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Etherpad crashes when opening new pad

See original GitHub issue

Describe the bug I installed Etherpad using Docker, (docker-compose is provided). I run Etherpad behind a reverse proxy with let’s encrypt (proxy config is provided). I am able to open the etherpad page, but when I click to open a pad it gets stuck loading. Maybe I am missing something?


  • OS: Debian 10


version: '2.2'

# Let's Encrypt
    container_name: letsencrypt
    image: linuxserver/swag
    restart: always
      - PUID=${PUID}
      - PGID=${PGID}
      - TZ=${TZ}
      - URL=${TLD}
      - VALIDATION=http
      - ${APPDATA}/Letsencrypt:/config
      - etherpad_net
      - 443:443
      - 80:80
      - NET_ADMIN

# Etherpad
    container_name: etherpad
    image: etherpad/etherpad
    restart: always
      - ${APPDATA}/Etherpad:/opt/etherpad-lite/var
      - DB_TYPE=postgres
      - DB_HOST=etherpad_db
      - DB_PORT=5432
      - DB_NAME=${EPDB_NAME}
      - DB_USER=${EPDB_USER}
      - DB_PASS=${EPDB_PASS}
      - etherpad_net      
    container_name: etherpad_db
    image: postgres
    restart: always
     - ${APPDATA}/Etherpad_DB:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - etherpad_net
    driver: bridge

reverse proxy settings

## Version 2020/12/09
# make sure that your dns has a cname set for <container_name> and that your <container_name> container is not using a base url

server {
    listen 443 ssl;
    listen [::]:443 ssl;

    server_name [DOMAIN];

    include /config/nginx/ssl.conf;

    client_max_body_size 0;

    location / {

        include /config/nginx/proxy.conf;
        resolver valid=30s;
        set $upstream_app etherpad;
        set $upstream_port 9001;
        set $upstream_proto http;
        proxy_pass $upstream_proto://$upstream_app:$upstream_port;



