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fat arrow + implicit return, no-return-assign bug

See original GitHub issue

array.filter(a => a.test = value) does not trigger an error with no-return-assign activated.

eslint version : v1.10.3


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Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 8 years ago
  • Comments:9 (6 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

pvdzcommented, Apr 7, 2016

Food for thought?

arr.forEach(obj => = i);

now must be

arr.forEach(obj => ( = i));

to satisfy this rule with the paren exception, or

arr.forEach(obj => { = i; });

with the strict rule in place. Unless you disable the rule altogether, of course.

The counter case is:

arr.filter(obj => = i);

but the distinction between a forEach and filter (etc) is only checkable under certain assumptions, with hard edge cases.

Still, the initial case had me scratching my head and led me here.

nzakascommented, Dec 21, 2015

Now it is

Read more comments on GitHub >

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