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array-element-newline - inline objects inside array

See original GitHub issue

Tell us about your environment Node.js, ES6

  • **ESLint Version:**v4.19.1
  • **Node Version:**v9.6.1
  • **npm Version:**5.8.0

What parser (default, Babel-ESLint, etc.) are you using? Default Please show your full configuration: You can find full code of my configuration in repository:

'use strict';

const error = 'error';
const always = 'always';
const never = 'never';
const off = 'off';

module.exports = {
  env: {
    node: true,
    es6: true
  parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 8 },
  rules: {
     * Possible Errors
    'for-direction': error,
    'getter-return': [error, { allowImplicit: true }],
    'no-await-in-loop': error,
    'no-compare-neg-zero': error,
    'no-cond-assign': [error, always],
    'no-console': error,
    'no-constant-condition': [error, { checkLoops: false }],
    'no-control-regex': error,
    'no-debugger': error,
    'no-dupe-args': error,
    'no-dupe-keys': error,
    'no-duplicate-case': error,
    'no-empty': error,
    'no-empty-character-class': error,
    'no-ex-assign': error,
    'no-extra-boolean-cast': error,
    'no-extra-parens': error,
    'no-extra-semi': error,
    'no-func-assign': error,
    'no-inner-declarations': error,
    'no-invalid-regexp': error,
    'no-irregular-whitespace': error,
    'no-obj-calls': error,
    'no-prototype-builtins': error,
    'no-regex-spaces': error,
    'no-sparse-arrays': error,
    'no-template-curly-in-string': error,
    'no-unexpected-multiline': error,
    'no-unreachable': error,
    'no-unsafe-finally': error,
    'no-unsafe-negation': error,
    'use-isnan': error,
    'valid-jsdoc': [
        prefer: {
          arg: 'param',
          argument: 'param',
          class: 'class',
          return: 'returns',
          virtual: 'abstract'
        preferType: {
          Boolean: 'Boolean',
          Number: 'Number',
          function: 'Function',
          object: 'Object',
          String: 'String',
          int: 'Number',
          array: 'Array'
        requireParamDescription: false,
        requireReturnType: true,
        requireReturn: true,
        requireReturnDescription: false
    'valid-typeof': error,

     * Best Practices
    'accessor-pairs': off,
    'array-callback-return': [error, { allowImplicit: true }],
    'block-scoped-var': error,
    'class-methods-use-this': error,
    complexity: error,
    'consistent-return': off,
    curly: error,
    'default-case': error,
    'dot-location': [error, 'property'],
    'dot-notation': error,
    eqeqeq: [error, always],
    'guard-for-in': error,
    'no-alert': error,
    'no-caller': error,
    'no-case-declarations': error,
    'no-div-regex': error,
    'no-else-return': off,
    'no-empty-function': error,
    'no-empty-pattern': error,
    'no-eq-null': error,
    'no-eval': error,
    'no-extend-native': error,
    'no-extra-bind': error,
    'no-extra-label': error,
    'no-fallthrough': error,
    'no-floating-decimal': error,
    'no-global-assign': error,
    'no-implicit-coercion': error,
    'no-implicit-globals': error,
    'no-implied-eval': error,
    'no-invalid-this': error,
    'no-iterator': error,
    'no-labels': error,
    'no-lone-blocks': error,
    'no-loop-func': error,
    'no-magic-numbers': [
        ignore: [1, 2, 3],
        ignoreArrayIndexes: true
    'no-multi-spaces': error,
    'no-multi-str': error,
    'no-new': error,
    'no-new-func': error,
    'no-new-wrappers': error,
    'no-octal': error,
    'no-octal-escape': error,
    'no-param-reassign': error,
    'no-redeclare': error,
    'no-restricted-properties': [
        object: 'require',
        message: 'Please call require() directly.'
    'no-return-assign': [error, always],
    'no-return-await': error,
    'no-script-url': off,
    'no-self-assign': error,
    'no-self-compare': error,
    'no-sequences': error,
    'no-throw-literal': error,
    'no-unmodified-loop-condition': error,
    'no-unused-expressions': error,
    'no-unused-labels': error,
    'no-useless-call': error,
    'no-useless-concat': error,
    'no-useless-escape': error,
    'no-useless-return': error,
    'no-void': error,
    'no-warning-comments': off,
    'no-with': error,
    'prefer-promise-reject-errors': [error, { allowEmptyReject: true }],
    radix: [error, 'as-needed'],
    'require-await': error,
    'vars-on-top': error,
    'wrap-iife': [error, 'any'],
    yoda: error,

