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Blazor Server Apps packed into a Tool can't find static assets

See original GitHub issue

Describe the bug

When packing an ASP.NET app into a dotnet tool package the static assets from wwwroot result in 404.

To Reproduce

  1. Check out repo
  2. cd DotnetToolStaticFilesNotFound
  3. dotnet pack
  4. dotnet tool install -g --add-source .\bin\Debug\ DotnetToolStaticFilesNotFound
  5. cd .. - change directory so the wwwroot isn’t in your current path
  6. Load localhost:5000 in a browser. No css can be found.


  1. Create a new Blazor server app.
  2. add <PackAsTool>true</PackAsTool> and <IsPackable>true</IsPackable> to the csproj.
  3. Pack, install and run tool as above. image

Exceptions (if any)

Further technical details

  • Include the output of dotnet --info
  • 7.0.100-rc.2.22477.23
  • The IDE (VS / VS Code/ VS4Mac) you’re running on, and its version
  • VS 2022 Preview

Also reproduces on .NET 6.0.

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created a year ago
  • Reactions:1
  • Comments:6 (2 by maintainers)

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MiguelAlhocommented, Dec 15, 2022

I’ve found a workaround for my case mentioned above that is quite horrible and will bite me in the future, but I can at least move forward. Posting case anyone comes to the same situation:

  • Because I need MudBlazor’s assets, I’ve run dotnet publish to expose them in the published wwwroot folder
  • With access to them, I’ve included the files directly into the project’s wwwroot folder (manually, using file explorer and IDE) since I know that what is in it will be included in the package. Unfortunately I’ll need to update them any time I update the package, which will be a PITA to remember. I’ve also moved them into a wwwroot\MudBlazor instead of the expected wwwroot\_content\Mudblazor folder. If this ever get’s fixed, the _content will eventually appear in the package, and the awkwaredness may remind me of the situation.
  • Because of the path change, I’ve had to update my _Host.cshtml/ Layout.cshtml with the new paths to the asset files
<link href="MudBlazor/MudBlazor.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="MudBlazor/MudBlazor.min.js"></script>
  • I adopted a slight variation on @gfs 's code since I’m using minimal format on Program.cs:
    • added GetAssetLocations as a static method returning a tuple of the calculated paths
    • opted to throw instead of return
static (string assemblyLocation, string wwwrootLocation, string webroot) GetAssetLocations()
    var assemblyLocation = Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)?.FullName;
    if (assemblyLocation is null)
        throw new FileNotFoundException("Couldn't get directory containing assembly, unable to set content root.");

    // If we are running from dotnet build or dotnet publish the wwwroot will be adjacent to the assemblies
    var wwwrootLocation = Path.Combine(assemblyLocation, "wwwroot");
    var webRoot = wwwrootLocation;

    // If the expected wwwroot doesn't exist, we can also check if we are installed as a dotnet tool
    if (!Directory.Exists(wwwrootLocation))
        // If we are installed as a tool the assembly will be located in a folder structure that looks like this
        //      <toolname>\<version>\tools\<framework>\<platform>\
        // The wwwroot is packed a folder called "staticwebassets" in the <version> folder, so we want to go 3 levels up.
        var toolRootInstallDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(assemblyLocation)?.Parent?.Parent?.Parent;
        if (toolRootInstallDirectory is null)
            throw new DirectoryNotFoundException("expected tool directory does not exist. probably not a tool install");
        var staticWebAssetsLocation = Path.Combine(toolRootInstallDirectory.FullName, "staticwebassets");
        if (Directory.Exists(staticWebAssetsLocation))
            webRoot = staticWebAssetsLocation;
            throw new DirectoryNotFoundException(
                "can't find the static web assets, so rendering likely won't work properly");

    return (assemblyLocation, wwwrootLocation, webRoot);
  • then set the builder.Environment’s WebRootPath and ContentRootPath with the calculated paths:
var (assemblyLocation, wwwrootLocation, webroot) = GetAssetLocations();
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(new WebApplicationOptions()
   Args = args,
   ContentRootPath = webroot,
   WebRootPath = webroot
  • I’ve commented out the call to StaticWebAssetsLoader.UseStaticWebAssets(builder.Environment, builder.Configuration);?from the default template, too
gfscommented, Nov 16, 2022

If anyone else has the same issue, I have figured out a workaround based on the folder structure of the tool when unpacked.

private static int RunServer()
    IHostBuilder server = Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(Array.Empty<string>());
    var assemblyLocation = Directory.GetParent(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location)?.FullName;
    if (assemblyLocation is null)
        Log.Error("Couldn't get directory containing assembly, unable to set content root.");
        return -1;

    // We have to set the content root to the folder with the assemblies to function properly

    // If we are running from dotnet build or dotnet publish the wwwroot will be adjacent to the assemblies
    var wwwrootLocation = Path.Combine(assemblyLocation, "wwwroot");
    var webRoot = wwwrootLocation;

    // If the expected wwwroot doesn't exist, we can also check if we are installed as a dotnet tool
    if (!Directory.Exists(wwwrootLocation))
        // If we are installed as a tool the assembly will be located in a folder structure that looks like this
        //      <toolname>\<version>\tools\<framework>\<platform>\
        // The wwwroot is packed a folder called "staticwebassets" in the <version> folder, so we want to go 3 levels up.
        var toolRootInstallDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(assemblyLocation)?.Parent?.Parent?.Parent;
        if (toolRootInstallDirectory is null)
            // Probably not a tool install
            return -2;
        var staticWebAssetsLocation = Path.Combine(toolRootInstallDirectory.FullName, "staticwebassets");
        if (Directory.Exists(staticWebAssetsLocation))
            webRoot = staticWebAssetsLocation;
            // We can't find the static web assets, so rendering likely won't work property
            return -3;

    var host = server.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(webBuilder =>
        // Now we set the webroot

    return 0;
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