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Deserialising a LayoutDocumentFloatingWindow gives XML error

See original GitHub issue

When deserialising this saved layout:

<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-16""?>
  <RootPanel Orientation=""Horizontal"">
    <LayoutDocumentPaneGroup Orientation=""Vertical"">
      <LayoutDocumentPane Id=""510dd237-81be-4b7d-acbf-97173c64122f"">
        <LayoutDocument Title=""Test Mymenu 1"" IsSelected=""True"" ContentId=""TestMymenu"" LastActivationTimeStamp=""11/20/2019 16:55:31"" />
      <LayoutDocumentPane Id=""e08ee504-1b6c-4c14-9987-ee6ea0f8d03e"">
        <LayoutDocument Title=""Mymenu 1"" IsSelected=""True"" ContentId=""Mymenu"" LastActivationTimeStamp=""11/20/2019 16:55:03"" />
        <LayoutDocument Title=""Test Mymenu 2"" IsSelected=""True"" ContentId=""TestMymenu"" FloatingLeft=""115"" FloatingTop=""32"" FloatingWidth=""136"" FloatingHeight=""39"" LastActivationTimeStamp=""11/20/2019 16:49:17"" />
  <TopSide />
  <RightSide />
  <LeftSide />
  <BottomSide />
      <LayoutDocument Title=""Dev AIX 1"" IsSelected=""True"" IsLastFocusedDocument=""True"" ContentId=""DevAix"" FloatingLeft=""2573"" FloatingTop=""291"" FloatingWidth=""1079"" FloatingHeight=""769"" LastActivationTimeStamp=""11/20/2019 16:55:44"" PreviousContainerId=""e08ee504-1b6c-4c14-9987-ee6ea0f8d03e"" PreviousContainerIndex=""1"" />
      <LayoutDocument Title=""Gorgias Browser"" IsSelected=""True"" ContentId=""Gorgias Browser:"" FloatingLeft=""2568"" FloatingTop=""8"" FloatingWidth=""1141"" FloatingHeight=""750"" LastActivationTimeStamp=""11/20/2019 16:55:40"" PreviousContainerId=""e08ee504-1b6c-4c14-9987-ee6ea0f8d03e"" PreviousContainerIndex=""1"" />
      <LayoutDocument Title=""Fees And Rates"" IsSelected=""True"" ContentId=""FeesAndRates"" FloatingLeft=""1950"" FloatingTop=""9"" FloatingWidth=""605"" FloatingHeight=""866"" LastActivationTimeStamp=""11/20/2019 16:55:31"" PreviousContainerId=""510dd237-81be-4b7d-acbf-97173c64122f"" PreviousContainerIndex=""1"" />
  <Hidden />

I get the error “There is an error in xml document (23,7)”

This is the start of the LayoutDocumentFloatingWindow data.

I have gone back to 3.6.2 and it works. It stops working at version 4.0.0 Looking at the code, there is significant difference in this area between the versions.

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments:6 (3 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

markoliver288commented, Jun 25, 2020

Its not pretty code, but it does work:

        /// <summary>Some stored layouts may not be compatible with the version required now. So update it.</summary>
        /// <param name="layoutSchema">The layout of the displays</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="string"/> that contains adjusted layout</returns>
        private string AddBackwardsCompatabilityTagsIntoDisplayLayout( string layoutSchema )
            XDocument xLayout = XDocument.Parse( layoutSchema );
            XElement root = xLayout.Root;
            var allInvalidDocuments = root.Elements( @"FloatingWindows" )
                                    .Elements( @"LayoutDocumentFloatingWindow" )
                                    .Elements( @"LayoutDocument" ).ToList();
            if ( allInvalidDocuments.Any() )
                var newFloatingWindowsRoot = new XElement( "FloatingWindows" );
                foreach ( XElement invalidDocumentItem in allInvalidDocuments )
                    XElement newParentParentParent = new XElement( "LayoutDocumentFloatingWindow" );
                    XElement newParentParent = new XElement( "LayoutDocumentPaneGroup" );
                    newParentParent.SetAttributeValue( "Orientation", "Horizontal" );
                    XElement newParent = new XElement( "LayoutDocumentPane" );
                    newFloatingWindowsRoot.Add( newParentParentParent );
                    newParentParentParent.Add( newParentParent );
                    newParentParent.Add( newParent );
                    newParent.Add( invalidDocumentItem );

                //Now put them in the document correctly.
                xLayout.Root.Element( @"FloatingWindows" ).ReplaceWith( newFloatingWindowsRoot );

            string adjustedLayout = $@"{xLayout.Declaration}{Environment.NewLine}{xLayout}";
            return adjustedLayout;

Because of this change with LayoutDocuments, we had to tweak some of our templates, and any code that referenced LayoutDocuments required checking too. All of that code is bespoke to us though, so no point sharing here.

Dirkster99commented, Jun 25, 2020

Looks pretty nice to me - thanx for sharing

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