     * Strict Mode
    strict: [error, 'global'],

     * Variables
    'init-declarations': off,
    'no-catch-shadow': error,
    'no-delete-var': error,
    'no-label-var': error,
    'no-restricted-globals': off,
    'no-shadow': [
        builtinGlobals: false,
        hoist: 'functions'
    'no-shadow-restricted-names': error,
    'no-undef': error,
    'no-undef-init': error,
    'no-undefined': off,
    'no-unused-vars': error,
    'no-use-before-define': error,

     * Node.js and CommonJS
    'callback-return': error,
    'global-require': error,
    'handle-callback-err': error,
    'no-buffer-constructor': error,
    'no-mixed-requires': error,
    'no-new-require': error,
    'no-path-concat': error,
    'no-process-env': error,
    'no-process-exit': error,
    'no-restricted-modules': off,
    'no-sync': error,

     * Stylistic Issues
    'array-bracket-newline': [
      { multiline: true }
    'array-bracket-spacing': [error, never],
    'array-element-newline': [
      { multiline: true }
    'block-spacing': error,
    'brace-style': error,
    'camelcase': error,
    'capitalized-comments': [error, always],
    'comma-dangle': [error, never],
    'comma-spacing': [
      { before: false, after: true }
    'comma-style': [error, 'last'],
    'computed-property-spacing': [error, never],
    'consistent-this': [error, 'that'],
    'eol-last': [error, always],
    'func-call-spacing': [error, never],
    'func-name-matching': error,
    'func-names': [error, always],
    'func-style': [error, 'declaration', { allowArrowFunctions: true }],
    'function-paren-newline': [error, 'multiline'],
    'id-blacklist': off,
    'id-length': [
        min: 3,
        max: 30,
        exceptions: ['i', 'j', 'k', 'l']
    'id-match': [error, '^[a-z]+([A-Z][a-z]+)*$'],
    'implicit-arrow-linebreak': [error, 'beside'],
    indent: [
        SwitchCase: 1,
        VariableDeclarator: 1,
        outerIIFEBody: 2,
        MemberExpression: 1,
        FunctionDeclaration: {
          body: 1,
          parameters: 1
        FunctionExpression: {
          body: 1,
          parameters: 1
        CallExpression: { arguments: 1 },
        ArrayExpression: 1,
        ObjectExpression: 1,
        ImportDeclaration: 1,
        flatTernaryExpressions: false
    'jsx-quotes': [error, 'prefer-double'],
    'key-spacing': [
        beforeColon: false,
        afterColon: true,
        mode: 'strict'
    'keyword-spacing': [error, { before: true, after: true }],
    'line-comment-position': [error, { position: 'above', applyDefaultIgnorePatterns: true }],
    'linebreak-style': [error, 'unix'],
    'lines-around-comment': [
        beforeBlockComment: true,
        allowBlockStart: true,
        allowBlockEnd: true,
        allowClassStart: true,
        beforeLineComment: true,
        allowClassEnd: true,
        allowObjectStart: true,
        allowObjectEnd: true,
        allowArrayStart: true,
        allowArrayEnd: true,
        applyDefaultIgnorePatterns: true
    'lines-between-class-members': [error, always, { exceptAfterSingleLine: true }],
    'max-depth': off,
    'max-len': [error, { code: 120, tabWidth: 4, comments: 80 }],
    'max-lines': off,
    'max-nested-callbacks': [error, 3],
    'max-params': off,
    'max-statements': off,
    'max-statements-per-line': [error, { max: 1 }],
    'multiline-comment-style': [error, 'starred-block'],
    'multiline-ternary': [error, never],
    'new-cap': [error, { newIsCap: true, capIsNew: true }],
    'new-parens': error,
    'newline-per-chained-call': [error, { ignoreChainWithDepth: 2 }],
    'no-array-constructor': error,
    'no-bitwise': off,
    'no-continue': off,
    'no-inline-comments': error,
    'no-lonely-if': error,
    'no-mixed-operators': error,
    'no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs': error,
    'no-multi-assign': off,
    'no-multiple-empty-lines': [error, { max: 1, maxEOF: 1, maxBOF: 0 }],
    'no-negated-condition': error,
    'no-nested-ternary': error,
    'no-new-object': error,
    'no-plusplus': off,
    'no-restricted-syntax': off,
    'no-tabs': error,
    'no-ternary': off,
    'no-trailing-spaces': error,
    'no-underscore-dangle': [error, { allowAfterThis: true, allowAfterSuper: true, enforceInMethodNames: true }],
    'no-unneeded-ternary': error,
    'no-whitespace-before-property': error,
    'nonblock-statement-body-position': off,
    'object-curly-newline': [error, { multiline: true }],
    'object-curly-spacing': [error, always],
    'object-property-newline': off,
    'one-var': [error, never],
    'one-var-declaration-per-line': [error, always],
    'operator-assignment': [error, always],
    'operator-linebreak': [error, 'before'],
    'padded-blocks': [error, never],
    'padding-line-between-statements': [
      { blankLine: always, prev: 'directive', next: '*' },
      { blankLine: 'any', prev: 'directive', next: 'directive' },
      { blankLine: always, prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: '*' },
      { blankLine: 'any', prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: ['const', 'let', 'var'] },
      { blankLine: 'always', prev: '*', next: 'return' }

