online learning result not matching batch (using natural parameters)
See original GitHub issueI’m trying to access and use the natural parameter vector of the Gaussian distribution in an online learning application. I’m using a simple example I found in the documentation to estimate the mean of a Gaussian with a sequence of data points. When I run inference on the entire batch of data points I get an expected mean of: Gaussian(16.03, 1.235). I would think that summing all the data likelihoods (via the natural parameter vectors) and adding the initial prior would produce the same result, but I get an expected mean of: Gaussian(16.49, var= 0.0308). Is there something conceptually wrong with my thinking or am I not using the natural parameter vector correctly (I notice there is a simplified form of the natural parameter vector used in Infer.NET)? Or is it inference related?
Here is my code:
double[] dataArray = { 14.32, 14.96, 14.11, 18.63, 14.74, 21.97, 20.11, 15.59,
19.67, 19.54, 14.52, 14.56, 19.69, 18.93, 19.02, 14.87,
14.17, 20.14, 13.98, 18.65, 13.09, 17.93, 15.66, 18.78,
18.31, 18.89, 19.53, 17.8 , 13.35, 16.72, 12.21, 13.58,
14.54, 18.37, 19.48, 14.84, 13.22, 17.63, 12.65, 12.45,
18.97, 18.44, 12.92, 19.09, 18.00, 12.93, 17.07, 17.75,
19.38, 17.8 , 13.02, 14.16, 13.36, 16.78, 15.26, 12.47,
21.34, 12.97, 14.22, 19.54, 12.33, 12.56, 14.92, 17.07,
17.02, 13.33, 17.78, 19.96, 18.16, 12.5 , 12.56, 12.13,
12.76, 17.76, 14.74, 15.65, 18.11, 18.53, 16.53, 17.75 };
/********** inference **********/
var engine = new InferenceEngine();
engine.Algorithm = new VariationalMessagePassing();
engine.ShowProgress = false;
/********* model *********/
Variable<double> mean = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(0.0, 100).Named("mean");
Variable<double> x = Variable.New<double>().Named("x");
x = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(mean, 100);
//Range n = new Range(dataArray.Length);
//VariableArray<double> x = Variable.Array<double>(n).Named("x");
//x[n] = Variable.GaussianFromMeanAndVariance(mean, 100).ForEach(n);
//x.ObservedValue = dataArray;
//Gaussian meanExpected = engine.Infer<Gaussian>(mean);
////result: Gaussian(16.03, 1.235)
Variable<Gaussian> meanMessage = Variable.Observed<Gaussian>(Gaussian.Uniform()).Named("meanMessage");
Variable.ConstrainEqualRandom(mean, meanMessage);
Gaussian meanMarginal = Gaussian.Uniform();
double[] GaussNatural = { 0, 0 };
for (int t = 0; t < dataArray.Length; t++)
x.ObservedValue = dataArray[t];
// this is the posterior distribution over the mean
meanMarginal = engine.Infer<Gaussian>(mean);
double postMean, postVar;
meanMarginal.GetMeanAndVariance(out postMean, out postVar);
// when we divide by the prior (note this is the original prior) we are left with only the data likelihood
Gaussian dataLikelihood = engine.Infer<Gaussian>(mean, QueryTypes.MarginalDividedByPrior);
double dataLikeMean, dataLikeVar;
dataLikelihood.GetMeanAndVariance(out dataLikeMean, out dataLikeVar);
meanMessage.ObservedValue = new Gaussian(dataLikeMean, dataLikeVar);
double meantimesprecision, precision;
dataLikelihood.GetNatural(out meantimesprecision, out precision);
GaussNatural[0] = GaussNatural[0] + meantimesprecision;
GaussNatural[1] = GaussNatural[1] + precision;
double mPrior = 0;
double bPrior = 1 / 100.0;
GaussNatural[0] = GaussNatural[0] + mPrior;
GaussNatural[1] = GaussNatural[1] + bPrior;
Console.WriteLine("mean= {0}, var= {1}", GaussNatural[0] / GaussNatural[1], 1 / GaussNatural[1]);
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- Created 3 years ago
- Comments:7 (3 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
There should not be any difference between EP and VMP on this example.
Hi Tom, will the way I am adding and re-scaling the natural parameters, to create a new
in the code above, work with EP as well?