Ambassador doesn't like Istio mTLS secrets
See original GitHub issueDescribe the bug The Ambassador with Istio guide ( suggests to use the following annotation to attach Istio secrets:
apiVersion: ambassador/v1
kind: TLSContext
name: istio-upstream
hosts: []
secret: istio.default
Which does not work with the following error:
ambassador.default.1: TLSContext istio-upstream found no certificate in secret istio in namespace default, ignoring...
Upon inspection of the source code it looks like the secret name istio.default
is parsed incorrectly because the routine assumes that secret name is everything before dot (e.g. istio
To Reproduce
Just try to follow the guide:
It cannot work because istio.default
secret name will be parsed as istio
Expected behavior
If you want to have namespace qualification for secrets, than I think it should be possible to do dot escaping, something like istio\.default
to support cases where secret has dot in its name.
Versions (please complete the following information):
- Ambassador: 0.60.1
- Kubernetes environment: Minikube
- Version: k8s 1.14.0
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 4 years ago
- Reactions:1
- Comments:13 (3 by maintainers)
+1, my team ran into this on Friday – is the Istio mutual TLS scenario described in the documentation no longer supported?
Thank you for reporting this issue. It appears I did not completely check the correctness of the change to the documentation before publishing it.
Short term, the solution is to simply rollback to the old method of mounting the secret in a volume in the Ambassador container and use it there. Long term, we should work on getting this to work using a
for the sake of configuration uniformity.The documentation rollback is happening now and should be completed soon. You can then follow that document to enable mTLS between Ambassador and Istio. I apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and appreciate the effort put in to reporting this issue.