    quotes: [error, 'single'],
    semi: [error, always]

What did you do? Please include the actual source code causing the issue, as well as the command that you used to run ESLint.

const d = {
  'padding-line-between-statements': [
      { blankLine: always, prev: 'directive', next: '*' },
      { blankLine: 'any', prev: 'directive', next: 'directive' },
      { blankLine: always, prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: '*' },
      { blankLine: 'any', prev: ['const', 'let', 'var'], next: ['const', 'let', 'var'] },
      { blankLine: 'always', prev: '*', next: 'return' }

What did you expect to happen? Expected that this array will not show error. What actually happened? Please include the actual, raw output from ESLint. I was looking for a similar issue in eslint/esling repository, but I did not find it. This array show me error, that after comma should not be new line.

Error image:


Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 5 years ago
  • Comments:7 (3 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

platinumazurecommented, May 3, 2018

Hi @vuchastyi, thanks for the issue.

The ESLint team (of which ljharb is not a member, though he is a valued contributor) would be happy to review a proposal for enhancing a rule with a new option.

In order to make this easier, we prefer to have proposals laid out according to this template so we know exactly what users are looking for.

My suggestion would be to do the following, in order to prepare a proposal we could evaluate:

  1. Check out similar rules, like array-bracket-newline or object-property-newline, to see if something like the “consistent” option in those rules is what you want here.
  2. Once you’ve taken a look at those, edit the initial post of this issue (or create a new one if you like) to follow the template I linked above. Make sure to write a few examples of code that would be affected by the new option (either code that currently violates the rule that no longer would, or code that currently does not violate the rule that would violate it with the new option).

Once you’ve done that and know exactly what you’re looking for, we can evaluate the proposal.

Let me know if you have any questions 😄 Thanks!

ghostcommented, May 4, 2018

@platinumazure, okey. I will create new issue-feature proposal.

Read more comments on GitHub >

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