NewName Option not Working
See original GitHub issueDescribe what is not working as expected.
I can’t get the “NewName” flag to work.
Please include a complete description or project that I can redo/run to reproduce the issue.
{ "CodeGenerationMode": 3, "ContextClassName": "CoinCatalogContext", "ContextNamespace": null, "DefaultDacpacSchema": null, "FilterSchemas": false, "IncludeConnectionString": true, "ModelNamespace": null, "OutputContextPath": null, "OutputPath": "Entites", "PreserveCasingWithRegex": true, "ProjectRootNamespace": "ReflectionApp", "Schemas": null, "SelectedHandlebarsLanguage": 0, "SelectedToBeGenerated": 0, "Tables": [ { "Name": "[dbo].[Buffalo Nickel NGC]", "NewName": "[dbo].[Buffalo Nickel NG]", "ObjectType": 0 }, { "Name": "[dbo].[Buffalo Nickel PCGS]", "ObjectType": 0 } ], "UseSchemaName": false, "UiHint": "BRYANS-X1\\SQLEXPRESS.CoinCatalog", "UncountableWords": null, "UseBoolPropertiesWithoutDefaultSql": false, "UseDatabaseNames": false, "UseDateOnlyTimeOnly": false, "UseDbContextSplitting": false, "UseFluentApiOnly": true, "UseHandleBars": false, "UseHierarchyId": false, "UseInflector": false, "UseLegacyPluralizer": false, "UseManyToManyEntity": false, "UseNoDefaultConstructor": false, "UseNoObjectFilter": false, "UseNodaTime": false, "UseNullableReferences": false, "UseSchemaFolders": false, "UseSpatial": false, "UseT4": false }
- EF Core version in use: (e.g. EF Core 7) EF Core 7
- Is Handlebars used: no/yes No
- Is T4 used: no/yes No
- Is .dacpac used: no/yes Not sure what that is, sorry.
- EF Core Power Tools version: (found in About dialog - blue questionmark icon on context menu) 2.5.1372
- Database engine: (SQL Server, Azure SQL, Postgres, Oracle, Firebird, SQLite, MySQL) Sql Express
- Visual Studio version: (e.g. Visual Studio 2022) VS 2022
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 5 months ago
- Comments:16 (8 by maintainers)
Top GitHub Comments
Done! and Done! Thanks again Erik!
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