAD --no-ext-diff --patch-with-raw -z --no-color – .gitignore (took 2.328s) 2018-03-09T21:21:34.206Z - info: [ui] Executing getBranches: git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(refname:short)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(author)%00%(committer)%00%(parent)%00%(symref)%00%(subject)%00%(body)%00%(trailers:unfold,only)%00%1F refs/heads refs/remotes (took 1.243s) 2018-03-09T21:21:34.982Z - info: [ui] Executing getStatus: git status --untracked-files=all --branch --porcelain=2 -z (took 2.220s) 2018-03-09T21:22:23.852Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune origin (took 1.725s) 2018-03-09T21:22:31.139Z - info: [ui] Executing getBranches: git for-each-ref --format=%(refname)%00%(refname:short)%00%(upstream:short)%00%(objectname)%00%(author)%00%(committer)%00%(parent)%00%(symref)%00%(subject)%00%(body)%00%(trailers:unfold,only)%00%1F refs/heads refs/remotes (took 2.582s) 2018-03-09T21:22:31.274Z - info: [ui] Executing getRecentBranches: git log -g --no-abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline HEAD -n 2500 – (took 2.594s) 2018-03-09T21:22:31.397Z - info: [ui] Executing getCommits: git log 181ff1c0aa86057a15d13056c2f7e77c6b244f8d --date=raw --max-count=1 --pretty=%H%x1F%s%x1F%b%x1F%an <%ae> %ad%x1F%cn <%ce> %cd%x1F%P%x1F%(trailers:unfold,only) -z --no-color – (took 2.510s) 2018-03-09T21:27:50.958Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune origin (took 1.508s) 2018-03-09T21:33:16.395Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune origin (took 1.298s) 2018-03-09T21:38:41.742Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune origin (took 1.339s) 2018-03-09T21:44:07.262Z - info: [ui] Executing fetch: git -c credential.helper= fetch --progress --prune origin (took 1.380s)
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 6 years ago
- Comments:6 (2 by maintainers)
Thanks for taking the time to open an issue! 🙇
I think you may be trying to ignore files that are already being tracked by Git. If you would like to stop tracking those files, you can jump out to the command line and run these commands:
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit -m "stop tracking ignored files"
Going to close this issue out since it doesn’t seem to be a problem with Desktop, if my assumption is wrong, just let me know and I’ll re-open.