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setState does not set state

See original GitHub issue

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

I’ve setup versions enzyme 3.5.0 and enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.3.0. I’ve created an enzyme test in this commit that mounts the component that passes. If I run a test with expect(wrapper.get(0)).toBe(1); it will show me that the component includes the correct props along with provided fixtures <Signer queue={[{"id": "test", "rpc": {"isSigned": true}, "status": "test"}]} t={[Function mockT]} />. So far the test I’ve written that checks expect(wrapper).toHaveLength(1); is passing successfully. However, I want to run a test to check that the <Modal className='ui--signer-Signer' ... (see renders correctly, but it only renders when this.state.currentItem and this.state.currentItem.rpc.isSigned (see are defined and true. So in the commit I created fixtures for the the currentItem state value, and wrote the following test to set the state with setState, update the component, and then check that the state has changed. But it doesn’t appear to work, because the test results report that currentItem is still undefined instead of being the value I set to the fixtureCurrentItemState variable.

  it('sets the state of the component', () => {
    wrapper.setState({ currentItem: fixtureCurrentItemState });
    wrapper = wrapper.update(); // immutable usage

Note that I tried debugging with console.log(wrapper.debug()); and console.log(wrapper.html());, which I’ve used in the past without any issues, but neither of them output anything, so as an alternative I was able to check the state by running expect(wrapper.state()).toEqual(1);, which returned {"currentItem": undefined, "password": "", "unlockError": null}

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Go to
  2. Clone Pull Request
  3. Install dependencies and run the tests with yarn; yarn run build; yarn run test;
  4. Remove .skip from the above mentioned tests
  5. See the failing test

Expected behavior I expected setState to set the state

Screenshots Code used screenshot: screen shot 2018-08-27 at 9 36 33 am

Failing test screenshot: screen shot 2018-08-27 at 9 38 47 am

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: macOS
  • Browser: Chrome
  • Version 68.0.3440.106

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Reactions:1
  • Comments:26 (8 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

comfroelscommented, Aug 31, 2018

Yeah I seem to be running into this same issue. I have an instance method that sets state, so I run the instance method and ensure the the correct state gets set:

wrapper.instance().reviewApp({ uid: 'some_id' });
expect(wrapper.state('adcOpen')).toBeTruthy(); //is false

Enzyme 3.5.0 enzyme-adapter-react-16 1.3.1

I changed it to manually call setState on the wrapper, but the state still isn’t set.

wrapper.setState({adcOpen: true});
expect(wrapper.state('adcOpen')).toBeTruthy(); //Still false

This still doesn’t set the state correctly. I even tried it with the callback on setState and still no-go.

wrapper.setState({adcOpen: true}, () => {
  expect(wrapper.state('adcOpen')).toBeTruthy(); //Still false

EDIT: Also, I’m on React 16.4.2

ljharbcommented, Aug 27, 2018

fwiw, wrapper = wrapper.update(); isn’t required; “immutable” just means you have to re-find from the root.

setState is async; what happens if you do:

wrapper.setState({ currentItem: fixtureCurrentItemState }, () => {
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