docker logs -f etherpad

[2020-12-20 23:58:18.647] [DEBUG] console - Running on Node v10.23.0 (minimum required Node version: 10.13.0)
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.182] [INFO] console - All relative paths will be interpreted relative to the identified Etherpad base dir: /opt/etherpad-lite
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.182] [INFO] console - Random string used for versioning assets: f99fe4b5
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.183] [DEBUG] AbsolutePaths - Relative path "settings.json" can be rewritten to "/opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.184] [DEBUG] AbsolutePaths - Relative path "credentials.json" can be rewritten to "/opt/etherpad-lite/credentials.json"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.202] [INFO] console - settings loaded from: /opt/etherpad-lite/settings.json
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.203] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "TITLE" not found for configuration key "title". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.207] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "FAVICON" not found for configuration key "favicon". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.208] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "SKIN_NAME" not found for configuration key "skinName". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.208] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "SKIN_VARIANTS" not found for configuration key "skinVariants". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.208] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "IP" not found for configuration key "ip". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.208] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PORT" not found for configuration key "port". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.209] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "SHOW_SETTINGS_IN_ADMIN_PAGE" not found for configuration key "showSettingsInAdminPage". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.209] [DEBUG] console - Configuration key "dbType" will be read from environment variable "DB_TYPE"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.209] [DEBUG] console - Configuration key "host" will be read from environment variable "DB_HOST"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.210] [DEBUG] console - Configuration key "port" will be read from environment variable "DB_PORT"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.210] [DEBUG] console - Configuration key "database" will be read from environment variable "DB_NAME"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.210] [DEBUG] console - Configuration key "user" will be read from environment variable "DB_USER"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.210] [DEBUG] console - Configuration key "password" will be read from environment variable "DB_PASS"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.210] [WARN] console - Environment variable "DB_CHARSET" does not contain any value for configuration key "charset", and no default was given. Returning null.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.211] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "DB_FILENAME" not found for configuration key "filename". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.211] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "DEFAULT_PAD_TEXT" not found for configuration key "defaultPadText". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.211] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_NO_COLORS" not found for configuration key "noColors". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.211] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_SHOW_CONTROLS" not found for configuration key "showControls". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.211] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_SHOW_CHAT" not found for configuration key "showChat". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.212] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_SHOW_LINE_NUMBERS" not found for configuration key "showLineNumbers". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.212] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_USE_MONOSPACE_FONT" not found for configuration key "useMonospaceFont". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.212] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_USER_NAME" not found for configuration key "userName". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.212] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_USER_COLOR" not found for configuration key "userColor". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.212] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_RTL" not found for configuration key "rtl". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.213] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_ALWAYS_SHOW_CHAT" not found for configuration key "alwaysShowChat". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.213] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_CHAT_AND_USERS" not found for configuration key "chatAndUsers". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.213] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_OPTIONS_LANG" not found for configuration key "lang". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.213] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_ALT_F9" not found for configuration key "altF9". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.213] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_ALT_C" not found for configuration key "altC". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.214] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_SHIFT_2" not found for configuration key "cmdShift2". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.214] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_DELETE" not found for configuration key "delete". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.214] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_RETURN" not found for configuration key "return". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.214] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_ESC" not found for configuration key "esc". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.214] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_S" not found for configuration key "cmdS". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.215] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_TAB" not found for configuration key "tab". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.215] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_Z" not found for configuration key "cmdZ". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.215] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_Y" not found for configuration key "cmdY". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.215] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_I" not found for configuration key "cmdI". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.215] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_B" not found for configuration key "cmdB". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.216] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_U" not found for configuration key "cmdU". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.216] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_5" not found for configuration key "cmd5". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.216] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_SHIFT_L" not found for configuration key "cmdShiftL". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.216] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_SHIFT_N" not found for configuration key "cmdShiftN". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.216] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_SHIFT_1" not found for configuration key "cmdShift1". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.217] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_SHIFT_C" not found for configuration key "cmdShiftC". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.217] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CMD_H" not found for configuration key "cmdH". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.217] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_CTRL_HOME" not found for configuration key "ctrlHome". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.217] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_PAGE_UP" not found for configuration key "pageUp". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.217] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "PAD_SHORTCUTS_ENABLED_PAGE_DOWN" not found for configuration key "pageDown". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.218] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "SUPPRESS_ERRORS_IN_PAD_TEXT" not found for configuration key "suppressErrorsInPadText". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.218] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "REQUIRE_SESSION" not found for configuration key "requireSession". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.218] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "EDIT_ONLY" not found for configuration key "editOnly". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.218] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "MINIFY" not found for configuration key "minify". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.219] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "MAX_AGE" not found for configuration key "maxAge". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.219] [WARN] console - Environment variable "ABIWORD" does not contain any value for configuration key "abiword", and no default was given. Returning null.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.219] [WARN] console - Environment variable "SOFFICE" does not contain any value for configuration key "soffice", and no default was given. Returning null.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.219] [WARN] console - Environment variable "TIDY_HTML" does not contain any value for configuration key "tidyHtml", and no default was given. Returning null.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.219] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "ALLOW_UNKNOWN_FILE_ENDS" not found for configuration key "allowUnknownFileEnds". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.220] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION" not found for configuration key "requireAuthentication". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.220] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "REQUIRE_AUTHORIZATION" not found for configuration key "requireAuthorization". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.220] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "TRUST_PROXY" not found for configuration key "trustProxy". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.220] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "COOKIE_SAME_SITE" not found for configuration key "sameSite". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.220] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "DISABLE_IP_LOGGING" not found for configuration key "disableIPlogging". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.221] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "AUTOMATIC_RECONNECTION_TIMEOUT" not found for configuration key "automaticReconnectionTimeout". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.221] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "FOCUS_LINE_PERCENTAGE_ABOVE" not found for configuration key "editionAboveViewport". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.221] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "FOCUS_LINE_PERCENTAGE_BELOW" not found for configuration key "editionBelowViewport". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.221] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "FOCUS_LINE_DURATION" not found for configuration key "duration". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.221] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "FOCUS_LINE_CARET_SCROLL" not found for configuration key "scrollWhenCaretIsInTheLastLineOfViewport". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.222] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "FOCUS_LINE_PERCENTAGE_ARROW_UP" not found for configuration key "percentageToScrollWhenUserPressesArrowUp". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.222] [DEBUG] console - Configuration key "password" will be read from environment variable "ADMIN_PASSWORD"
