[Bug Report]: "ESP-IDF: New Project" wizard, show blank template screen without having an open folder. (VSC-703)
See original GitHub issuePre Bug Report Checklist Before reporting any bug please make sure of these points.
- Make sure you have searched for existing bugs and features request before you post an issue.
- This is a bug report for the ESP-IDF Visual Studio Code extension and not an ESP-IDF bug report.
- I’ve read the docs and found no information that could have helped solving the issue.
Describe the bug Cannot use “ESP-IDF: New Project” wizard, without having a folder open.
To Reproduce
- In VSCode, select “File > Close Folder [Ctrl+K F]” from the menu
- Press F1
- Select “ESP-IDF: New Project”
- Fill in the template information.
- Select “Choose Template”.
Expected behavior The list of templates would appear as intended.
Environment (please complete the following information):
---------------------------------------------- ESP-IDF Extension for Visual Studio Code report --------------------------------------------- OS linux x64 5.11.0-7620-generic System environment variable PATH /home/zak/.local/bin:/home/zak/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin Visual Studio Code version 1.57.1 Visual Studio Code language en Visual Studio Code shell bash ESP-IDF Extension version 1.1.0 ---------------------------------------------------- Extension configuration settings ------------------------------------------------------ ESP-ADF Path (idf.espAdfPath) ${env:ADF_PATH} ESP-IDF Path (idf.espIdfPath) ${env:IDF_PATH} ESP-MDF Path (idf.espMdfPath) ${env:MDF_PATH} Custom extra paths (idf.customExtraPaths) Custom extra vars (idf.customExtraVars) Virtual env Python Path (idf.pythonBinPath) python Serial port (idf.port) /dev/ttyUSB1 OpenOCD Configs (idf.openOcdConfigs) interface/ftdi/esp32_devkitj_v1.cfg,board/esp32-wrover.cfg ESP-IDF Tools Path (idf.toolsPath) ${env:IDF_TOOLS_PATH} Git Path (idf.gitPath) git -------------------------------------------------------- Configurations access ------------------------------------------------------------- Access to ESP-ADF Path (idf.espIdfPath) false Access to ESP-IDF Path (idf.espIdfPath) false Access to ESP-MDF Path (idf.espIdfPath) false Access to ESP-IDF Custom extra paths Access to Virtual env Python Path (idf.pythonBinPath) false Access to CMake in environment PATH true Access to Ninja in environment PATH true Access to ESP-IDF Tools Path (idf.toolsPath) false ----------------------------------------------------------- Executables Versions ----------------------------------------------------------- Git version 2.27.0 ESP-IDF version Not found Python version 3.8.10 Python’s pip version 20.1.1 -------------------------------------------------- Python packages in idf.pythonBinPath ---------------------------------------------------- adafruit-nrfutil version: 0.5.3.post13 appdirs version: 1.4.4 blinker version: 1.4 Brlapi version: 0.7.0 certifi version: 2020.4.5.1 chardet version: 3.0.4 chrome-gnome-shell version: 0.0.0 click version: 7.1.2 colorama version: 0.4.3 command-not-found version: 0.3 cryptography version: 3.0 cupshelpers version: 1.0 dbus-python version: 1.2.16 defer version: 1.0.6 distlib version: 0.3.2 distro version: 1.5.0 distro-info version: 0.23ubuntu1 ecdsa version: 0.16.1 evdev version: 1.3.0 filelock version: 3.0.12 gpg version: 1.14.0-unknown gyp version: 0.1 hidpidaemon version: 18.4.6 httplib2 version: 0.18.1 idna version: 2.10 jeepney version: 0.4.3 kernelstub version: 3.1.4 keyring version: 21.3.0 language-selector version: 0.1 launchpadlib version: 1.10.13 lazr.restfulclient version: 0.14.2 lazr.uri version: 1.0.5 louis version: 3.14.0 macaroonbakery version: 1.3.1 netifaces version: 0.10.4 oauthlib version: 3.1.0 pip version: 20.1.1 pop-transition version: 1.1.2 protobuf version: 3.12.3 pycairo version: 1.16.2 pycups version: 2.0.1 pydbus version: 0.6.0 Pygments version: 2.3.1 PyGObject version: 3.38.0 PyJWT version: 1.7.1 pymacaroons version: 0.13.0 PyNaCl version: 1.4.0 pyRFC3339 version: 1.1 pyserial version: 3.4 python-apt version: 2.1.2pop0-1587756471-20.04-cd2988e python-debian version: 0.1.37 python-xlib version: 0.27 pytz version: 2020.1 pyxdg version: 0.26 PyYAML version: 5.3.1 repolib version: 1.5.2 repoman version: 1.4.0 requests version: 2.23.0 requests-unixsocket version: 0.2.0 screen-resolution-extra version: 0.0.0 SecretStorage version: 3.1.2 sessioninstaller version: 0.0.0 setuptools version: 49.3.1 simplejson version: 3.17.0 six version: 1.15.0 system76driver version: 20.4.36 systemd-python version: 234 ubuntu-advantage-tools version: 27.0 ubuntu-drivers-common version: 0.0.0 ufw version: 0.36 urllib3 version: 1.25.9 virtualenv version: 20.4.7 wadllib version: 1.3.4 wheel version: 0.34.2 xkit version: 0.0.0 ---------------------------------------------------- Check ESP-IDF python requirements.txt ------------------------------------------------- Check ESP-IDF Python packages Error ---------------------------------------------------- Check extension requirements.txt ------------------------------------------------------ Check Extension Python packages Error ---------------------------------------------------- Check ESP-IDF debug adapter requirements.txt ------------------------------------------ Check Debug AdapterPython packages Error ----------------------------------------------------------- Latest error ----------------------------------------------------------------- Latest error at Command failed: python ${env:IDF_PATH}/tools/check_python_dependencies.py -r “/home/zak/.vscode/extensions/espressif.esp-idf-extension-1.1.0/esp_debug_adapter/requirements.txt” /bin/sh: 1: Bad substitution
NOTE: You can use the
ESP-IDF: Doctor command
to generate a report of your configuration.
Issue Analytics
- State:
- Created 2 years ago
- Comments:8
Thanks Brianignacio : fresh install and ok now.
@zfields based on your doctor command output it seems that the extension settings are not configured properly.
We have fixed many issues in extension setup but not available in the vscode marketplace yet. Can you uninstall your current extension and try installing from this vsix installer ?