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Reactor - Flux and Mono can't get them to work at all

See original GitHub issue

So I’ve been hammering away at this for a day and I can’t seem to get even basic queries to work with mono or flux.

Below is an example of a query to a user profile from the identity store. If I convert this into a future it works out of the box, but the moment I use a mono i get all my fields as null


And the query code:

    fun currentUserProfile(context: GraphQLSecurityContext): Mono<UserProfile> {
        return context.securityContext.flatMap { sc ->
            val details = sc.authentication.details as UserCredential
            userIdentityService.findById( { UserProfile.fromUserIdentity(it) }

I don’t seem to have a problem generating schema with mono. I have registered a monad hook, but it seems to do nothing.

Is there something I’m doing wrong? I know it does call the query method, but I can’t seem to figure out I get a null response.

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  • State:closed
  • Created 3 years ago
  • Reactions:1
  • Comments:32 (5 by maintainers)

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ianmichellcommented, May 7, 2020

Anyway, thanks for the help.

Here is the code for anyone that wants it. Obviously a todo will be to add expression support:

class AuthorisedDataFetcher(private val originDataFetcher: DataFetcher<Any?>, val roles: Array<out String>) : DataFetcher<Any?> {

    val logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

    override fun get(environment: DataFetchingEnvironment): Any? {
        val securityContext = environment.getContext<GraphQLSecurityContext>().securityContext
        val authentication = securityContext.authentication
        if (!authentication.isAuthenticated || (roles.isNotEmpty() && authentication.authorities.filter {
                    roles.contains(it.authority) }.none())) {
            throw AccessDeniedException("Access denied") // TODO Make sure this gets logged for audit purposes
        return originDataFetcher.get(environment)
class ReactiveDataFactoryProvider(val dataFetcherFactory: ReactiveDataFetcherFactory, val objectMapper: ObjectMapper) :
        SimpleKotlinDataFetcherFactoryProvider(objectMapper) {

    override fun functionDataFetcherFactory(target: Any?, kFunction: KFunction<*>) = DataFetcherFactory {
        val authorised = kFunction.findAnnotation<Authorised>()
        val reactiveDataFetcher = ReactiveFunctionDataFetcher(
                target = target,
                fn = kFunction,
                objectMapper = objectMapper)
        when {
            authorised != null -> AuthorisedDataFetcher(reactiveDataFetcher, authorised.roles)
            else -> reactiveDataFetcher

    override fun propertyDataFetcherFactory(kClass: KClass<*>, kProperty: KProperty<*>): DataFetcherFactory<Any?> =
            if (kProperty.isLateinit) {
            } else {
                super.propertyDataFetcherFactory(kClass, kProperty)
class ReactiveDataFetcherFactory: DataFetcherFactory<Any?>, BeanFactoryAware {
    private lateinit var beanFactory: BeanFactory

    override fun setBeanFactory(beanFactory: BeanFactory) {
        this.beanFactory = beanFactory

    override fun get(environment: DataFetcherFactoryEnvironment?): DataFetcher<Any?> {

        // Strip out possible `Input` and `!` suffixes added to by the SchemaGenerator
        val targetedTypeName = environment?.fieldDefinition?.type?.deepName?.removeSuffix("!")?.removeSuffix("Input")
        return beanFactory.getBean("${targetedTypeName}DataFetcher") as DataFetcher<Any?>
class ReactiveFunctionDataFetcher(target: Any?, fn: KFunction<*>, objectMapper: ObjectMapper): FunctionDataFetcher(target, fn, objectMapper) {

    override fun get(environment: DataFetchingEnvironment): Any? = when (val result = super.get(environment)) {
        is Mono<*> -> result.toFuture()
        else -> result

Edit: Forgot the annotation

        name = "authorised",
        description = "Used to check authorisation"
annotation class Authorised(vararg val roles: String)


    suspend fun currentUserProfile(context: GraphQLSecurityContext): UserProfile? {
        logger.debug("Query executed")
        return mono { context.securityContext }.flatMap { sc ->
            val details = sc.authentication.details as UserCredential
            userIdentityService.findById( { UserProfile.fromUserIdentity(it) }
fhonercommented, Jan 3, 2021

Hi, thanks for providing the examples, it is indeed very helpful. Regarding the code from @thunderbird do I understand correctly, the @Authorised annotation only works on top-level object like query or mutation?
This works for me:

class PlanQuery(
	private val planService: PlanService
): Query {

	fun getPlans(): List<PlanDto> = planService.getAll()


Now I annotated a field on the type the query returns, like follows:

data class PlanDto(
	@GraphQLIgnore val id: Long,
	val uuid: String,
	val name: String,
	val secret: String

Expected behaviour would be that a user without the role ‘Manager’ could not retrieve the field ‘secret’.
Any ideas how to achieve this?

EDIT: One approach that works for me is to go the same way on the PropertyDataFetcherFactory:

override fun propertyDataFetcherFactory(kClass: KClass<*>, kProperty: KProperty<*>): DataFetcherFactory<Any?> = DataFetcherFactory {
    val authorized = kProperty.findAnnotation<Authorized>()
    if (kProperty.isLateinit) {
       // ...or whatever you named your lateinit property fetcher beans
        val targetedTypeName = it?.fieldDefinition?.type?.deepName?.removeSuffix("!")?.removeSuffix("Input")
        val dataFetcherBean = beanFactory.getBean("${targetedTypeName}DataFetcher") as DataFetcher<Any?>
        when {
            authorized != null -> AuthorizedDataFetcher(dataFetcherBean, authorized.roles.toList())
            else               -> dataFetcherBean
    } else {
        val reactiveDataFetcher = ReactivePropertyDataFetcher(kProperty)
        when {
            authorized != null -> AuthorizedDataFetcher(reactiveDataFetcher, authorized.roles.toList())
            else               -> reactiveDataFetcher
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