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.222] [WARN] console - Environment variable "USER_PASSWORD" does not contain any value for configuration key "password", and no default was given. Returning null.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.222] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "LOAD_TEST" not found for configuration key "loadTest". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.223] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "IMPORT_EXPORT_RATE_LIMIT_WINDOW" not found for configuration key "windowMs". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.223] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "IMPORT_EXPORT_MAX_REQ_PER_IP" not found for configuration key "max". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.223] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "IMPORT_MAX_FILE_SIZE" not found for configuration key "importMaxFileSize". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.223] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "EXPOSE_VERSION" not found for configuration key "exposeVersion". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.223] [DEBUG] console - Environment variable "LOGLEVEL" not found for configuration key "loglevel". Falling back to default value.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.225] [INFO] console - No credentials file found in /opt/etherpad-lite/credentials.json. Ignoring.
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.229] [INFO] console - Using skin "colibris" in dir: /opt/etherpad-lite/src/static/skins/colibris
[2020-12-20 23:58:19.230] [INFO] console - Session key loaded from: /opt/etherpad-lite/SESSIONKEY.txt
[2020-12-20 23:58:22.999] [INFO] APIHandler - Api key file read from: "/opt/etherpad-lite/APIKEY.txt"
[2020-12-20 23:58:23.441] [INFO] console - Installed plugins: 
[2020-12-20 23:58:23.492] [INFO] console - Report bugs at
[2020-12-20 23:58:23.498] [INFO] console - Your Etherpad version is 1.8.6 (d34a70c)
[2020-12-20 23:58:28.122] [INFO] console - You can access your Etherpad instance at
[2020-12-20 23:58:28.123] [INFO] console - The plugin admin page is at
[2020-12-20 23:58:53.234] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/l10n.js.
[2020-12-20 23:58:53.243] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/html10n.js.
[2020-12-20 23:58:53.417] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file skins/colibris/index.js.
[2020-12-20 23:58:53.448] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file skins/colibris/index.css.
[2020-12-20 23:58:58.884] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/require-kernel.js.
[2020-12-20 23:58:59.068] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file skins/colibris/pad.css.
[2020-12-20 23:58:59.931] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/pad.css.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.154] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file skins/colibris/pad.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.209] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_cookie.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.301] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_editor.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.511] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_modals.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.520] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_automatic_reconnect.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.589] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/vendors/nice-select.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.837] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_impexp.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.934] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_savedrevs.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.957] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_connectionstatus.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:00.992] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file ../node_modules/js-cookie/src/js.cookie.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.105] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file ../node_modules/tinycon/tinycon.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.189] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/rjquery.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.197] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/skin_variants.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.350] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/ace2_common.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.407] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/underscore.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.417] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/security.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.440] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pluginfw/plugin_defs.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.461] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pluginfw/client_plugins.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.528] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pluginfw/shared.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.548] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file ../node_modules/security/index.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.652] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_utils.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:01.695] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/browser.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:02.196] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/gritter.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:02.261] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/chat.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:02.583] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/farbtastic.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:02.791] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/browser.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:03.810] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/excanvas.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:04.246] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_editbar.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:04.855] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_userlist.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:04.864] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/collab_client.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:05.374] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/require-kernel.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:05.427] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file ../node_modules/async/index.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:05.725] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pluginfw/hooks.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:06.072] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:06.094] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_cookie.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:06.181] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_editor.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:06.485] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/vendors/nice-select.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:06.742] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_modals.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:06.804] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/timeslider.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.010] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_automatic_reconnect.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.012] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_savedrevs.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.045] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_impexp.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.122] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/AttributePool.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.176] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/colorutils.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.253] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/broadcast_revisions.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.289] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/cssmanager.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.385] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_utils.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.392] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/browser.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.620] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/domline.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.627] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/linestylefilter.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.733] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/broadcast_slider.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:07.755] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/pad_editbar.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:08.118] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/broadcast.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:08.252] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file ../node_modules/underscore/underscore.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:08.494] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/iframe_editor.css.
[2020-12-20 23:59:08.666] [INFO] Minify - Compress CSS file css/iframe_editor.css.
[2020-12-20 23:59:08.939] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/Changeset.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:09.299] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/jquery.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:10.336] [INFO] Minify - Compress JS file js/ace.js.
[2020-12-20 23:59:10.355] [ERROR] console - Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/etherpad-lite/var/minified_61e0d32768264f7e5d0f165897add7a25f29bafb70cc3b2791215aa609137a28.gz'
[2020-12-20 23:59:10.357] [INFO] console - Stopping Etherpad...
[2020-12-20 23:59:10.443] [INFO] console - Database closed
[2020-12-20 23:59:10.711] [ERROR] console - Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/opt/etherpad-lite/var/minified_543e5e4e8645e9a0c7860a867b062813ae9da9d0fb8894aebc897a16cad8bdc5.gz'


  • OS: ArchLinux
  • Firefox
  • Latest

Issue Analytics

  • State:closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Comments:14 (5 by maintainers)

github_iconTop GitHub Comments

JohnMcLearcommented, Dec 21, 2020

Go ahead and break things. They can always be reverted. Don’t worry, I don’t really know what I’m doing either

kromsamcommented, Dec 23, 2020

it is a bit above my head, i think i’ll make a new issue if this ons stays closed

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