Approach to split Germany into 3 zones
See original GitHub issue@corradio your reading recommendation on Slack has side effects^^
For some reason, I couldn’t fall asleep. Then suddenly the idea of splitting DE and visualizing flows with available data got stuck in my mind again.
The missing key pieces were the exchanges between the German zones and the issue of TSO Amprion’s zone being split into two seperate regions. This can be solved by doing the math with generation, given cross-border exchanges and zone load, as long as there is no better data available. That’s a very promising approach which will lead to reasonable flows between the three zones automatically.
Before getting too euphorical that this approach will be accepted: I am fully aware you don’t like assumptions based on or including load, but in this case, it is only for the sake of DE-internal exchange flows and not generation. ^^
So I had a look at the data on ENTSO-E and here we are:
I suggest splitting Germany into the following three zones based on the control areas:
- 50Hertz Transmission alias ‘DE-50HzT’
- TransnetBW alias ‘DE-TnBW’
- Amprion & Tennet DE alias ‘DE-AmpTen’
I already gave some details on the four zones in #989, incuding this image, where you can track the split:
- yellow
- red
- purple & bue
First off, let’s do the simple things: assigning the 16 adm_1 codes to the zones. We’re lucky that two of the areas cover entire federal states - 50Hertz is former East Germany + Hamburg, TransnetBW is Baden-Württemberg. Amprion and Tennet cover the rest and even share some areas in some federal states, which is solved by simply uniting them.
{zoneName: 'DE-50HzT', type: 'administrations', administrations: ['DEU-1577', 'DEU-1578', 'DEU-1599', 'DEU-1600', 'DEU-1601', 'DEU-3487', 'DEU-3488']},
{zoneName: 'DE-TnBW', type: 'administrations', administrations: ['DEU-1573']},
{zoneName: 'DE-AmpTen', type: 'administrations', administrations: ['DEU-1572', 'DEU-1574', 'DEU-1575', 'DEU-1576', 'DEU-1579', 'DEU-1580', 'DEU-1581', 'DEU-1591']},
Let’s summarize the international exchanges / interconnectors next:
- DE-50HzT has interconnectors with DK-DK2, PL and CZ
- DE-TnBW has interconnectors with AT, CH, FR
- DE-AmpTen has interconnectors with AT, CZ, DK, FR, LU, NL, SE (BE coming soon / 2019?)
Two DE-internal exchange arrows will be required:
- DE-50HzT <-> DE-AmpTen
- DE-AmpTen <-> DE-TnBW
Splitting DE into these zones will also make power loop flows from DE-50HzT via CZ to DE-AmpTen and from FR through DE-TnBW to CH (-> IT) visible. The exchange arrow from DE-AmpTen (near Hamburg) to SE through the Baltic Sea will be a bit awkward because it is crossing the DE-50HzT to DK-DK2 cable. Maybe doubling the arrow could help here. Anyway, here is what it could look like:
Now we need to do the math to get the DE-internal exchanges. This requires generation and load in the control areas and also the international exchanges. It is a bit problematic that generation and load are given quarterhourly, but exchanges only as hourly values. This is how it would work:
DE-50HzT <-> DE-AmpTen
Main historical power flow is 50Hertz to Tennet, so DE-50HzT -> DE-AmpTen will be dominant most of the time, because eastern Germany is a powerhouse both in renewable terms as well as coal (unfortunately).
There used to be a web app named “Foyer TV” by 50Hertz, but they put it offline only a few weeks ago. I was following it nearly every day and power flows towards Tennet could reach 8-9 GW at high wind generation. This is what it looked like:
Since it is gone now, the only way left to get the internal exchange is calculating it from data given on ENTSO-E.
Therefore, the following calculation could be used:
- take the sum of generation of DE-50HzT
- plus incoming international power flows from DK-DK2, PL and CZ
- minus the control area load on ENTSO-E
- minus leaving power flows to DK-DK2, PL, and CZ
This will leave you with a “balance” value that needs to go or come from somewhere. If it is positive, it will have to leave in the direction of DE-AmpTen since this is the only exit. If it is negative, power is imported from DE-AmpTen (happening rarely).
DE-TnBW <-> DE-AmpTen Same logic here in the calculations for the exchange:
- take the sum of generation of DE-TnBW
- plus incoming international power flows from FR, CH and AT
- minus the control area load of DE-TnBW
- minus leaving power flows to FR, CH and AT
So far, I had only calculated the exchanges for 50Hertz <-> Tennet for yesterday, and it looks quite good. Exchange is correlating very well with wind power, which is the main driver for power flows towards Tennet/Bavaria. I’ll provide some calculated data in the next days to visualize the DE-internal flows.
What are your thoughts, concerns and comments on this?
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- Comments:9 (4 by maintainers)
I could call him next week. Never got to know him in person while I worked there, but that’s definitely worth a try.
Closing due to inactivity. Thank you all for your inputs!